What is quiet quitting (and should you do it)?

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There’s a new workplace buzzword in town, but what does it mean and could it prevent burnout?

What is quiet quitting (and should you do it)?

Scrolling through TikTok recently, I noticed a phrase that made my ears prick up, ‘quiet quitting’. When I did some further digging, I found myself down a rabbit hole of various takes, interpretations and ‘solutions’ (for both employers and employees).

So what is it? While that may well depend on your interpretation, after reading countless articles and LinkedIn posts, I see it as a rejection of the hustle mentality. Recognising your worth outside of work and pulling back on the energy you dedicate to it.

This means not working hideous hours for minimal pay, not stressing over inconsequential (in the grand scheme of things) decisions and not giving everything you have to go above and beyond for work. Instead, it’s about turning up, doing your job to the best of your ability… and that’s it. Some call this ‘working wage appropriate’, which shouldn’t be that radical, should it?

I think the reason my ears pricked up at the term was because I feel like I’ve done this. Twice, actually. Once about five years ago when I decided to step down from a management position and reduce my working hours. This was initially so I could dedicate more time to a side business, but it was also to lower stress levels as I was dealing with some intense work-related anxiety at the time.

I remember saying to myself ‘I can’t give 100% to this job, because I have other important areas of my life’. I needed to pull back, both mentally and physically, and stepping down from a management position allowed me to do that.

More recently I’ve, perhaps not so quietly, quit the aforementioned side business and hope to return to full-time employment. There are many reasons for this but a big one is, again, to regain some energy and a better work-life balance.

Both of these were different moves (that some may consider ‘stepping back’ in my career), but both had the same, positive outcome. Me prioritising my health and joy over work. And this is coming from someone who is passionate about her work and actually enjoys her job. So… yes, I’m pleased more people are coming around.

Speaking to life and career coach Gaby Grzywacz, it seems I’m not alone in my feelings towards this.

“If we understand quiet quitting as ‘just’ doing your job (which, I think, is all we should ever be asked to do by our employers!), then I feel very positive about it!” Gaby says.

We’ve finally reached the point where younger employees come into companies and say ‘we don’t want to sacrifice everything for you, we’re here to do the job’

“We’ve finally reached the point where younger employees come into companies and say ‘we don’t want to sacrifice everything for you, we’re here to do the job’. This is a very positive move towards improving employee wellbeing, reducing rates of burnout and, in my view, potentially increasing productivity.

“I strongly believe that an overworked employee is less likely to do their best work, while someone who leaves their work at work, and physically steps away from the work on time to relax, can rock it out of the park.”

Let’s be honest, the phrase ‘quiet quitting’ is misleading, because for most of us it isn’t about checking out and doing the ‘bare minimum’

Rosemary Roasted Potatoes

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I’m so excited to share these Rosemary Potatoes with you! They’re everything I want in a side dish – easy, delicious, and loved by my whole family.

Rosemary Roasted Potatoes are everyone's favorite potato! get the recipe at barefeetinthekitchen.com

Rosemary Potatoes

Crisp roasted potatoes with a fluffy center are one of my favorite ways to enjoy potatoes. Tossed with just olive oil, salt, pepper, and fresh rosemary before roasting, they turn out perfectly every time.

I serve these potatoes for breakfast, lunch, or dinner and I usually double or triple the recipe to keep them in the refrigerator during the week for easy breakfasts.

Tossing the potatoes with fresh rosemary makes them just a little bit fancier without any real effort or extra time spent.

Rosemary Roasted Potatoes

I’ve never met a roasted potato I didn’t like. Roasted Potatoes with Brussels Sprouts and Sausage is one of my favorite dinners. Guests always love these Turmeric Roasted Potatoes with Green Beans too.

Oven roasting results in a crisp exterior and fluffy buttery potato center with almost no skill or effort required. Roasted potatoes are a perfect dish for new and experienced cooks alike.

Roasted Fingerling Potatoes with Chipotle Garlic Sauce are awesomely snackable. They disappear lightning fast any time I make them.

After tossing chopped potatoes with olive oil, herbs, and spices, simply bake them in a preheated oven while you prepare the rest of your meal.

Keep an eye on the potatoes and use a spatula to flip once or twice part way through cooking to ensure that all sides bake evenly.

That’s all it takes to have an impressive roasted potato side dish that everyone at the table is guaranteed to rave about.

Rosemary Roasted Potatoes pair well with almost any main dish and they only take a few minutes to prep - get the recipe at barefeetinthekitchen.comRead more

Summer Shape Up 2022 | 8 Week Transformation Winners

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8 week transformation

All the women in this community pushed themselves mentally, physically and emotionally during our 8 week transformation.

I am constantly impressed and inspired by the amazing transformation photos and stories you share in your Summer Shape Up Challenge.

Can you believe together you lost over 200 pounds during this challenge! And that’s just from the women who submitted to win! Follow Team LSF on IG to see more!

You all finished this 8 Week Challenge stronger than before and I am so proud of each and every one of you!

It is time to shoutout our SSU winners! These women stayed dedicated and consistent with their Hot Body Meal Plan and LSF app workouts.

These inspiring women, not only have incredible transformation photos but the most heart warming stories!

8 Week Transformation | GRAND PRIZE WINNER

Nicole, @nicole77_lsf

Nicole ABSOLUTELY crushed this challenge. She works full time and is a full-time student, pursuing a master’s degree. Despite her busy schedule she found time to commit to yourself and LOST 28lbs!!

She found out a couple years ago, that she has hypothyroidism. She tried to lose weight and become healthier many times but it wasn’t until she found Katie’s Youtube channel that she became invested in herself. ⁠

“This plan (and the SSU challenge) has taught me how to eat, actually eat, so that I can fuel myself and feel good about what I am putting into my body. SSU taught me how to appreciate a workout, even a quick 10-minute workout, to help my day go better. ⁠My favorite part of SSU was the Monday morning live workout sessions and the support that I got (and gave) to so many other women who are striving for their best lives as well. But I have all of these women (whom I have never met) who are so supportive that it helps me to keep going, even when I want to quit on myself.”

Runner Ups

Natasha, @tatatashie

Read more

4 myths about narcissism and NPD that need to be debunked

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Separating fact from fiction: Here’s what you need to know about narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder

4 myths about narcissism and NPD that need to be debunked

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) tends to have a bad reputation. If you search for it on Google, you’ll be presented with a definition: ‘A mental health condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others.’

It’s no surprise, then, that diagnosing personality disorders like NPD can be considered controversial. Whats more, experts currently don’t agree on how we can best understand personality disorders or even if we should diagnose them.

But with so much confusion and so many misconceptions surrounding narcissism and NPD, what do we really need to know? And what common assumptions do we have that are just plain wrong?

Understanding NPD

Generally speaking, someone with narcissistic personality disorder has a distorted self-image, believes they are superior to others, and often feel that their opinions, feelings, and interests are more important than others’. They may struggle to empathise with others, exaggerate their talents and accomplishments, or even lie about them. Success and power are extremely important to them. They may appear patronising, be quick to anger if contradicted, and show a need for admiration.

Without help and support, those with NPD may be at risk of developing depression or suicidal thoughts, and relying on substance or alcohol misuse. Building (and maintaining) healthy relationships can be challenging without help.

Common myths and misconceptions

We spoke with Counselling Directory member and counsellor, Peter Klein, to find out more about narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder, and to get answers to some of the most frequently asked questions and misconceptions.

Myth: Narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder are the same thing

“Narcissistic personality disorder, as a definition, is more clear cut than narcissism,” Peter explains.

“Many of those with NPD are unable to connect with others on a deeper level, which means that their relationships are more superficial. Someone with NPD will often not be able to experience empathy, and therefore is more likely to exploit others for their own means.

“Many will also feel a sense of emptiness, which coincides with other problems such as anxiety and depression. Therefore NPD is mostly a far more serious problem than that which falls within the wide range of what is defined as being a ‘narcissist’.”

Myth: All narcissists are incapable of love

While love and relationships may be more difficult for some with NPD, they aren’t impossible. Peter explains, “Narcissism is on a continuum, and healthy amounts can allow people to not constantly overestimate life’s challenges and connect with people without feeling inferior. Many forms of love necessitate an ability to be able to connect, at least in some form

How to break up your workout days

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Sharing some ideas how to to put your weekly plan together and break up your workout days to optimize performance and recovery!

Hi friends! How is the week going? I hope you’re having a lovely morning so far! I had a call with our amazing travel agent regarding spring 2023 travel (the best) and am putting the Fit Team workouts together for September. If you’d like to join us for Self Care September (focusing on workout nutrition and self care strategies), join us here! Anyone who signs up today will also receive a custom nutrition guide a thank you from me to you 🙂

For today’s post, I’m chatting about breaking up your workout days and how to do this strategically. I’m a big fan of split training throughout the week. It can help you strength different areas of the body, giving you enough time to recover, and also freedom to control the way you train.  Today, I’m sharing practical tips to help my reader friends break up their workout days and get the most out of their training routine.

(Please keep in mind that while I’m a certified personal trainer, I’m providing general information for educational purposes. This is not medical advice. Always seek out the help of your doctor before starting or changing your fitness routine.)

How to break up your workout days

Whole Body Split

This type of split involves a total body workout each time you train. The benefits of this type of training is that you’re able to use more fancy and *fun* compound-type movements, working multiple muscle groups at once, and due to peripheral action training, your heart rate may higher, which indicates a higher calorie burn during the workout. I like working total body for my beginner clients (focusing on bodyweight-only exercises first), and also my clients who have significant weight loss goals.

The downside of this type of training is that it may be harder to hit muscle fatigue, which encourages muscle growth, and that you shouldn’t ideally train your entire body two days in a row. I’d recommend alternating total body workouts with rest and cardio.

Upper / Lower Split

This is when you work your upper body one day (back, shoulders, chest, triceps, biceps), and your lower body on a different day (hamstrings, glutes, core, calves). The benefits of this type of training are that you’re able to strength train on consecutive days (upper b
