Friday Faves 7.28

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Hello hello! Happy Friday! Hope you’ve had a wonderful week. What are you up to this weekend? We were originally planning on a short getaway to San Diego but both kids are still a little traveled-out and requested to stay home and chill. (Liv is also still working away on her summer packet.) It will be nice to swim and catch up with friends before we’re back in the school hustle.

Other than that, I’m getting a much-needed pedicure (bless), catching up on work stuff, and taking a hot yoga class. I hope you have a fun and lovely weekend ahead!

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below.

Friday Faves 7.28

Read, watch, listen:

Liv and I have been watching High School Musical, The Musical: The Series on Disney+ and it’s SO.good. We’re heading into Season 3 so we can be caught up when the new season is released. The songs, humor, plot lines, it’s all adorable. I’ve loved watching it with her.

Don’t forget to check out this week’s podcast episode here!

I had a Kindle maybe 10 years ago and it got old and broke, so I’d gone back to reading paper books and digital books on my phone or the iPad. I decided to order a new one for Prime Day and am so pumped about it. I love the smaller size of the Paperwhite, like a giant iPhone, minus the distractions of my phone, email, and social media. What should I download first??

Fashion + beauty:

Ok, so these aren’t exactly *fashion* (more function!) but I got P a pair of vivobarefoot shoes and they are SO cute. They fit her feet perfectly, she doesn’t have to worry about tying them, and she said they make her run fast (the ultimate kid test).

Since I’ve recently had to toss my skincare and makeup twice – give me like 6 months of happy eyes and then I’ll go back to my usual stuff – I’ve been switching things up and

138: Transformational Human Design with Emma Dunwoody

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Hi friends! I’ve got a new podcast episode up this morning and am so excited to be chatting with Emma Dunwoody all about human design. If you’re unfamiliar with this process, this is a great intro episode, and also how you use this knowledge to unlock your greatest potential.

Here’s what we talk about in today’s episode:

– What is human design for those who may be unfamiliar?

– How can we use human design to live our greatest potential in all aspects of life?

– How is your method of Transformational Human Design™ different from traditional human design teachings?

– Once someone discovers their design, what’s the best place to start to avoid overwhelm and get the best results?

and so.much.more!

138: Transformational Human Design with Emma Dunwoody

Here’s a bit more about Emma:

Emma Dunwoody is a qualified Master Coach and Human Behavioral Specialist who wakes people up to the power within them using her unique method of Transformational Human Design™, a system of self-knowledge and guidance unlike anything else that exists. Her vision is to take Human Design mainstream so it becomes more widely accepted than any other global profiling, behavioral or healing system — she believes it will transform personal development, education, and business forever. Emma wants to inspire everyone to unlock their inner wisdom, take their power back and feel deeply confident in the decisions they make. This will create a population that values themselves and courageously lives their truth, which will deliver us to a new paradigm of peace, joy, and abundance.

Connect with Emma on Instagram, on her website, and check out her podcast.

More resources from this episode:

If any of my fellow health professional friends are looking for another way to help their clients, I highly recommend IHP. You can also use this information to heal yourself and then go one to heal others, which I think is a beautiful mission. You can absolutely join if you don’t currently work in the health or fitness industry; many IHPs don’t begin on this path. They’re friends who are passionate to learn more about health and wellness, and want to share this information with those they love. You can do this as a passion, or start an entirely new career.

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Navigating Nutrition: The Guide to Fueling Your Body

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You can’t out train a bad diet. Nutrition is the key to getting results that last, but eating healthy doesn’t mean sacrificing flavor or enjoyment. It’s about learning to fuel your body with healthy, delicious food and that starts here.

Your Recipe for Success

Now is the perfect time to grab our Hot Body Meal Plan . This comprehensive guide will take the guesswork out of your meal prep and provide you with nourishing recipes that will leave you feeling satisfied and energized. With a focus on whole foods and balanced nutrition, the Hot Body Meal Plan is your secret weapon for achieving real, sustainable results.

Unlocking Your Nutrition Potential

If you’re looking for a complete nutritional transformation, our Summer Shape Up (SSU) eBook is an absolute necessity. Packed with mouthwatering recipes, meal plans, and expert tips, it’s your go-to resource for creating a healthy, vibrant lifestyle. The SSU eBook goes beyond fad diets, offering you a practical and enjoyable approach to nourishing your body from the inside out.

Eating Healthy Can Be Fun!

Believe it or not, eating healthy doesn’t mean giving up all your favorite treats or feeling deprived. I want to show you just how easy it is to enjoy life while still making nutritious choices. Check out my delicious smoothies, guilt-free desserts, and creative twists on classic dishes. I will prove to you that eating healthy can be a fun experience!

Fueling Your Whole Family’s Well-Being

You’re not in this alone! The benefits of a balanced and nutritious diet extend beyond just

How this Mindset will Completely Transform Your Life

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We’ve officially reached week 3 of the challenge, way to go, you should be so proud of yourself! We know that sometimes, it can feel like your momentum is slowing down but not to worry, we got you! Let’s dive into the importance of mindset and discover how it can level up your journey!

Reconnecting with Your “Why”

It’s time to go back to the beginning and remember why you chose to go on this incredible journey.

Take a moment to reflect on your initial goals and aspirations.

Are you looking to boost your confidence? Improve your overall well-being? Remind yourself of the incredible strength you possess and let your “why” refresh your motivation. You’ve come so far, and you have the power to go even further!

Consistency with a Dash of Freshness

Consistency is key, but we also know that routine can sometimes lead to a slump. Spice things up and keep your fitness routine fresh and exciting.

Try taking your workout outdoors! Feel the sun on your skin and breathe in the fresh air as you sweat it out. Don’t forget to check out my LSF workout playlist to refresh your workout groove and keep you energized.

A little change can make such a difference!

Embrace the Power of Affirmations

Positive self-talk is a game-changer when it comes to mindset.

Affirmations are like mini pep talks that boost your confidence and set the tone for success. Repeat empowering phrases like “I am strong,” “I am capable,” and “I am unstoppable” to yourself daily.

You have to be your own biggest hype girl first, then let #teamlsf do the rest!

Our Mindset Must-Haves

To support you on your mindset journey, I’ve got some incredible resources for you. My Self Love Workbook is designed to help you unlock confidence in just 7 days.

It’s packed with daily challenges to inspire growth and honest self reflection, tools to learn to love yourself unconditionally, learn when to say no and why to say YES, self love checklist, weekly self care tracker, and 3 DIY face mask recipes.

This workbook will fuel your inner fire and keep you pushing forward.

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the best products for dry eye, blepharitis and MGD

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Sharing the best products for dry eye, blepharitis, MGD (I’ve tried it all!)

+ the Great Eye Saga

Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re enjoying the morning so far. The girls are at a half-day camp and I’m here doing discovery coaching calls, podcast editing, and getting a quick workout before pickup.

For today’s post, I have the post no one asked for, and the post I DEFINITELY didn’t ask for:

my Great Eye Saga, finding out I have severe blepharatis, and mild MGD (meibomian gland dysfunction)… and all of the products, strategies, and treatments I’ve tried, along with my routine.

the best products for dry eye, blepharitis and MGD

OG readers of the blog (Hiiii and thank you so much for being so awesome and for your constant support) know that my eyes are delicate petunias. I’ve written about my woes with previous infections, eyelash extension nightmares, and finding out the hard way that certain eye makeup will ruin my life lol.

The latest eye misadventure has been the longest and most inconvenient experience yet, but in my determination to look at the bright side, now I know more about my eyes, WHY I struggled so much with certain things over the years, have a routine and care plan, and my eyes are the whitest and happiest they’ve been in years. 

So, buckle up, and I’ll tell ya a story.

The Great Eye Saga

In April, I got the worst pink eye that I’ve ever seen or experienced. I’d been out gardening the day before, and woke up with neon red eyes that were covered in mucus (I’m sorry, it’s true) and almost swollen shut. I rushed to urgent care, where they prescribed me antibiotic drops, and was sent home. It didn’t get better within a few days, so I went to a new eye doctor. (My previous eye doctor had retired.) He said the infection was viral and prescribed a steroid drop, which calmed down the inflammation. The following week, he said I could go back to my contacts, so I did. Within a few weeks, the redness and goo was back.

*It’s worth mentioning here that I washed my pillowcase and any towels I used every single day, threw away all of my expensive makeup and skincare (WAH), and washed my hands so often all of my knuckles were cracked and bleeding. I was so frustrated that somehow, I had pink eye again.*

I started the antibiotic drops again (the same ones, since it had only been about a month), they did nothing, and I went back to the eye doctor’s office.

I saw different eye doctor since my previous doctor was booked 
