Guiltless Chicken Pesto Pizza

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guiltless chicken pesto pizza

Pizza is one of those foods I thought I had to give up when I was trying to lose weight, but it’s not true! I just had to learn how to make recipes like this so i could enjoy my favorites without the extra grease and excess junk.

That’s exactly why I created my Guiltless Recipe ebook. It has over 135 guilt-free recipes (including desserts & cocktails!) plus everything I learned over 2 years to help you create a healthy, balanced lifestyle you love.

My guiltless Chicken Pest pizza was one of the first pizza’s I made (after trying it at healthier takeout spot) and is still my go-to when I get a pizza craving so let me show you how it’s done👇🏻

Guiltless Chicken Pesto Pizza


  • 1 pre-made cauliflower crust (or your crust of choice)
  • 1/2 cup of your favorite pesto sauce (I use my lemon-pesto from my Guiltless Recipe Ebook)
  • Grilled chicken breast, thinly sliced (because protein is a must)
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved or 1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup pine nuts
  • 1/2 onion, gilled
  • Crumbled feta cheese
  • Fresh basil leaves
  • A pinch of crushed red pepper


  1. Preheat and Prep: Start by preheating your oven to 450°F (232°C). While that’s heating up, sprinkle a touch of flour on a clean surface and roll out your pizza dough into your desired shape. It’s your pizza canvas – get creative!
  2. Spread the Flavor: Grab that pesto sauce and generously slather it all over your pizza dough. Think of it as your guilt-free flavor foundation.
  3. Chicken Power: Lay out those thinly sliced grilled chicken pieces on top of the pesto-covered canvas. Protein boost? Check!
  4. Tasty Tomato Distribute those halved cherry tomatoes and onion all over.
  5. Gimme that Crunch: Sprinkle those delightful pine nuts all around for a texture that’s nutty and nice.
  6. Feta Frenzy: Time to introduce the star of the show – crumbled feta cheese. Sprinkle it generously over the pizza, adding that creamy and tangy punch we all adore.
  7. Into the Oven: Slide your pizza into the preheated oven and let the magic unfold. About 12-15 minutes should do the trick, resulting in a golden crust and melty cheese perfection.
  8. Basil Beauty: Once your pizza emerges from the oven looking on point, sprinkle torn fresh basil leaves on top.
  9. Embrace Guilt-Free Goodness: Slicer it up and remember, this is a

How to Get Better Skin in 2 Weeks

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better skin in 2 weeks

We all want that fresh, radiant skin that looks like we’ve been sipping on unicorn tears, right? Adult acne, fine lines and wrinkles are real and no matter which issue you’re dealing with, I’ve got a few fool-proof ways to start correcting your skin in just 2 weeks!

Hydration Station 🚰

First things first, water is your BFF here. Grab a cute water bottle and let’s promise to chug that H2O like it’s our job. Staying hydrated helps flush out toxins, plump up your skin, and keeps those pesky breakouts at bay.

Cleanse and Conquer 🧖‍♀️

Time to break up with those makeup wipes and invest in a bomb cleanser. Wash away the day’s drama and let your skin breathe. Gently exfoliate a couple of times a week to reveal that fresh canvas underneath – hello, baby-soft skin! And a nice face mask every now and then can really be a game-changer!

Feed Your Face 🍏

Now, here’s where the magic really begins. Say hello to Natural Beauty, our not-so-secret weapon. Packed with all the good stuff like vitamins, antioxidants, and clinically tested marine collagen, it’s like a fairy godmother for your skin.

Glow from the inside out with a beautifully drinkable blend of 7 high-performance, science-backed skincare ingredients, Naticol ® Marine Collagen, and a delicious pink dragonfrui

All about Zone 2 cardio and how to use it in your routine

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Sharing the details about Zone 2 cardio, how to use it, and how often to implement it in your routine.

Hi hi! How are you? Happy Monday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! We had ice cream sundaes at my dads, went to a birthday party and sushi, and took the kids roller skating. I also successfully conquered the first week of school laundry pile and got some things together for this week’s launch. All of the details about my new program will be here on the blog this Wednesday!

For today’s post, I thought we’d chat a little about Zone 2 cardio. You may have heard more about Zone 2 recently, as it’s been touted as a longevity tool by popular online biohackers. I’ve always been a fan of Zone 2 for the mental benefits and more sustainable pace, so I’m sharing the details on this training tool and how to use it in your routine. (As always, talk to a doctor before making any fitness changes.)

All about Zone 2 cardio and how to use it in your routine

In the world of fitness, we often hear about high-intensity interval training (HIIT), weightlifting, and various heart-pounding workouts that promise quick results. While these methods have their merits, there’s another fitness gem that’s been quietly working its magic – Zone 2 cardio. If you’re looking for a sustainable, fat-burning, and heart-healthy approach to exercise, Zone 2 cardio might just be the game-changer you’ve been seeking.

What is Zone 2 Cardio?

Zone 2 cardio is a training method that focuses on exercising within a specific heart rate zone, typically around 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. This zone is often referred to as the “aerobic zone,” where your body efficiently uses oxygen to burn fat for fuel. Unlike higher-intensity workouts that primarily rely on carbohydrates, Zone 2 cardio taps into your body’s fat stores, making it an effective strategy for weight management and endurance building.

The Beauty of Low(er) and Slow(er):

Picture this: a steady, moderate-paced jog or a brisk walk where you can comfortably hold a conversation. That’s the essence of Zone 2 cardio. It’s about embracing a lower intensity that allows you to sustain the activity for extended periods without feeling exhausted. This approach not only boosts your cardiovascular fitness but also fosters a healthy relationship with exercise – one that you can stick with over the long haul.

Benefits of Zone 2:

Zone 2 cardio goes beyond the physical burn; it delivers a host of benefits that can transform your overall well-being.

Here’s a glimpse of some of the potential benefits:

1. Fat Burning and Weight Management: By training your body to rely on fat for energy, Zone 2 cardio can be an effective tool for shedding excess pounds and maintaining a healthy weight.

2. Enhanced Endurance: Regular sessions in Zone 2 can improve your aerobic capacity, enabling you to go the distance with ease and conquer physical challenges. If you’re training for endurance races or events, Zone 2 training can be a critical piece of your training.

3. Heart Health: Zone 2 cardio is a gentle way to potentially strengthen your heart, reduce blood pressure, and enhance circulation, all of which can contribute to a healthier cardiovascular s

How to Overcome a Weight Loss Plateau

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Breaking Through Plateaus: Conquer Your Weight Loss Journey

Are you facing a frustrating weight loss plateau? We’ve all been there, but don’t worry we are here to help you overcome this roadblock and keep your fitness journey going strong. Let’s dive into some tips and tricks that will empower you to smash through that plateau and achieve your goals!

Shattering the Plateau: Tips and Tricks

When progress slows down, it’s time to shake things up and try new strategies. Start by reassessing your fitness routine and making small adjustments. Check out the video library in our MOVE app to switch up the exercises, increase the intensity, or change up the duration of your workouts. This will challenge your body in fresh ways and reignite your progress.

Another powerful technique is to revamp your nutrition. Consider tweaking your macronutrient ratios or incorporating more nutrient-dense foods. Small changes can have a big impact on breaking through that stubborn plateau.

Katie’s Routine: Secrets to Success

Our incredible founder, Katie Dunlop, has routines that she swears by. Her dedication and commitment has led to remarkable results, she lost 45 lbs through inputting small changes into her routine and taking specific things out of her routine that weren’t helping on her fitness journey.

Break Free and Achieve Your Goals

It’s time to break free from that weight loss plateau and reclaim your progress! Remember, you are stronger than any obstacle that comes your way. Embrace the power of consistency, adjust your routine, and nourish your body. Your goals are within reach, and we believe you can achieve them.

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Friday Faves 8.11

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Praying for the people of Maui this week, for their safety, and recovery from the devastating fires. It’s such a beautiful and special place, and it’s been absolutely heartbreaking to see photos of the damage. If you’re looking for ways to help, check out this link. 

Hi hi! Happy Friday! How are you? I hope you’e enjoying the week! It’s been a bit of a blur over here since the kids went back to school. The morning wakeups have been rough lol, but they’re happy to be back with their teachers and friends.

Before school started, we had a couple of fun last-minute adventures.

The girls and I went to pick veggies at Apple Annie’s with some friends. They had an awesome selection of peppers, melons, eggplant, squashes, green beans, corn, and okra.

We got a huge stash of veggies for the week, along with a giant watermelon and cantaloupe, some honey and salsa from the shop, and lots of apple butter. After veggie picking, we had Mexican food at La Unica in Wilcox. Definitely check it out if you’re in the area! They serve breakfast all day and have amazing horchata.

After lunch, we took the girls to see “The Thing” since they were all intrigued by multiple billboards. The venue has gotten an upgrade since I was a kid.

We also had an afternoon bowling with my mom and nani! We’ve gone roller skating and bowling lately; turns out we thoroughly enjoy vintage activities that require rented footwear that many others have worn since at least the 1960s.

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