133: Eating more to lose weight with Giselle Schroer

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Hi friends! Hope you’re having the best week. I’m so pumped to have one of my very good friends on the podcast today: Giselle! I’ve known Giselle for many years through the fitness and blog world, and I’ve loved watching her success and how much she’s been able to help so many women. She’s my mastermind bestie and my IHP study buddy. I hope you’ll take the time to listen to this one!

133: Eating more to lose weight with Giselle Schroer

Here’s what we talk about in today’s episode:

– How becoming a macro coach helped her heal her relationship with food.

– Why women need to eat more food in order to lose weight

– What nutrition periodization is and why it is key to sustainable weight loss

– What most women need to focus more on if they want to optimize their health

– Why what worked at 20 and 30 just doesn’t work at 40 and beyond

and so.much.more.

Here’s a bit more about Giselle:

Giselle is a certified nutrition coach, health coach, and personal trainer with a passion for helping women live healthy, balanced lives.  She’s also a busy mom and knows just how hard it is to try to do all the things while also taking care of yourself.  This is why she has created coaching programs like The Macro Way and her Four Phase System for Fat Loss that help women to learn to fuel their bodies for their lifestyle, improve energy, reduce stress, balance hormones, reach their personal goals and sustain them.  She does not believe in quick fixes or fad diets but yet a sustainable approach to nutrition that allows for food freedom and flexibility.

Connect with her on Instagram and on her website.

More resources from this episode:

I’m still obsessed with my sauna blanket – right now they’re having a Mother’s Day promo and you can use FITNESSISTA20 for 20% off!  (Promo ends 5/4 – after 5/4 you can use my regular code which is FITNESSISTA15). This is one of my favorite ways to relax and sweat it out. I find that it energizes me, helps with aches and pains, I sleep better on the d

20 years of practicing yoga

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 Today I’m feeling reflective as I celebrate a major milestone – 20 years of practicing yoga!

Hi friends, I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Ours was low-key and we saw Riverdance, which was everything.

While I was at hot yoga last week, I realized that I’ve been practicing yoga for TWENTY YEARS. It hit me pretty hard and I couldn’t believe how much life I’ve been through since I was first introduced to yoga. Moves, deployments, babies, highs, and lows, yoga has been a fairly consistent part of my life. I’ve cried during savasana, mastered certain poses, struggled with others, spent 90% of certain classes in child’s pose, and learned to truly be present and focus on my breath.

yoga while pregnant

It’s been two decades of unrolling my mat, connecting with my breath, and flowing through sequences that challenge and transform my mind and body. It’s hard to believe that 20 years have passed since I first discovered yoga, and while I can’t do any crazy tricks and I’m not the most flexible bear, this practice has shaped my life in countless ways. So, in honor of this milestone, I want to share with you some of the lessons I’ve learned, and the rewards I’ve reaped over the past 20 years of practicing yoga.

20 years of practicing yoga

(Maisey also wants me to tell you that today is her birthday! OF COURSE she’s getting a doggy cake and birthday song)

20 years of practicing yoga

My introduction to yoga:

My very first class was a Rodney Yee yoga DVD I picked up at Target on a whim. I was in college, feeling the stressors of a dramatic relationship and constant homework deadlines, and figured I’d give it a whirl. Instantly, I was drawn in by the sense of calm it brought me. I also loved Rodney Yee’s clear, concise instruction and his ability to guide students to a deeper understanding of their bodies and the practice of yoga.

Looking back, this was the perfect way to get started: it was zero pressure (because I was solo, at home, in my mom’s living room). I started to practice yoga regularly, mostly before bed, and eventually transitioned into studio classes. Over the past 20 years, I’ve taken hundreds of yoga classes in studios all over the US, from California to Orlando and many spots in between.

Sculpt Society Review

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Sharing my thoughts on Sculpt Society and if I’d recommend this workout!

Hi friends! How was the weekend? I hope you had a wonderful one. We celebrated Liv’s birthday with friends and also enjoyed a long hike with Maisey. It was the perfect weekend.

For today’s post, I’m excited to share a new-to-me workout format: Sculpt Society! I was ad-targeted for this one forever, and since I always love trying new body workouts and absolutely love dance cardio, I figured I’d give it a whirl. This workout program was founded by Megan Roup (you can check out her Instagram here) and I’ll share a full review below. Heads up that this review isn’t sponsored; I signed up for a 7-day free trial and am going to keep my subscription for a couple of months. I’ve tried a lottttt of fitness apps in my day and am always pumped when I find a winner. 🙂

You can use my referral link to get a 7-day trial plus one month free on the app!

Sculpt Society Review

Sculpt Society Review

What Is Sculpt Society?

As I mentioned above, Sculpt Society was created by trainer Megan Roup and is a blend of dance cardio, barre, Pilates, and traditional strength. Megan worked as a professional dancer for the Brooklyn Nets and developed this workout style in 2017. She says, “I wanted to create a program that would help women reach their goals and would still be fun. My mission with The Sculpt Society workout app is to empower women through movement, to stand in their bodies with confidence and strength, and to feel their best self.” (Source)

The Sculpt Society App And Website

On The Sculpt Society app and website, you can find over 400 classes. When you first log into the TSS app, you’ll see an example weekly schedule of classes, a live video schedule, popular videos, and programs you can follow.

The classes are also organized into segments: Gentle + Beginner classes, 30 min sculpt, 30 min dance cardio (my personal fave), 30 min full body, 45-50 minute full body, side body classes, stretch + yoga. There’s also a “Getting Started” section which breaks down common exercises and offers modifications. I’m going to focus on a couple of my fave Sculpt Society workouts below:

30 min Dance Cardio

As I mentioned above, this is my favorite one. The combos are more athletic and on the simple side, easy to follow, but still a lot of fun. This is hard when you’re teaching mixed levels of dance abilities, and I feel like a beginner to advanced dancers would enjoy these combos. The beauty of online dance workouts is that you can pause the video and

132: Tongue posture and nasal breathing with Ashley Palin, The Tongue Therapist

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Hi friends! How are you?? I have a new podcast episode up today with an important topic: nasal breathing and tongue posture. This is a world that I stumbled upon accidentally a couple of years ago, when I was wondering why tongue posture improves facial posture. I went down a rabbit hole and started to learn about how tongue posture impacts our facial development, why it’s important to breathe through our nose, and how our tongue posture and breathing habits can affect so many systems in the body.

This information is starting to become more well-known, and I’m so thankful for experts like Ashley Palin sharing their knowledge on this subject. I love following her Instagram and have learned a lot from her, so I was thrilled when she said she’d join me on the podcast.

132: Tongue posture and nasal breathing with Ashley Palin, The Tongue Therapist

Here’s what we talk about in today’s episode:

– Mouth breathing! Why should we pay attention to nasal breathing? Why is it important?

– Ideal tongue posture – what does it look like?

– Mouth taping. Should we do it? What about if we have a deviated septum?

– Do you think it’s worth getting deviated septums, tongue ties, and lip ties corrected as adults?

– How do we model good tongue posture for our kids and do you think it’s worth seeking out help when they’re young?

and so.much.more.

Here’s a bit more about Ashley:

Ashley is a registered dental hygienist who, after discovering her own issues with mouth breathing and oral-ties, pivoted to become a myofunctional therapist and help others with the same issues. She’s done additional trainings through The Buteyko Clinic, MyoMethod, Tongue-Tied Academy and more. She helps people to breathe, sleep, and feel better by correcting their oral function, tongue posture, and breathing habits.

You can follow her on Instagram here and check out her website here (she also takes 1:1 virtual clients if you’re looking for help!).


More resources from this episode:

I’m still obsessed with my sauna blanket – right now they’re having a Moth

The best mom swimsuits: my top picks

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Sharing my favorite mom swimsuits that are flattering, not too skimpy, and functional!

Hi friends! How’s the week going? I hope you’re having a great one so far! For today’s post, I have summer on the brain. I’m SO ready for slow mornings, no homework (praise be), and days in the pool.

THANK GOODNESS FOR THE POOL.  I often hear people complain about the Tucson heat – it really is like an oven outside – but the truth is, Tucson is reverse hibernation. We have good outdoor weather in the winter, and stay indoors or swim during the summer. In the summer, you can find us in the water or in the AC.

I was pondering mom swimsuits and how difficult they are to find. When I find one I love, it’s a huge deal.

What makes an awesome mom swimsuit? A winner of a mom swimsuit needs to be comfortable and flattering, but also has to rank high on the functional front. It has to keep everything LOCKED DOWN. For example, I want to be able to play freely with the kiddos without flashing my goodies. A good mom swimsuit keeps everything covered, even while you’re building sand castles, running in the waves, chasing the kiddos as “mama shark,” or tossing them into the air.

For this post, I thought I’d share some of the best ones I’ve found! These are a mix of ones I already own (notated with ***) or have found online with stellar reviews. If you have any mom swimsuits you love, please spread the word in the comments section!! I usually find the best swimsuits at Nordstrom, Everything But Water and Anthropologie. Target also has an incredible selection at reasonable price points.
