Food dyes to avoid: the ultimate guide

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Sharing my thoughts on food dyes and which ones to avoid, if that’s one of your goals. 

Hi friends! Happy Monday! I hope you had an amazing weekend. Ours was a good one – three soccer games, dinner with friends, some swimming, and some chill time. I also got some work stuff done since I’d been behind for a couple of weeks.

Today, I wanted to talk about a beefy topic: food dye!

When you’re browsing the aisles of your local grocery store, it’s easy to be drawn to the vibrant, colorful packaging that lines the shelves. The bright hues in your favorite candies, baked goods, and even some beverages are often due to food dyes. These additives are used to enhance the appearance of food and drinks, making them more visually appealing. Unfortunately, some food dyes can have potentially harmful effects on your body. Here’s a roundup of food dyes with some info, so you can make more informed choices about what you and your family consume.

I’m not dogmatic about anything in our diet – I don’t want our kids to be afraid of any foods, and while they know that some foods are more nutritious than others, nothing is off limits. We focus on whole, mostly unprocessed foods here at home, but when we’re out with friends, at a party, or traveling, they order and eat whatever they’re feeling. I’ll typically encourage them to have a fruit or vegetable with whatever they’re eating, but that’s pretty much it.

At the same time, I do have a pretty strong feelings about food dye. The kids know if they’re choosing a candy or drink, I typically will ask them to pick something else if it’s red, because I’ve seen the effects of food dye (especially red!!) on the kids. It makes them hyperactive and extremely cranky. Not worth it to me.

6 Food Dyes To Avoid

The growing awareness of the potential risks associated with certain food dyes has prompted many consumers to take a closer look at the ingredients in their favorite products. While food dyes may make food look more attractive, the trade-off in health risks is often not worth it. (Also, I find this debatable. I think that brightly colored food looks way less appetizing that foods that are their normal colors. Who decided that everything needs to be bright and rainbow colored to eat it?? It’s a mystery to me.) There are so many great alternatives out there!

Today, I wanted to share some potential effects of common food dyes, the conditions they’ve been linked to, and how avoiding them can positively impact your health. I’ve also linked to various studies below.

Is Food Dye Bad For You?

The short answer? It can be. Food dyes are synthetic chemicals that are added to foods to enhance their color. While they’re approved for use by food safety authorities in many countries, there’s a growing body of research suggesting that these additives can have adverse effects on health.

When you ingest food dyes, your body has to process these synthetic chemicals, which can sometimes lead to side effects. Studies have linked certain food dyes to hyperactivity in children, allergic reactions, and even an increased risk of certain cancers in animal studies. The amount of food dye that is considered harmful can vary, but for some in

9.7 Friday Faves (and a giveaway)

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Hi friends! I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend! I’m popping in with a little belated Friday Faves this week. Some happy news: Maisey is 100% better! (I shared more about her mysterious jaw issue in this post) We saw enormous improvement by Monday, and thankfully, she’s back to her ball-chasing, happy little self.

I talked to the vet about her fetch obsession and she said it’s actually good for her jaw, and could be part of the reason why she was able to restore function so quickly.

This week was a busy one and I’m still trying to figure out how to do the club basketball + dance + homework + dinner scramble. It feels like each day is two full days: the work day, and then the after-school/evening *day*. If you have any favorite quick dinner recipes, please send them my way!! I’ve been making a lot of the same things lately and want to switch it up. Meal prep has been a gamechanger, too!

I’m definitely looking forward to a chill weekend, a dinner with friends, a Sculpt Society workout, and catching up on work stuff.

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party. This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below.

9.7 Friday Faves (and a giveaway)

Fashion + beauty + random:

I’d been looking for a new go-to everyday lipstick and decided to try Lawless, since it has cleaner ingredients. I LOVE it. It has a smooth texture and lasts for quite a while. The color I chose is Posey.

Oliveda has seen enormous growth in the past 18 months – it’s really exciting to see and be a part of it! If you’re interested in joining as an affiliate, here is my link!

Just got this Amazon set to wear when I’m working at home and it’s super cute and comfy!

Read, watch, listen:

I can’t wait for this memoir. 

10 of the most useful things I’ve bought from Amazon

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Sharing 10 of the most useful things I’ve bought from Amazon.

Hi friends! How are ya? I hope that you’re having a lovely week! I have a day full of client calls but am going to sneak in a lunchtime Peloton ride. Also, I’m so pumped that so many of you have signed up for Detox and Thrive! Join us here. We start Sunday and it’s freeeeeee.

For today’s post, I wanted to share some of the most useful things I’ve purchased from Amazon. These are definitely more functional finds, but they’re things that constantly bring me joy because they work well, I use them constantly, and they make life a little bit easier. I always love hearing about the best of the best, so if you’ve found something you love lately, please share the goods in the comments section!

10 of the most useful things I’ve bought from Amazon

1. Retainer cleaner

Why did I wait so long to get a retainer cleaner? I initially was going to ge the Zima one, but it’s $100, and this one was $40 and works incredibly well. It makes me so grossed out to think that I used to simply brush my retainers. They’re SO much more clean when I use this!

2. Tineco vaccum/mop

The hype is real, friends. I never thought I’d love a mop, but I do. It works extremely well, and even though I’m not supposed to (you’re supposed to only use their clenaing product), I add a tiny bit of Branch Basics or Method spray and mop to the water. The floors are sparkling clean. I didn’t get the self-cleaning version, so it’s a little bit of a pain to clean each time, but worth it.

3. Weighted vest

I added this to my morning walking routine because it’s an easy way to add extra resistance and core stabilzation to walks. I ordered the 8-lb vest and love wearing it while I walk Maisey, for hikes, and while I’m using my walking pad. 

4. Walking pad and standing desk

Some days, this is the only way I can hit 10,000 steps. I’m at my desk a LOT throughout the day, so I use the walking pad for phone calls, Zoom/conference calls (where I don’t have to present or take a ton of notes), and to sneak in little movement vitamins throughout the day. I also have this standing desk, and this TV mounted to the wall so I can Airplay videos from my computer, or watch a movie. Worth mentioning

Detox and Thrive – free 3-day event

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Sharing the details for a free 3-day event that starts this Sunday, directly into your inbox. No need to show up to live calls or videos; all of the info will be emailed to you.

How are you? I hope you had an amazing long weekend and that your week is off to a great start. I’m super excited to share something special with you—a free 3-day event kicking off this Sunday, September 8th, and the best part? It’s all happening right in your inbox! No need to worry about finding time for live calls or videos; you can participate whenever it’s convenient for you.

As many of you know, I’m a huge advocate for the EquiLife quarterly detoxes. They’re the perfect reset for our bodies, and our next community detox is starting on September 16th. (Info is here is you’d like to join!)

Superfood smoothie recipes

But before we get started, I’ve noticed some questions pop up whenever I talk about these detoxes. One that comes up often is, “Do we really need to support our liver’s detox process?” The short answer is: absolutely. While it’s true that our livers are incredible at detoxifying on their own, they weren’t built to handle the sheer volume of chemicals, pollutants, and stressors we face in today’s world. Our modern environment, coupled with physical and emotional stress, can overwhelm our natural detox pathways. This can manifest as fatigue, digestive issues, mood swings, immune challenges, weight loss resistance, brain fog, and more.

That’s why I’m hosting this free 3-day Detox and Thrive workshop. We’ll explore simple yet effective ways to support your detox pathways daily, share practical tips you can easily incorporate at home, help you uncover your unique toxicity profile, and get those dials moving toward increased energy and breaking through weight loss plateaus.

Unlike other virtual workshops that require you to carve out time for Zoom calls or videos, this one is designed to fit seamlessly into your schedule. Everything will be delivered directly to your inbox, starting this Sunday.

If you’re ready to join in, add your email address in the bar below, at this link or just email me and type DETOX AND THRIVE and I’ll add you)

8.31 Friday Faves and Labor Day finds

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Hi friends! Happy long weekend to ya! I’m posting Friday Faves on a Saturday because it’s.been.a.week. (Actually a few weeks!) The Pilot finished up three weeks of night flying, so it’s been a lot of solo parenting around here since the girls started school. Earlier the week, I noticed that Maisey’s mouth looked weird. She was showing her “little teeth” which cracks us up, and I didn’t think too much of it. The next day, she was unable to close her mouth and was having difficulty eating and drinking.

We took her to vet urgent care, and her bloodwork and vitals were normal. They recommended scoping her nose and throat to see if there was an obstruction, so that’s what we did. They didn’t find anything, gave us an enormous bill, and sent us home with no answers.

It hadn’t improved the next day, so we found another vet who could see her. (We typically use a mobile vet service and they’re amazing for well checks, but it’s impossible to get in for emergency situations.) They were determined to find answers, and took her back so all of the vets in the practice could take a look and see what was going on.

She has trigeminal neuritis, also known as drop jaw, and it’s supposed to be temporary, with a full recovery expected in about two weeks. (Thank goodness.) They don’t know what might have caused it – it can be an autoimmune response or inflammation – and it tends to happen suddenly and then go away. I just keep praying that she makes a full recovery. In the meantime, I’ve been blending her dog food with organic beef broth, giving her coconut water to keep electrolytes up, and making sure she gets enough water.

I spent a few nights up worried sick about her, my car also broke (it was a quick fix, but a giant pain), and school and everything has just felt like chaos. I’ve been looking forward to the weekend and some friend time, sleeping in, and getting caught up on life.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead and I’d love to hear what you have going on!

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below.

8.31 Friday Faves

Fashion + beauty + random:

Got this facial massager during the Revolve sale and I looooove it. I’ll do a full review soon but it’s amazing that it naturally cools overnight. When I use it in the morning, it’s cold and refreshing!

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