Sharing my thoughts on food dyes and which ones to avoid, if that’s one of your goals.
Hi friends! Happy Monday! I hope you had an amazing weekend. Ours was a good one – three soccer games, dinner with friends, some swimming, and some chill time. I also got some work stuff done since I’d been behind for a couple of weeks.
Today, I wanted to talk about a beefy topic: food dye!
When you’re browsing the aisles of your local grocery store, it’s easy to be drawn to the vibrant, colorful packaging that lines the shelves. The bright hues in your favorite candies, baked goods, and even some beverages are often due to food dyes. These additives are used to enhance the appearance of food and drinks, making them more visually appealing. Unfortunately, some food dyes can have potentially harmful effects on your body. Here’s a roundup of food dyes with some info, so you can make more informed choices about what you and your family consume.

I’m not dogmatic about anything in our diet – I don’t want our kids to be afraid of any foods, and while they know that some foods are more nutritious than others, nothing is off limits. We focus on whole, mostly unprocessed foods here at home, but when we’re out with friends, at a party, or traveling, they order and eat whatever they’re feeling. I’ll typically encourage them to have a fruit or vegetable with whatever they’re eating, but that’s pretty much it.
At the same time, I do have a pretty strong feelings about food dye. The kids know if they’re choosing a candy or drink, I typically will ask them to pick something else if it’s red, because I’ve seen the effects of food dye (especially red!!) on the kids. It makes them hyperactive and extremely cranky. Not worth it to me.
6 Food Dyes To Avoid
The growing awareness of the potential risks associated with certain food dyes has prompted many consumers to take a closer look at the ingredients in their favorite products. While food dyes may make food look more attractive, the trade-off in health risks is often not worth it. (Also, I find this debatable. I think that brightly colored food looks way less appetizing that foods that are their normal colors. Who decided that everything needs to be bright and rainbow colored to eat it?? It’s a mystery to me.) There are so many great alternatives out there!
Today, I wanted to share some potential effects of common food dyes, the conditions they’ve been linked to, and how avoiding them can positively impact your health. I’ve also linked to various studies below.
Is Food Dye Bad For You?
The short answer? It can be. Food dyes are synthetic chemicals that are added to foods to enhance their color. While they’re approved for use by food safety authorities in many countries, there’s a growing body of research suggesting that these additives can have adverse effects on health.
When you ingest food dyes, your body has to process these synthetic chemicals, which can sometimes lead to side effects. Studies have linked certain food dyes to hyperactivity in children, allergic reactions, and even an increased risk of certain cancers in animal studies. The amount of food dye that is considered harmful can vary, but for some in