F45 For Beginners: What To Expect At A Class

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F45 is a high-intensity, 45-minute workout that challenges every muscle in your body. Learn more about the program, and tips for beginners and first-timers here.

Hi hi! Happy Monday! How was the weekend? I hope you had a wonderful one. Ours was packed with fun events: rehearsal dinner, Trevor and Danielle’s wedding, Liv danced in a parade, family brunch, women’s basketball game… it was so much fun, but a total whirlwind. I’d love to hear what you were up to!

Since I’m off to cardio day at F45 – let’s be real, I work much harder there for cardio than I do on my own – I thought I’d share some tips for beginners or for friends who are considering trying it out for the first time.

F45 For Beginners: What To Expect At A Class

What is F45?

F45 stands for Functional Training 45 – it’s a team training environment with a functional workout that only takes 45 minutes. Their little tagline/motto is: team training, life changing.

One of my favorite parts about this workout is that they don’t waste any time. They go through the demos, start the workout, and you GO. I LOVE that it’s not an entire hour – except for the weekend classes – which makes it more reasonable for my schedule. I typically go to F45 once or twice a week, usually on a pure cardio day and pure strength day.

You can check out my post comparing F45 to Orangetheory here!

How are the workouts structured?

One of my favorite things about F45 is that the workouts alternate each day, so you can go MORE days without risking overworking certain muscle groups and overtraining. The intensities also vary, as each day has a specific emphasis. (Unlike Orangetheory, which I think is best around 2x a week depending on your goals. I think it’s too much to do every day and can be counterproductive.)

A week at F45 *right now* looks something like this:

Sunday: Strength hybrid – 60 minutes

Monday: Cardio (High-intensity interval training)

Tuesday: Resistance training – full-body

Wednesday: Cardio (HIIT)

Thursday: Pure strength (upper or lower body)

Friday: Hybrid workout (total body cardio and strength)

Saturday: Total body cardio and strength – 60 minutes

How do you know what to do?

It’s a screen-guided workout, so once the trainers go over the demo, you follow the exercises for each station on screens throughout the studio. They also have a heart rate monitor option on the screens, but I find that a majority of people at our studio don’t use their heart rate monitor but rely on their own fitness trackers instead.

What to expect?

Classes are different every day, but you can expect to sweat in the 45 minutes you’re there. I feel like it’s a balanced and challenging workout for your entire body using functional strength and cardio exercises. They use ALL the equipment, too: ski erg, assault bikes, rowers, kettlebells, TRX, Y bells, dumbbells, sandbags, Revo bars, BOSU trainers, slam balls, and medicine balls.

Here’s what you can do if you’re a beginner or if you’re taking class for th

Friday Faves

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Hi friends! Happy Friday! How’s the week going? The weekend is off to a good start: I met up with a friend for a Pure Barre class – the Reform class included bands and gliders for an intense strength workout- and a smoothie. Next was a quick trip to the chiropractor, a stop at the girls’ school, and now it’s wedding celebration time!

It’s my brother Trevor’s wedding tomorrow and I can’t wait for the giant fiesta with the fam. Trevor and his wife eloped in Vegas last year, but now it’s time for the celebration. The Pilot is officiating the ceremony (!) and I can’t wait to see family members that we haven’t seen in forever. I hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead, too!

A little something new on the blog: a partners page! I always love (and am so thankful) when you guys ask me for referral/affiliate links and shop through my links. I thought it was would be convenient to put my favorite brands and discount codes in one page so it’s easy to find, and as always, I’m happy to help or send along a link or discount code if I have one.

In full transparency, ad revenue has declined over the past couple of years, and affiliate income has become the majority of my revenue (along with digital product sales/memberships and coaching). I just wanted to say a huge thank you for shopping through my links and supporting the lil blog. The partners page is here if you’d like to check it out!

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party. This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below.

Friday Faves


New Aviator Nation hoodie. These are the best hoodies in all the land. Betsy got me hooked and they’re SO insanely soft. Once you go AN, you’ll never go back. I opted for a grey one that will match with everything. Perfect for lounging, layering with gym clothes, and travel.

I’m at a special point in life where I get excited by a mouthwash lol. I don’t typically use conventional mouthwashes because the ingredients can be sketchy, but I found this one on Thrive Market that had excellent reviews. It does have a licorice taste to it from the fennel, so don’t order it if you hate licorice, but if you like the taste of fennel, you’ll be a fan.

Read more

LSF 30 2023 Challenge Winners

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I am always in awe of all the amazing women in the LSF Community who push themselves mentally, physically, and emotionally during our challenges, but especially during LSF30! The beginning of the year is not an easy time to get back into the swing of things and push yourself to get into a consistent routine. Coming off of the holiday season is exhausting and often a fitness challenge is the last thing on your mind, but I am SO proud of everyone who decided to choose themselves in 2023 and do LSF 30!

I am constantly impressed and inspired by the amazing transformation photos and stories shared during LSF 30. 

Together during this challenge we lost over 200 pounds!! Can you believe it?! Also to note, that is ONLY from women who submitted their transformations at the end of the challenge, so I know there are more pounds lost out there! Follow Team LSF on IG to see more! Everyone finished this 4 week challenge stronger than ever and I am so proud!

Now it’s time to shout out our LSF 30 winners! These women stayed dedicated and consistent with their Hot Body Meal Plan and LSF app workouts.

These inspiring women, not only have incredible transformation photos but the most heartwarming stories!


 Lauren Sackett, @lsf_lau

Lauren is so inspiring! She lost a total of 12 pounds during this challenge! Lauren often would join a challenge with LSF and start it, but never saw it through. This is her first challenge she saw through the entire way and clearly, her hard work and dedication paid off!

Lauren has PCOS (polycistic ovarian syndrome) which has always made it more difficult for her to manage her weight since it greatly affects her hormones. She noted, “Just this past month realigning healthy habits has tremendously helped my mental health and I think my hormones – I’m not entirely sure because I haven’t gotten tested or anything but my cycle was very regular. No intense cramping, not super bloated, it was a set number of days instead of spotting for two weeks post period, all of the key things that I was struggling with the past six months and kind of gave up on.”

Lauren attributes a lot of her success also to the Hot Body Meal Plan, which helped her to guide her food choices and make her excited about a healthy meal! 

Overall, this challenge was amazing, I don’t feel like it was even really a challenge, because I feel like this is how I want to live my life now, so it was more of a steppingstone to the lifestyle that I have been telling myself in my head I was going to do but wasn’t actually implementing. Your mind can be very convincing when you tell yourself over and over again that it’s impossible for you to lose weight and it doesn’t matter what you do you won’t lose weight — when in reality, all I had to do was sit down with myself and recognize that I am in control of how I live my life and if I want to live healthier and be stronger and back to how I used to be when I played sports and was super active then I need to move!! it feels isolating to feel stuck and lost and hide yourself underneath baggy sweatpants and sweatshirts but I’m so proud of myself for coming this far and I’m so happy that my boyfriend joined me on the meal plan because it helped so much to have support and encouragement. Started at 248 and ending at 236 pounds – woohoo!”

We are so proud of you Lauren! You’re an inspiration

WIAW (Valentine’s Day edition)

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Sharing a full fay of eats from start to finish.

Hi friends! How are you? I hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day, whether you were celebrating with your love, your Galentines, your kiddos, or your pet 🙂 For today’s post, I thought I’d share an old-school day of eats and adventures like the blog days of yore. Please keep in mind that What I Ate Wednesday posts are just to share some new ideas and I totally understand why they can be problematic or not a fit for certain friends out there. If it’s not your cup of tea, no worries at all, and I’ll see ya tomorrow with a new podcast episode!

In the meantime, sign up for Spring Shape Up here and start checking out the platform! We have over 200 friends signed up so far and I can’t wait to do this with all of you.

The girls woke up early and had their Valentine’s baskets waiting for them.

(Candy, beanie boos, a cute heart sweater, a book, some bath bombs and lip gloss. They were pumped!)

When the girls were much younger and I saw gift baskets for every.single.holiday, it made me feel stressed. I was just trying to keep them alive, clean, fed, and happy, so things like Halloween baskets or Valentine’s baskets seemed unfathomable to put together. Instead, I just tried to do other things to celebrate, like hearts on their door with things that I love about them. I still do this one today and the girls adore it – they keep the hearts up all year.

Now that they’re a bit older and can, you know, dress themselves, shower themselves, etc., it’s much easier to do fun little extra things when I feel like it.

I chugged some AG1 before heading out the door and ate a couple of eggs with sriracha and EBTB seasoning.

(Confession: I’ve only tried AG1 a couple of times in the past and didn’t like the taste. The brand asked me if I wanted some to test out, so I figured I’d give it a real try and possibly share with family and friends. Turns out: I love it. I even started craving the taste in the morning after drinking it consistently. I love all of the nutrients and I feel great after a couple of weeks of drinking it each morning on an empty stom

Chocolate Protein Chia Pudding

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This chocolate protein chia pudding is the perfect make-ahead breakfast. Simply prep it the night before, and this creamy, chocolate-y gluten-free and vegan pudding will be waiting for you when you wake up.

A delicious make-ahead chocolate chia pudding. A perfect healthy breakfast recipe! fitnessista.com

Hey friends! How’s the day going? I hope you’re enjoying the morning. I’m so happy you’re excited about Spring Shape Up! 200 of you have already signed up 🙂 Make sure to grab your spot now if you’d like to join in the fun.

For today’s post, I’m re-sharing this recipe because it’s something we’ve had so often for breakfast lately!

Chocolate Protein Chia Pudding

With our crazy morning schedules, I’m a huge fan of anything I can make in advance for breakfast. We love things like the breakfast cookie, this protein oatmeal bake and this vegan peach oatmeal bake. When breakfast is waiting, it guarantees that I’ll have something to eat in the morning, because sometimes it’s too busy around here to make the usual egg scramble until after both kiddos are dropped off.

Here’s a chia protein pudding recipe that our entire family loves! It’s protein-packed, full of healthy fats, and high in fiber, so when I pair it with a side of scrambled eggs I’m full and satisfied for hours. You can customize it by adding any fruit or toppings you’d like. My go-to’s are berries, cacao nibs and unsweetened coconut.

Chocolate chia pudding

Here’s the healthy recipe if you’d like to give it a try!

Ingredients For Chia Seed Pudding:

  • chia seeds
  • vanilla or chocolate protein powder
  • cinnamon
  • sea salt
  • maple syrup (can also add a splash of vanilla extract)
  • almond or coconut milk (use less for a thicker pudding)
  • granola, berries, coconut, hemp seeds, cacao nibs, peanut butter, gogi berries, etc.