How to deal with burnout

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Sharing my tips on dealing with burnout.

Hi friends! I hope you’re having a wonderful morning. We have a couple of appointments today, and it’s back to school and the *real world* after a glorious winter break. We slept in almost every day, watched a ton of movies, played Tucson tourists, ate takeout, got together with friends and family, and just enjoyed our time together. I hardly touched my laptop, but I’m excited to be back at it today!

For today’s post, I wanted to talk a bit about burnout, which is a little bit of a triggering topic. So many of us know exactly what burnout feels like, and it’s horrible. I picture myself in full burnout mode, and how exhausted and utterly depleted I felt, and I just want to give my past self a hug.

I was a Type A, super anxious child, who spent my childhood into my 20s in flight or fight. Then, I got married, started this wild adventure of a military life (we’re almost done!!) and became a mom. It was such a beautiful time, but it was a hard time — I feel like I missed a lot of the girls’ baby years because I was dealing with postpartum depression/anxiety, and completely burned out.

I know that this is what led me down the path towards mystery health issues and autoimmune symptoms.

While I’m not *fully* recovered from burnout, I’m now symptom-free and feel a million times better. I’m always a work in progress and learning as much as I can, but wanted to share some of the things that helped in today’s post. As always, this is not medical advice! Just sharing my experience, and if you’re dealing with burnout, please reach out to someone who can help you on a path to wellness and peace; you deserve to feel amazing <3

How to deal with burnout

Let yourself be a little more Type B

This was a huge one for me, and has also been the hardest one. I just learned that I can’t be everything to everyone all the time. I can’t do everything, I can’t be perfect, I can’t have a perfectly clean house 24/7, wear makeup and look cute all the time, and say yes to the millions of social activities and kid events.

Sometimes now I’ll leave the dishes in the sink until the morning, I’ll leave laundry on the chair for an extra, day, I’ll go out in public looking like a hot.mess, and will say no to events and invitations. I also used to work 24/7, but I stopped answering emails after hours and try to close my computer at a reasonable time.

The messy house is a stressor for me, so I still try to clean every day, but I’ll set a timer. When it goes off, that’s it. Also, the kids are older now and can help more!

Incorporate things in your day that you enjoy, that are just for you

This is SO important. It’s so easy to feel burned out when your entire day is consumed with tasks for other people. You *have* to t

Top reader purchases of 2024

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Sharing the top 15 reader purchases of 2024! 

Hi friends! How are you? I hope that you had an amazing weekend and that you’re enjoying the New Year so far. Liv’s birthday is in two days, the kids are still home from school, and I’m here trying to slowly get everyone back in the swing of things 😉 School wakeup is going to be ROUGH lol.

For today’s post, I wanted to share the top reader purchases of 2024! I always love to go back through analytics and see which products you love the most that I shared here on the blog. Thank you so much to those of you who shop through my affiliate links. They directly support this little blog and our family <3

Here’s the full roundup!

Top reader purchases of 2024

1) HigherDOSE Sauna Blanket

#1 by a landslide and I’m so pumped that so many of you love it as much as I do! I get amazing comments and messages about this blanket almost every day!

It’s especially cozy during the winter months when it’s cold outside; nothing feels better than crawling into the toasty warm sauna blanket, watching a movie or show, and getting an awesome sweat. I sleep so well when I use this, too! My code is FITNESSISTA15 if you want to check it out here

2) Canopy shower filter

This shower filter is a GAMECHANGER for skin and hair — we all noticed a difference right away! You can check it out here and use FITNESSISTA for a discount.

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How long should you stretch for a run

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Answering the popular question about how long you should stretch for a run.

Hi friends! I hope that you’re doing well and enjoying the day!
For today’s post, I wanted to ask a common question, especially since it’s the new year and many of my friends out there are getting back to their running routines or starting new ones: how long should you stretch for a run?

Here’s the deal about stretching: science and opinions are mixed. You don’t *have* to stretch, but for many people, they find that it warms them up (it prepares the muscles for exercise and increases heart rate and tissue temperature), they may be less likely to get injured, and they may find that it mentally helps them get in the game.

How long should you stretch for a run

When it comes to stretching for a run, the recommended duration can vary depending on whether you’re doing dynamic or static stretching. Typically, dynamic stretching is best done before a run or any type of workout, while static stretching is more effective after a run.

Dynamic Stretching Duration:

Before a run, 5 to 10 minutes of dynamic stretching is usually sufficient in addition to any foam rolling. This type of stretching involves moving your muscles and joints through their full range of motion, which helps to warm up the body, increase heart rate, and enhance blood flow to the muscles. It prepares the muscles for the intense activity to come can help reduce the risk of injury.

I really like dynamic stretching because you’re working through full range of motion; it can help with altered movement patterns because you’re stretching out muscles that may be tight or underused. It feels good and energizing before any type of workout!

Static Stretching Duration:

After a run, I typically recommend 5 to 10 minutes of static stretching in addition to any foam rolling. This involves holding stretches for 20 to 30 seconds per muscle group. Static stretching helps to relax the muscles, improve flexibility, and reduce muscle stiffness post-exercise. It aids in cooling down the body, your heart rate will decrease, and it can help promote muscle recovery.

Differences Between Dynamic and Static Stretching:

Dynamic stretching is active, with movements like leg swings and walking lunges that mimic the activity of running. It’s designed to increase body temperature, improve range of motion, and get the blood flowing.

Dynamic stretching

Some of my favorite dynamic stretches before a run:

Leg Swings

Benefits: Improves range of motion, warms up the hip flexors.


Stand on one leg with the other leg swinging forward and backward.

Keep the movement controlled and steady.

Switch sides after 10-15 swings.

Walking Lunges

Benefits: Engages multiple muscle groups, enhances blood flow.


Step forward with your left leg, lowering your body into a lunge.

Push back up and repeat with your right

177: Breaking up with alcohol with Amanda Kuda

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Hi friends! Happy New Year! I hope your 2025 is off to an amazing start. Today, I’m sharing a new podcast episode with Amanda Kuda with tips on breaking up with alcohol and creating a more fulfilling life.

We talk about:

– How going alcohol-free transforms your social life, relationships, career, personal growth, and spirituality.

– Alcohol-free living as a growing, empowering trend that challenges societal norms.

– You’re Not the Problem: Why alcohol can be a barrier even if you don’t have a drinking problem.

– How sobriety enhances authenticity, clarity, and courage to pursue your deepest goals.

– Simple tips for overcoming fear and embracing an alcohol-free lifestyle.

– Her strategies for being healthy in real life

and so.much.more.


177: Breaking up with alcohol with Amanda Kuda

Here’s more about Amanda and her background:

Amanda’s journey shows that you don’t need a drinking problem for alcohol to hold you back. Without hitting rock bottom, she discovered during Dry January that sobriety was the key to a more fulfilling life. Since going alcohol-free in 2017, she’s been helping others embrace intentional living and unlock their full potential.

Her debut book, Unbottled Potential, is a transformative guide to living alcohol-free, designed to help people manifest success and lead extraordinary lives. Amanda’s approach isn’t about a temporary challenge—it’s about redefining what it means to live fully and authentically through the sober-curious movement.

Amanda meets her clients at every stage of their journey, offering support as they break up with alcohol and unlock their best life. She’s created a variety of programs and resources tailored to individual needs—whether you’re sober curious, sober serious, or already alcohol-free. With her coaching and guidance, Amanda has helped thousands of women, including national TV hosts and Tony Award winners, successfully navigate their alcohol-free path and unlock their highest self.

You can connect with her on Instagram, check out her book, and get her free 21-day challenge here. (Just type Healthy in Real Life where it says receipt number to get your free copy)


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Looking back on 2024 and my goals for 2025

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Sharing a lil recap from the year and what I’m working towards in 2025. 

Hi friends! Happy NYE! Any plans tonight? We’re eating Indian food and setting off fireworks in our pajamas. No crazy plans and I’m so glad lol. I’m excited to call it an early night and head out on a family hike in the am!

It’s funny because I thought the last year of the Pilot’s military career would be the LONGEST year of my life. I thought it would be a painfully slow drag to the finish line. The reality is that this year I can’t believe that he’s wrapping things up, he changed command, and we’re getting ready for his retirement ceremony at the end of the month. Lots of huge changes ahead.

This year was a year of glorious travel, fun moments with the kids (who are growing up way too dang quickly. Liv will be 13 next week!!!), friend time, events, family time at home, time in nature, and a huge year for my healing journey. I celebrated one year symptom-free last year from eye issues and auotimmune symptoms and feel so thankful to have had a year where I really dialed in my routine and have felt the absolute best I have in years (decades???). I created a free ebook here about my auotimmune journey and things that helped me if you’d like to check it out!

Looking back on 2024 and my goals for 2025

Here’s a recap of some of the big moments from the year:

Personal and travel:

We went to the annual Fighter Wing awards banquet

to San Diego for Jeremy’s 50th!

I finished the CBO protocol!

to Vegas for a blast with friends

dance competition season with Liv,

singing with the symphony

back to San Diego and Disneyland with the fam

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