Looking for the perfect peanut butter cookie recipe? Look no further! These classic peanut butter cookies are easy to make and sure to be a hit with the whole family. They are soft and chewy and everything you want in a peanut butter cookie!
I originally wrote this post for classic peanut butter cookies and then had the feeling that I should dedicate this post to my parents, and I try to always follow those little feelings. Thank you for taking the time to always encourage, patiently teach and most of all love me through anything and everything. You gave me the wings to fly anywhere and become anything.
Music and food. Two things that store up memories like nothing else. I can love a book but never remember what was going on when I was reading it. A certain song though, well suddenly I’m right back in college teaching a Pilates class, or driving to a marching band practice. Yup. Totally did that. haha, but seriously, music and food bring back so many memories and I bet a few of you have one attached to classic peanut butter cookies.
Making Memories in the Kitchen
This may seem ridiculous to some of you, but I so badly wanted to feel like I could do things on my own as a kid. With siblings much older than me I watched them doing all sorts of fun and cool things and I just wanted to be big like them. I know, I should have been more content with being little because looking back I am bummed I didn’t take more advantage of being carefree. Either way, I distinctly remember my mom making peanut butter cookies one day and she let me sit up on a stool and help her make the criss-cross pattern with a fork on top of the cookie dough.
How silly, a fork to press a pattern into a cookie and warm memories attached to just that. I can see the same desire in our oldest and I struggle as a mom to let her, even encourage her to be little and at the same time push her to be more and more responsible each year. It’s in these little moments that I feel balanced, a mom having fun and being little alongside her daughter and still teaching her as a mother should.
I first teach her that it’s all about the softened butter. Not melted, and not cold, perfectly soft where you see your fingerprint and indentation in the butter. Then whip it, forcing air into the sugar and butter for a fluffier cookie. I also tell her that there’s nothing more important in baking than first following the recipe, and second measuring correctly. Wet ingredients in a glass measuring cup, dry in regular cups. Flour MUST be measured just like in our tutorial.
And in the end, the fork comes out for the indentations just like Mom taught me. She’s a good mom like that.
Ingredients for Peanut Butter Cookie Recipe
There’s just one unexpected ingredient in these cookies, but I swear to you it will make all the difference! The rest of the ingredients will be in your pantry already. Here is what you’ll need:
- Butter: I prefer to use unsalted butter. Make sure it