my relationship with fitness lately

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Hi friends! How are you? I hope you had an amazing weekend! Once again, Liv’s team crushed their competition; they took 1st, 2nd, and 5th overall for their categories! It was so much fun to watch them shine and enjoy a little Phoenix staycation. We’ll be back in a couple of weeks for the next one.

For today’s post, I thought I’d pop in and share a little bit about how my personal relationship with fitness has changed and my mindset around it.

When I first got into the fitness world, I was omgsoexcited about trying and doing all the things. I loved teaching all of the classes, taking as many classes as possible, trying new exercises and strategies in the weights room, and was absolutely in the honeymoon phase of fitness. This *phase* actually lasted for many years, hence the name of my blog and why fitness has become more than a hobby and the baseline for my entire career.

Currently, I don’t feel very Fitnessista-ish 😉 It’s become more of a box that I check… and that’s ok.

I don’t look forward to strength training on my own the same way that I used to, so I haven’t been lifting consistently on my own for quite a few months. I walked into the gym yesterday to teach a class, and the weight room felt so foreign to me, when it used to be a daily staple in my life.

Instead of using a lack of excitement as my reason to quit strength training entirely, I’ve done some other things that have helped me to stay consistent.

Right now, it involves taking classes (F45, hot yoga, barre, Sculpt Society), working with an amazing local personal trainer, and I enjoy encouraging others through Fit Team and with my one and one clients.

I’ve realized over time that health and wellbeing is so much more than what you do in the gym each day. Yes, it’s absolutely important to move your body consistently, but I’ve been emphasizing the other 23 hours in the day more than what I do for my workout. I just make sure to get in a walk each day, usually with Maisey, get daily steps in on my walking pad and doing chores, and strength train 3-4 times per week (whether it’s through training or taking classes).

When we lose the honeymoon phase of anything, it’s when we really need to lean into our dedication and commitment, instead of depending on excitement and motivation. Goals can impact our attitudes about certain things, and I don’t really have any fitness-related goals right now.

I’m not looking to get incredibly strong or lean. No PRs or races or distance goals in my near future. While these things used to be exciting and motivating for me, I don’t think they would be right now. Just typing the word PR makes me feel stressed lol. I just want to be healthy with tons of energy, have full function and mobility, and for

Simplifying your Skincare Routine

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Sharing some of my tips for a super simple skincare routine with no unecessary frills. If you’re looking for new skincare options, Friends and Family starts TODAY at this link. If you’ve been wanting to try Beautycounter, I’ve made a shopping list with some of my all-time faves here. 

Hi friends! How’s the day going so far? I’m finally on the other side of this crazy virus and pink eye situation. I ended up needing steroid drops from the eye doctor (which changed my world) and quite a few days to fight this thing off. I feel very grateful to be over the hump and will hopefully get good news today that I can start working back to wearing contacts again. I still have quite a few days left of washing pillowcases/towels/everything and my hands are so cracked and dry. It’s been a whole thing.

I had to toss a lot of my makeup, and it corresponded perfectly with the Sephora sale and the Beautycounter Friends and Family sale. 😉 For today’s post, I wanted to share some of my tips for simplifying your skincare routine and some of my beloved products (including the ones I’m restocking!).

Even when things are busy or crazy, I’m a huge fan of sticking to a consistent skincare routine. My routine is super simple, but these simple steps can improve skin quality, delay the signs of aging, and help you feel more confident. I definitely notice a difference in how I feel when I’m dedicated to my skincare routine. At the same time, I totally get how it can feel overwhelming. The wide variety of product choices can often make skincare complicated, and not everyone has the time and commit to do an elaborate skincare routine regularly. Today, I’m sharing some practical tips on how to simplify your skincare routine but still get the same fantastic results.

I’m also sharing some of my favorite products below. You’ll see a mix of brands; I like to switch up the products I’m using every now and again. Everything linked below is something I’ve had in my personal makeup drawer and highly recommend.

Simplifying your Skincare Routine

Identify your skin goals

Is your skin normal? Oily? Combination? Are you working on elasticity or wrinkle prevention? Write down a few of your skincare goals so you can keep these in mind as you structure your routine and pick your products.

Choose quality over quantity

This is #1 tip for creating a skincare routine. Don’t feel like you have to buy a ton of products! I’d start with four (details below) and build from there. I’d rather have five high-quality products than a whole drawer of produ

10 frequently-asked fitness questions and their answers

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Do you have a question about fitness? Sharing a post with some of the questions I commonly receive about fitness with their answers. Please keep in mind that while I’m a certified personal trainer, women’s fitness specialist, Integrative Health Practitioner, and P1 Nutrition Coach, I’m not a doctor or Registered Dietitian. If you have specific health considerations, please reach out to a local health professional for guidance. 

Hi friends! Hope you’re having a wonderful day. For today’s post, I wanted to re-share this updated post with some frequently-asked fitness questions and their answers. These are the types of questions I receive from clients all of the time, and many of these questions I also had myself when I was first getting started in the fitness world.
If you have any burning fitness questions, please leave them in the comments below!

10 frequently-asked fitness questions and their answers

1. How much cardio should I be doing?

The answer to many of the questions on this list, including this one, is “it depends.” I know. It’s frustrating to hear that answer, but I’ll break down WHY and hopefully this will help you determine the best method for your unique body.
With cardio, the amount you’re doing depends on a lot of different factors: your current activity level, your goals, and how hard you’re working. If you’re currently sedentary, general recommendations of around 150 minutes of moderate cardio each week (about 30 minutes most days of the day), would be way too much. In that case, you’d start with shorter rounds: 10-15 minutes each day of easy cardio (like walking) and build on from there.
If your goal is strength and lean muscle gains, you don’t want to do too much cardio. No daily long jogs if you want to build muscle, because after a certain point, your body will begin to use protein (aka muscle) as fuel. Many strength training exercises, especially circuit training, can count as cardio if it elevates your heart rate and sustains it. Circuit training also burns more calories during the workout. Many workouts can hit the strength and cardio box in one session and remember that intensity and purpose > duration.
If you are consistently doing high intensity cardio workouts (like HIIT or sprints), you will need less overall cardio time because you’re working harder. Check out this post on how much cardio you should be doing, and how to modify it for your intensity and fitness level.

2. How often shou

2023 Mother’s Day Gift Guide

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Sharing some gift ideas for all of the ladies in your life! Moms, grandmas, nanas, friends, mom figures, new moms, whoever you want to shower with something special this Mother’s Day. I also wanted to recognize here that I know Mother’s Day can be hard and sad for various reasons; please know I’m holding you in my heart. 

Hi friends! How was the weekend? I hope you had a wonderful one. Things are looking up over here on the conjunctivitis front. Thanks to some steroid drops from the eye doc, I don’t look like a demon anymore. I’ve never seen anything like this in my life, but will be so glad to have it behind me. We hung out at home this week – the Pilot ended up getting sick, too – but I hope that you enjoyed the weekend and had some fun!

For today’s post, I wanted to share some Mother’s Day gift ideas. I’m not requesting a lot gift-wise this year – let’s be real, I’ve been online shopping a little toooooo much since I’ve been cooped at home lol – but am absolutely looking forward to celebrating all of the women in our family we love so much.

I thought I’d share some ideas if you’re shopping, and I’d love to hear your gift guide picks, too!

Flowers and plants:

Venus et fluer flowers. I get ad-targeted for these on Facebook ALL THE TIME and they’re SO GORGEOUS. The roses last an entire year!

Heart shaped succulent planter. Love succulents, and since they’re so hardy, it doesn’t matter so much if you have a black thumb.

This customizable concrete planter with a little air plant.


Personalized + jewelry:

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Sakara Life Review and Is It Worth It?

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Sakara Life is a meal delivery service with chef-designed recipes, organic ingredients, and plant-based meals. Here is my honest Sakara Life review and if it’s worth it. Does Sakara Life deliver tasty, healthy meals? Or is it another diet scam? Are the meals tasty?

This post is not sponsored, but you can use the code XOGINAH for 20% off meals and clean boutique products!

For today’s post, I wanted to share my review of Sakara Life now that I’ve had the chance to try it! TBH, I lurked Sakara for yearrrrssss. I debated trying their meal delivery and every time I went to order, I got sticker shock and x’ed it out. I just couldn’t justify the cost, especially when I know how to make many of these things myself. However, life is a little different right now. Things have been so crazy with juggling my workload while somehow teaching Liv and managing her school assignments and online classes, all of the regular household to-dos, and keeping P entertained and from injuring herself. It’s a circus around here, as I’m sure many of you can relate.

I’ve been eating a lot of chocolate chips out of the bag. I’ve had a lot more wine and a lot fewer veggies. (Thank goodness for Daily Harvest because they’ve been the most convenient method for me to scarf down a daytime meal lately.) I tried to do more meal prepping for a bit but on the days I got busy and didn’t have time to cook or prep anything, I felt discouraged.

I decided to treat myself to convenience and some healthy, delicious eats, so I figured I’d give Sakara Life a try after all this time!

Sakara Life Review and is it worth it?

And you guys, I looooooved it. I’m so excited to share my thoughts below. (Heads up that this isn’t sponsored and my box wasn’t gifted; I just finally decided to go for it.)

Sakara Life Review and Is it worth it?

What is Sakara Life?

Sakara Life is a plant-based organic meal delivery service, founded by Danielle Duboise and Whitney Tingle. The meals and products are based on cutting-edge nutrition, all ingredients are sourced from trusted suppliers and organic farms and are chef-crafted from maximum deliciousness. They believe in the 9 pillars of nutrition: no calorie counting, plant protein, eat your water (optimal hydration from foods), greens, good fats, eat the rainbow, nutrient density, sulfur-rich vegetables, and body intelligence. You can choose to get a single week of meals (2-day, 3-day, or 5-day) or a subscription.

All recipes are also gluten-free, in addition to being vegan. They’re packed with antioxidants, super fresh, and taste deli
