best functional labs for women over 35

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Sharing my opinion on the best functional labs for women. Please keep in mind that this is not medical advice. If you’re curious about testing options, reach out to your doctor or practitioner for best fit for YOU. xo

Hi friends! How are you? I hope that you had a wonderful post-Thanksgiving weekend! We are traveling back to Tucson from a super fun trip to Arkansas to visit family.

For today’s post, I wanted to share a bit about functional lab testing. Functional lab tests have helped me a lot personally, and they’ve provided invaluable information for my 1:1 clients. Please keep in mind that these tests are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or illness. Instead, it’s about finding unique information about deficiencies and toxicities within your body. When you have this information, you can create an action plan to help bring the body back to balance. You never *have* to do any of these tests, but it’s an incredible way to gather information about your unique body.

Functional lab testing has become an invaluable tool for individuals seeking a deeper understanding of their health. While conventional lab tests are primarily focused on diagnosing diseases, functional lab tests provide insights into how the body functions on a cellular and metabolic level. For women over 35 who are looking to optimize their well-being, certain functional labs can be particularly insightful.

best functional labs for women over 35

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA): A Window into Mineral Balance

One of the key functional tests for women over 35 is Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA). This non-invasive test analyzes the mineral content present in the hair, providing a valuable window into nutrient deficiencies and imbalances. As women age, hormonal changes can significantly impact mineral absorption and utilization. Imbalances in minerals like magnesium and zinc, for example, can influence mood, energy levels, and hormonal health.

Understanding your mineral status through HTMA allows for targeted supplementation and dietary adjustments, as well as lifestyle changes. This nuanced approach can positively impact hormonal balance and contribute to overall well-being.

A peek at my HTMA. I’ll be going over some of this on IG stories today!

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Thanksgiving Recap (Arkansas edition) + epic Black Friday Roundup

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I’m giving away two $500 Amazon gift cards today to celebrate Black Friday – be sure to follow me on IG for the details!

Hi friends! How are you? I hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving! We’re here in Arkansas with the Pilot’s mom, sis, and our niece and nephew. It’s our first time spending Thanksgiving out here in years, and it’s such a treat to have some time together. The girls were so excited to make a trip out here and are blown away by the trees and greenery. It’s a stark contrast from our lovely brown and cactus-filled Tucson desert.

The Pilot was visiting his dad this week, who lives in Atlanta, so the girls and I flew out super early Thanksgiving morning and he flew from Atlanta to meet us in Little Rock. We rented a super cute lake house for the long weekend and are looking forward to movies, hikes, and exploring.

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10 more frequently asked fitness questions

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Sharing 10 more frequently asked fitness questions and my thoughts. Check out the first post in this series here!

For today’s post, I wanted to share some more fitness FAQs since ya’ll seemed to enjoy the last one I did! So let’s dive into your questions about plateaus, time, motivation, where to focus our energy, and more below. Have a burning fitness question? Leave it in the comments section and I’d love to take a look!

5 more frequently asked fitness questions

10 more frequently asked fitness questions

11. I’ve hit a plateau – why is this happening?!

When you hit a plateau, this is a great time to access your current fitness and nutrition routine and see how it’s been going. Usually, a plateau is the result of needing additional stressors (not challenging yourself with your routine), not balancing your routine (overtraining), or unsustainable fitness and nutrition methods. I see this happen a lot with extreme dieting and/or fitness routines with high intensities. Initially, you see results, but eventually, the body becomes stressed and makes an effort to hold onto anything it can.
Plateaus are also sometimes a good reminder to switch up your fitness routine. You don’t even necessarily need to switch out the exercises (especially if you’re performing classic push/pull movements, deadlifts, squats, etc) but change up the weight, and tempo, try unilateral versions of the exercises, or add in a core or balance component.
Make sure that you’re sleeping enough each night, balancing your workouts between cardio, strength, mobility, and rest (if you need help, check out this post or join us in Fit Team), and accessing your nutrition intake. Ensure that you’re eating enough fuel for your lifestyle, hydrating appropriately, and including a balance of proteins, healthy fats, leafy greens, starchy veggies, and fruits.
If you’re doing all of these things and still not seeing results, it can be helpful to have an extra set of expert eyes on your routine and see what’s going on. Also, hormone function can affect or stall your progress. We offer quite a few different testing options depending on your goals, so if you’re curious about learning more, send me an email (subject TESTING).


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Hi friends! Happiest Thanksgiving to you. There is so much to be thankful for this year: especially family, friends, good health, and all of YOU. I’m so thankful for you each and every single day.

I don’t take a second of my *job* for granted, and I wake up each morning thrilled that I get to connect with you in this space. You’ve helped me create the positive, uplifting, encouraging lil spot of the internet it’s become. I get to support our family while being home with our babies, and while I could never define my ideal career, this is it.

Wishing you all a happy, healthy Thanksgiving, filled with fun times and memories, and lots of delicious food.

I’ll see you tomorrow!


(+ the Pilot, Liv, and P)

Photo by Kristi Harris

The post thankful appeared first on The Fitnessista.

My top five Beautycounter products (and why I love them)

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Sharing my top five favorite beautycounter products and why I love using them in my routine. Their Black Friday promo is happening now; you can check out the goods here, and read on for a lil sneaky giveaway. 

Hi friends! How are ya? I hope you’re having a lovely morning so far! I have my last day of 1:1 calls and podcast interviews and then tomorrow is more low-key leading up to the holiday. I’d love to hear what you’re doing to celebrate Thanksgiving this year!

For today’s post, I wanted to share my current top five Beautycounter products. I haven’t posted much about Beautycounter this year, but I’ve still been working with the brand behind the scenes and it continues to be an incredible aspect of my online business. I love their products and mission, and now that Liv is getting older (and constantly scoping out my makeup drawer lol), I’m happy to know that these products are designed with safety and sustainability in mind.

Here are some of the things I love if you’re looking to treat yourself with their Black Friday promo. It’s 20% off sitewide, free shipping on orders over $50, and with orders over $150, you can choose a free gift from three options. All of the details are here!

My top five Beautycounter products (and why I love them)

(Skirt is here // similar sweater here)

Statement Maker Satin Lipstick

This continues to be my go-to lipstick. I have at least 8 of these scattered in my purses and in my makeup drawer. Captivating is my top color; it’s the perfect pinky n
