158: Using tapping to overcome weight loss struggles and finding balance with Brittany Watkins

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Hi friends! New podcast episode is live. Friendly disclaimer: we talk about binging and emotional eating in this episode. If you feel like this would be a triggering topic for you, please use your discretion. xo

I’m so thrilled to have Brittany Watkins on the podcast today. She is AMAZING and has so much knowledge to share. I hope you love this episode! She’s offering her 7-day challenge for free for listeners here.

158: Using tapping to overcome weight loss struggles and finding balance with Brittany Watkins

Here’s what we chat about:

Why You Self-Sabotage Your Weight Loss Efforts with Emotional Eating and Binge Eating

How tapping works and how it impacts your body and brain

The Difference Between Cravings and Emotional Eating

Subconscious Weight Loss Blockers

Why You Overeat or Overdrink at Parties

and so much more.


Here’s more about Brittany and her background:

Brittany Watkins is a renowned speaker, author, and creator of The Echo Tapping Method™, a groundbreaking technique in Food Psychology. Recognized as a leading expert in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT or Tapping), especially for weight loss and emotional eating, Brittany has built a remarkable career over the last 15 years. She has changed the lives of over 100,000 women by addressing their food cravings, emotional eating, and self-sabotage. She focuses on finding and fixing the root causes of these issues quickly. She developed The Echo Tapping Method™, an innovative approach that rapidly speeds up the healing process. This unique psychology biohacking modality has been shown to provide the benefits of ten years of therapy in just a few sessions. Brittany’s core professional dedication has been to provide quick and lasting change. Brittany has also trained more than 400 medical professionals, therapists, and counselors in her method, who are helping thousands of patients every year. Her work has been recognized in major publications like Psychology Today, Shape, and Women’s Health and Fitness Magazine. Plus, her techniques have reached over 10 million women worldwide via Facebook and YouTube, establishing her as a key figure in psychological healing for emotional eating.

Check out her Instagram here and her website here.

What is rebounding and should you add it to your routine?

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Sharing my thoughts on rebounding and if I think it’s worth adding it to your routine. 

Hi friends! How are ya? I hope you’re having a lovely morning so far! I have a Spanish lesson today and am getting my nails done this afternoon after a bunch of client calls. I hope you have a wonderful day.

For today’s post, I wanted to talk about something I’ve loved for years, but have just recently implemented into my daily routine: rebounding!

In the world of fitness, rebounding has gained popularity in recent years – bouncing on a mini-trampoline. But is rebounding just a trendy fad, or does it offer real benefits for your health and fitness?

Let’s chat about what rebounding is all about, its pros and cons, and whether you should consider adding it to your routine.

What is rebounding and should you add it to your routine?

What is Rebounding?

Rebounding involves bouncing on a mini-trampoline, often to music or following a structured workout routine. It’s a low-impact form of exercise that can be adapted to suit individuals of all fitness levels.

Pros of Rebounding:

Low-Impact: Rebounding is gentle on the joints, making it suitable for people with joint pain or mobility issues. When you bounce, you can also keep your feet on the rebounder at all times and will still get benefits from the motion.

Cardiovascular Fitness: Bouncing on a rebounder can provide an effective cardiovascular workout, helping to strengthen the heart and improve overall fitness. It can definitely increase your heart rate!

Lymphatic System Support: Rebounding stimulates the lymphatic system, which aids in detoxification and immune function.

Improved Balance and Coordination: The act of bouncing requires coordination and balance, which can be beneficial for overall stability. Proprioception – knowing where our body is in space – is an important skill to maintain as we age to help prevent falls and balance issues.

Stress Reduction: Rebounding can be a fun and enjoyable way to relieve stress and improve mood, thanks to the release of endorphins during exercise. Bouncing is super fun!

Muscle strengthening: Rebounding engages multiple muscle groups, some of which you might not often work (like calves).

Increased Bone Density: Rebounding is a weight-bearing exercise, which can help to improve bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis over time.

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Healthy homemade dog food recipe

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Sharing a recipe for healthy homemade dog food!

Hi friends! How are ya? I hope that your day is going well! Today, I’m off to the kids’ school to volunteer and am looking forward to some time in the sauna blanket after a workout. It should be a pretty low-key day!

For today’s post, I wanted to share Maisey’s latest obsession with you: homemade dog food. This simple recipe is PACKED with nutrients and she goes crazy with it.

(See the crazy eyes?? She’s INTO IT.)

TBH, I always felt a little bad giving her packaged dog food because this creature LOVES fresh food. She’s constantly begging for scraps of broccoli and bell pepper (her two faves), has stolen an entire brisket off the counter (and ate it on our new white couch..), a whole chicken breast (bones and all, and thankfully didn’t get sick), as well as ramen and curry. Knowing her flavor profile, I would pour her kibble into her bowl and feel a little bad for the gourmet gal. To spice things up, we would put Fresh Pet on top from Whole Foods (SO expensive and still felt like a block of packaged meat), but I knew there had to be a better way.

I started researching a ton, and found a recipe online that inspired me to finally make our own.

I’m excited to share all of the details with you! It’s less expensive than Fresh Pet, with certified organic, farm fresh, and wild-caught ingredients, and I love that I know everything that went into it. No preservatives or extra stuff.

Healthy homemade dog food recipe

Benefits of Homemade Dog Food:

Making your dog’s food at home can have a ton of benefits, including:

Control Over Ingredients: By preparing your dog’s food from scratch, you have full control over the quality of ingredients used, ensuring that your furry friend gets only the best.

Avoidance of Sketchy Ingredients: Conventional dog foods often contain questionable ingredients such as fillers, artificial preservatives, and low-quality meats that can be harmful to your dog’s health.

Tailored Nutrition: Homemade dog food allows you to tailor your dog’s diet to their specific needs, whether they require a cer

Things I’ve bought from Amazon lately (and love)

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Sharing some of my favorite recent Amazon purchases. 

Hi friends! Happy Monday! How was the weekend? I hope you had a great one! Ours was the perfect mix of low-key and productive. We have some fun events, planted all the things, and continued watching Indiana Jones as a family. It’s pretty intense (and borderline terrifying) but we’re all enjoying it.

For today’s post, I wanted to share a roundup of some of the latest and greatest Amazon purchases. I’ve been *trying* to be a little better with the online shopping – I want to take P to Spain to visit her bestie, so I try think about that before any random buys – but have made some solid purchases lately.

Here are some of the goods!

Things I’ve bought from Amazon lately (and love)

1. This set!

I’m still all about sets and Amazon ones are decent quality for an excellent price. (I also have this one in a couple of colors, and this one!) This set is for sandals and a low bun and I can already tell I’m be wearing it a lot this spring. They have a ton of colors, too!

2. Two Air Doctors

We had some other air filters in the past, but wasn’t super impressed with the quality or design. I know that Air Doctor is the best, and finally decided to go for it. I’ll do a full review post on air filters and all of the different options, but I’m definitely impressed with these so far. I took a peek at the filter after a few days of use, and was shocked. We breathe in so much dust, pollen, and yuck throughout the day!!


3. This pet ultrasonic dental tool

aka my foray into amateur pet dentistry haha (I’m NOT telling you do this. I’m just sharing what I do)

Bella and Caroline both had horrible teeth, and we collectively spent thousands of dollars in dental cleaning fees throughout their lives. A huge goal with Maisey was to stay on top of her dental health, so I brush her teeth almost every day. Even so, she had a little bit of plaque buildup that I wanted to get rid of. I used some regular scaling tools, and even though she was a champ and let me try to get the plaque, it wouldn’t come off. I read some review online for this handy tool, and decided to go for it. It makes a little whirring sound, which could be alarming to some animals, but with some treat bribes, Mazer has let me clean her teeth with it. The plaque comes right off!

Friday Faves 4.12

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Hi friends! Happy Friday!! How was the week? I hope you had an amazing one. Ours was good; busy as usual, but time for some fun in the mix of school and work stuff.

What’s going on this weekend? P has a basketball game and a birthday party, and it’s her First Communion. We’re having brunch to celebrate with the fam. Liv has dance, it’s our nephew’s bday, and the Pilot and I have a date night. We also want to plant all of the spring/summer flowers and veggies! I let everything die last year with the eye saga, so I’m looking forward to starting over. I’d love to hear what you have going on.

(Pic from a fun event last weekend with friends)

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below.

Friday Faves. 4.12

Read, watch, listen:

So excited to be a guest on the IHP Coach Success podcast this week. You can check out the episode here.

Devouring this book! Abby Jimenez is one of my fave spring/summer authors because her books are perfectly light and fluffy, with fun storylines and witty banter.

The best advice I’ve heard in ages.

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