Sharing my thoughts on using a castor oil pack and how I implement them in my routine. Friendly reminder that this post is not a substitute for medical information; always ask your doctor if something is right for you! I’m definitely not a doctor and just sharing my experience. My favorite castor oil pack company is offering a free dry brush for readers if you place a castor oil liver kit through Saturday! Details are here and the code is GINA23.
Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful morning! What are you up to today? I’m hiking with a friend – the weather has been a dreaaaammm – studying for IHP, and have a podcast interview. I’d love to hear what you have going on!
For today’s post, I wanted to talk a little about castor oil packs. I’ve been using them on and off for about 12 years now, and have recently brought them back into my routine more regularly. I first tried it out when I started working with Dr. Flynn with my hormones before we got pregnant with Liv. It was part of the detox protocol and wowwww they’ve come a long way since then! It’s so much more convenient now that there are less messy options. I figured I’d share more about my experience if it’s something you’ve heard about or are considering adding into your routine.

How to use a castor oil pack (and why you might want to)
What is a a castor oil pack?
This ancient healing remedy is one of the oldest and most widespread traditions, used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, to Modern Naturopathic medicine.
Castor oil packs have been used all over the world for centuries, and users have reported benefits including:
– Mental and physical health improvements
– Improving hormonal imbalances (PCOS, estrogen dominance, etc.)
– Digestive issues, including bloating, constipation, indigestion and IBS
– Insomnia and other sleep distubrances
– Stress reduction, anxiety, and depression
– Period regulation, endometriosis, TTC, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breasts
– Cancer, tumors
– Thyroid health
– Liver and gallbladder support
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