Homemade dog treats (quick and healthy!)

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Sharing a quick and easy homemade recipe for dog treats that your pup will love! All you have to do is make the dough, cut out in a shape of your choice, and bake.

Hi friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. We’re back in the school grind this week and I started beta testing for nutrition coaching. I’ll be releasing more details about this next week, so stay tuned!

For today, let’s talk about dog treats. I know – kinda random for a fitness blog – but my top posts ever are about guinea pigs, baby food, and potty training, so here we are haha.

Also, Maisey loves these so much and insisted that I share the word for those of you with furry friends out there.

homemade dog treats

Homemade dog treats (quick and healthy!)

I made these dog treats on a whim, using some ingredients we always have on hand. Maisey loves bits of healthy human food, and let’s just say, she’s INTO IT. She loves plain chicken, egg, bell peppers, natural peanut butter, and watermelon. She’s also a huge fan of the bully sticks from Thrive Market. She was also a huge fan of these homemade dog treats! They’re way better than boxed dog biscuits. Let me know if your pets give them a try and as always, check with your veterinarian before changing their diet.

Ingredients for homemade dog treat recipe:

Here are the ingredients to have on hand for these peanut butter dog treats:

Natural peanut butter (make sure the only ingredients are peanuts and salt; no weird oils or sweeteners), which gives them a little protein and nutty flavor

Pumpkin puree (or even sweet potato puree) – this is a great source of fiber

Garbanzo bean flour (you could also use whole wheat flour)


Instant oatmeal (I would use instant instead of rolled oats)

and all-purpose flour for rolling the dough

and that’s it!!

You can also cut them out with a bone shaped cookie cutter 🙂

how I overcame autoimmune struggles

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Sharing some of the details on how I overcame my autoimmune struggles, brought balance to my body, and am now symptom-free. Download the free ebook here.

Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful morning so far. I have a day stacked with client calls and am looking forward to some adventures with the fam  — we’re headed to Disney for the long weekend to celebrate Liv’s bday. I’ll share the adventures over on IG stories! The kids have been asking for events or trips instead of birthday parties and I’m into it. Way less stress all around and a lot more fun.

I’m usually weird about celebrating personal things – for example, I never tell anyone when it’s my birthday lol- but there are two milestones I’m celebrating this month, and embracing every single part of these huge milestones:

– one year symptom-free and

– one year of negative Lupus markers

how I overcame autoimmune struggles

My main symptoms

Just under two years ago, some wacky things happened with my health. I went from feeling *ok* – I still had occasional anxiety and was tired sometimes – to dealing with mystery rashes, histamine issues, joint pain, and extreme fatigue. I couldn’t recover from workouts, and if I did something that was particularly intense, I felt like I needed to sleep the rest of the day. My eyes also gave me a lot of grief. I’ve done quite a few blog posts about the eye saga, but it ended up being blepharitis, Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, and dry eye.

My last eye flare was a little over a year ago. We had seen The Nutcracker as a family – one of our favorite traditions – and I could feel my eyes flaring during the show. All of a sudden, they were burning, itchy, and neon red. As soon as it was over, we raced to Walgreen’s for Claritin – I knew at that point it was part of a histamine resp

Rent the Runway vs Nuuly – which is better?

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Sharing my thoughts on two of the most popular clothing rental services, Rent the Runway Unlimited and Nuuly. <— I’ve added both of my referral links here if you decide to check them out!

Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having an amazing week so far. It’s been a good one over here. I had choir (one of the highlights of the week), taught two barre classes, and met up with friends at True Food for dinner. The Pilot and I also took some time to plan out the rest of the year, assess the budget, and make plans.

I LOVE to go through our subscription payments each year and *trim the fat.* So often, we’ll notice that we’re paying for things and don’t use or need, and it’s an easy way to get some $$ back. (Especially when groceries are a billion dollars.) While we were looking through everything, he saw that we’ve been paying for both Rent the Runway and Nuuly, and told me he thought I should keep them, because it’s cut way back on my online shopping habits, especially since we’ve had a lot of travel and events.

It’s true! I’ve definitely cut back on my shopping over the past couple of years and have still been able to try a bunch of fun new-to-me options, thanks to RTR and Nuuly.

Here’s a bit about why I love using these two services, what makes them worth it, and any of the cons I’ve experienced. You can also check out an older review of RTR here and Nuuly here.

Rent the Runway vs Nuuly – which is better?

I like both RTR and Nuuly because they have different choices and are for different occasions. I use RTR for more staple seasonal pieces, like a cozy jacket, or special events, like if I know we have a military event or party. I love Nuuly for more casual options, like tops and dresses, and also if we’re going on vacation.

I’ve used both services in the past and have canceled them at various points. I’ve been sandwiching the two services for a couple of years, and here are some of the things I’ve noticed:


– Less shopping. I shop less and I’m focused less on *fast fashion.* Because I can rent luxe options and the options are always changing, I never feel like I’m missing out, and don’t feel compelled to buy a ton of extra things.

When I shop now, it’s for things I genuinely need and love (like a new pair of amazing jeans or shoes), or I might keep something from an RTR or Nuuly shipment and pay for it at a discount. I’ve discovered new brands and learned my sizes for different brands wi

Top posts and pages of 2024

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Sharing my top blog posts and pages of 2024

Hi friends! How are you? How was the weekend? Ours was a good one. The kids had lots of friend time, P had a basketball game, and I taught two barre classes. The Pilot had to work and it’s hard to believe it was his last drill weekend EVER; he retires at the end of the month!

For today’s post, I’m sharing a roundup of my top blog posts and pages from the past year. It’s always fun to go through analytics and see which posts perform well, and almost all of these are posts I created to try to give a ton of value, like a recipe, a how-to, full review, etc. It’s also an interesting year because quite a few of these are posts that my SEO team went back and did surgery on. SEO is SEO-ing and I’m into it! It’s also such a great way to introduce new readers to the blog and keep posts from being published and dying.

Here’s the full roundup!

Top posts and pages of 2024

1. The blog homepage

This one means the most to me because it means that a majority of readers are my internet besties who click directly to the blog without finding it through Google. I love hanging out with all of you each day and it means that world to me that you check in to see what’s going on. <3

2. Healthy Homemade Dog Food

Masiey’s dog food recipe! I loved putting this post together because she LOVES this dog food so.much, and so many people have let me know that their pups love it, too! I make a huge batch every two weeks or so and she goes crazy for it.

3. Homemade gelatin gummies for gut health

This is a recipe that the kids ask to make all the time; they love it and it’s such a good way to get in some gut-nourishing ingredients.

4. Easy enchiladas with rotisserie chicken

Seriously the easiest enchilada recipe that I make all the time and is a true crowd pleaser. Using rotisserie chicken makes it way faster, too!

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1.10 Friday Faves

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Sharing this week’s Friday Faves roundup and praying for all of my friends affected by the California fires. If you’re looking for ways to help, check out this link

Hi friends! Happy Friday! How was the week? I hope it was a great one. It was the kids’ first week back at school and while waking up was a struggglllleeee, we’re all officially back into the routine. We also got a random cold snap and it went from being 70 degrees to 30! BLAH.

(The roses have been blooming like crazy with the warmer weather)

A big highlight of the week was that Liv turned 13. I can’t.even.believe it. They say time flies, and it’s true. She’s always been an introspective, kind, brilliant star, and it’s been so amazing to watch her grow. She does the BEST impressions, is sarcastic and hilarious, with the sweetest, kindest heart.

We had a family dinner to celebrate and everyone came over, and instead of a big party, she asked for a trip, so we’re headed off for that next week!

A giant cheese board for the festivities:

and my baby fever is out of control, but the Pilot says we’re done lol.

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