Sharing a roundup of some of my favorite functional stretches to add to your routine.
Hi friends! How are ya? I hope you had a great weekend! We had an amazing date night at Locale, I caught a hot yoga class, worked on Vitality (we start TODAY! last call!), and we met up with friends for dinner and drinks. I hope you had a lovely one, too!
For today, I wanted to chat a bit about functional stretching and share some of my faves. I know that stretching can be a fan fave, or something people loathe, but I think that it can be helpful to incorporate functional stretching (that makes sense for your activity level and lifestyle!) into your routine.

My favorite functional stretches
Why is functional stretching important?
Functional stretching, also known as dynamic stretching, involves moving your body through a range of motion to improve flexibility, mobility, and muscle activation. This type of stretching is different from static stretching, where you hold a position for an extended period. Functional stretching offers a range of benefits that are particularly relevant to physical activities and sports performance.
Here are some key benefits:
Improved Range of Motion:
Functional stretching involves dynamic movements that mimic the motions you’ll use during physical activities. This helps improve your joints’ range of motion in a way that’s relevant to your chosen sport or exercise.
Enhanced Flexibility:
Dynamic stretching helps increase the flexibility of your muscles and connective tissues by actively stretching and lengthening them through movement. This can contribute to better overall flexibility.Warm-Up for Activity: Functional stretching is often used as a warm-up before engaging in more intense physical activities. It gradually increases blood flow to your muscles, which helps prepare them for the demands of your workout or sports.
Activation of Muscles:
Dynamic stretching engages and activates the muscles you’re about to use. This can help improve muscle coordination and responsiveness, leading to better performance and reduced risk of injury.
Improved Blood Flow:
As you move through dynamic stretches, blood circulation to your muscles increases. This brings oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, enhancing their readiness for physical activity.
Injury Prevention:
Dynamic stretching with controlled movements and proper form helps improve joint stability and can reduce the risk of muscle strains and injuries during exercise. When you’re taking a muscle through the full and correct range of motion, it can help to prevent altered movement patterns, and imbalances that can lead to injury.
Neuromuscular Coordination:
Functional stretching promotes communication between