Reimagining Health Summit Recap and What I Learned

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Sharing a full recap of my experience at the Reimagining Health Summit, along with what I learned. My attendance and travel was provided through EquiLife as one of the winners of their 100-day Challenge. You don’t have to be an Integrative Health Practitioner to attend – I’d love to see you at the conference next year!

Hi friends! How are ya? How was the weekend? Ours was good, but crazy. It was the Pilot’s Change of Command Ceremony (after 3 years as a commander), school auction, and NCL Tea and Fashion Show. It was all a blast but my social battery is in need of a recharge. I’m spending most of the day in my pajamas working, and will escape for a short hike later – the weather has been a dream!

Now that we’re home from our trip and I’ve had a chance to process everything, I can finally share a full recap of the Reimagining Health Summit. It was my first time attending, and it definitely exceeded my high expectations. I also had time to hang out with my business and health bestie, Giselle!

Reimagining Health Summit Recap + what I learned

About the RHS and Featured Speakers

The Reimagining Health Summit is a conference focused on healthy living and longevity, and is presented by EquiLife and the Integrative Health Practitioner Institute. The EquiLife products, functio

Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes for Sweet Potatoes

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Sharing some healthy Thanksgiving recipes for sweet potatoes! For some of my favorite go-to holiday recipes, check out this post!

Now that Halloween is over, my full excitement for Thanksgiving can begin. I looooove Thanksgiving, especially because it has all of the *fun* of Christmas, minus the whole gift thing. We get the spend time as a family, eat delicious food (my nana goes ALL OUT with the desserts), and end it with shopping and pie, and I’m just as happy as a lil clam.

A favorite Thanksgiving staple that we also enjoy all year: sweet potatoes. They tend to be popular for Thanksgiving recipes due to their natural sweetness, versatility, and seasonal abundance. They’re easy to find, inexpensive, you can dress them up or dress them down. They’re always a crowd hit.

Today, I wanted to share a collection of healthy Thanksgiving recipes featuring sweet potatoes to balance the traditional feast. If you have a go-to sweet potato recipe, please share it in the comments section below!

5 Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes for Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a nutritious staple and a wonderful ingredient for Thanksgiving side dishes and desserts. I’ve always been a fan of classic sweet potato casserole, but was also recently introduced to sweet potato pie, and omg it’s amazing. We also love them for savory casseroles, roasted dishes, and unique sweet treats, like these sweet potato brownies.

Are Sweet Potatoes Healthy?

Sweet potatoes are nature’s candy, but they’re also packed with nutrients and antioxidants.

Vitamin A: can boost immunity and support eye health

Vitamin C: can support immunity and skin health

Fiber: great for digestion and satiety

Antioxidants: to help reduce inflammation

These nutrients make sweet potatoes a healthy choice, particularly for balancing a festive holiday meal.

What To Make With Sweet Potatoes For Thanksgiving

Healthy Sweet Potato Casserole

A lighter, healthier twist on the classic casserole, using mashed sweet potatoes, cinnamon, and a nutty topping.

What Makes It Special: Packed with flavor yet reduced in sugar and calories for a healthy Thanksgiving side.


12–15 sweet potatoes, depending on size

2 tablespoons melted butter

2 teaspoons sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

pinch sea salt

1/2– 1 cup almond milk or milk of choice

For the crumble:

1 cup oats (can use gluten-free)

1/2 cup almond me

11.1 Friday Faves

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Hi friends! Happy Friday! How was Halloween? We got back home just in time to celebrate. The fam came over, I made some tacos, and we trick-or-treated around the neighborhood. It was low key and lovely; the perfect celebration after a whirlwind of Orlando adventures.

(On our cruise, 9 of us were Wizard of Oz characters. Please take a moment to appreciate the Pilot’s Lollipop Guild costume lol)

I have SO much to say about the trip (the Reimagining Health Summit and our Disney cruise) and will put everything together into some recap posts next week. My plan was to finish them on the plane but I ended up sleeping all the way home! I was completely zonked.

This weekend is going to be a lot of fun, too: it’s the Pilot’s change of command (after three years as commander, he’s done!), our school auction, and a big event for National Charity League. Here we gooooo. I’d love to hear what you have going on!

(Wanted to share some pics of the ofrenda I put together for this year’s Día de los Muertos. I wish I could keep it up all year

10.25 Friday Faves

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Hi friends! Happy Friday! What are you up to this weekend? We’re heading out on a Disney cruise with the crew! I’ll definitely report back with the adventures but we’re going straight from Orlando fun to the cruise ship. This is Disney cruise #5 (our last one is here) and we’re definitely not stopping anytime soon.

I also had an amaaazing time at the Reimagining Health Summit. I’ll have a full recap up next week, but it was so amazing to meet Dr. Cabral and members of the EquiLife team, connect with fellow IHPs, learn from the incredible speakers, and also spend some time with my business bestie Giselle.

(with the Mind Pump guys!)

(blazer is Veronica Beard // skirt is here and bodysuit is here)

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why I wear wired headphones

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Hi friends! I hope you’re having a wonderful week. I’m headed to Orlando for back-to-back adventures and will be sure to report back! Check out my IG stories for all the fun.

For today’s post, I wanted to chat a bit about headphones.

Here I am with my wired headphones, years after the bluetooth options arrived on the scene.

In college, I had a bluetooth earpiece (along with everyone else who thought they were cool lol) and used it constantly. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was bad for my brain, and decided to eventually stop using it. I’ve always been wary about phones and bluetooth close to my head, but for convenience, I used Bose sport headphones for years. (I loved these things!!) Over time, I’ve learned more about EMFs and decided to make the swap back to wired headphones a couple of years ago.

why I wear wired headphones

The Wired vs. Wireless Debate

Wireless headphones, like Air Pods, have become extremely popular, but wired headphones still have a strong following. I feel like as people have become more health conscious, they’ve gravitated back to wired headphones. Maybe they’re returning back to wired headphones after using wireless, maybe they delight in being old school, or maybe they stick with wired for some of the reasons below.

Better Sound Quality

Wireless headphones tend to produce more consistent audio, without interface or drops.

It also seems like many musicians, sound engineers, and those who value audio quality tend to prefer wired headphones.

No Need to Charge

One of the nicest things about wired headphones is the battery-free convenience. You never have to worry about charging them.

They’re also perfect for long use since you don’t have to take breaks to recharge.

These are also a lower stress option because you don’t have to worry about the headphones dying mid-use, especially during workuots, calls, or long trips..

More Reliable Connection

Wired headphones are also more reliable since you don’t have to worry about signal drops or interference that can occur with Bluetooth. They connect instantly without pairing or connection issues; simply plug them in and you’re good to go.

They’re also compatible with multiple devices and you don’t have to worry about connectivity issues.

Health and EMF Concerns

Wireless headphones emit electromagnetic fields (EMFs), which some people prefer to avoid. The more I learn about EMFs, the more I prefer to minimize exposure as much as possible. I tend to be more sensitive to these things, and it was even worse when I was in the depths of my healing journey.

Wired headphones eliminate the close proximity to Bluetooth signals, which is another peace of mind for EMF exposure. Read more
