Hi friends! Happy Thursday! I have a new podcast episode and can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this one.
Today, I’m chatting with Lisa Moskovitz, RD, all about quieting the diet noise and why diets don’t work.

Here’s what we talk about on today’s episode:
How to quiet the diet noise: how become a more confident, autonomous, and intuitive eater, and improve your relationship with food
How to move the needle towards fitness and weight loss goals in a healthy way
Why diets don’t work: how they actually bring you further away from finding your healthiest, happiest weight
How diets impact your metabolism
Her tips for being Healthy in Real Life
and so.much.more.
I LOVED today’s conversation and hope that you’ll take a listen!
111: Why diets don’t work with Lisa Moskovitz, RD
Here’s a bit more about Lisa and her background:
Lisa Moskovitz, RD, is a registered dietitian, the CEO of NY Nutrition Group, a large group nutrition practice and the author of The Core 3 Healthy Eating Plan, a personalized, science-based guide to finding your healthiest, happiest weight. She received a BS in nutrition from Syracuse University and then went on to complete an intensive dietetic internship at NYPresbyterian Hospital. Since then, she has accumulated over a decade of experience in private practice, providing nutrition workshops and working with the media. Lisa is regularly featured in major publications such as Well + Good, Eat This Not That, Yahoo Health and is often interviewed for popular news channels such as Fox 5 NY, CBS News and Inside Edition.
Check out her website here, her Instagram here, and get a copy of The Core 3 Healthy Eating Plan (use Core20 for 20% off!).
Resources from this episode:
I love love love the meals from Sakara Life! Use this link and the code XOGINAH for 20% off their meal delivery and clean boutique items. This is something I do once a month as a lil treat to myself and the meals are always showstoppers.
Get 15% off Organifi with the code FITNESSISTA. I drink the green juice, red juice, gold, and Harmony! (Each day I might have something different, or have two different things. Everything I’ve tried is amazing.)
The weather is cooling down, and I’m still obsessed with my sauna blanket. It fe