Amazon Hits and Misses August 2023

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Sharing a roundup of some of my favorite Amazon finds (and some of the fails!) from recently. Affiliate links are included below, which enable me to earn a small kickback that I use to keep the lil blog running. Thank you so much to those of you who shop my links!

Hi hi! How are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful day so far! Thank you so much for your excitement about Vitality! I can’t wait to get started together on the 28th. Check out the details here! 

For today’s post, I wanted to share some recent Amazon finds. Amazon has been crushing the game lately, and they have so many cute things for the transition from summer to fall. I’ve also found some new back-to-school essentials that we’ve been loving lately, and also some fails in the mix.

Here are some of the things I’m loving right now:

Amazon Faves August 2023

This set

While this set is a little on the summery side, I can get away with tying a sweater around my shoulders for the next couple of months here in Tucson. They also have it in black, which is super cute with a high bun and some low-top sneakers.

This necklace

I’ve been wanting a tennis necklace for a while, but didn’t want to spend the money on a real one. I wanted something I could wear every day without worrying about it getting lost or breaking. This one was highly recommended in a Facebook group that I’m in, so I decided to go for it since it was only $35. I LOVE it. It’s sparkly and decent quality, plus I can wear it every day.

This two-piece sweater set!!

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Friday Faves 8.18

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Hi friends! Happy Friday! I hope your week is going well! Sorry it’s been a little quiet over here – it’s been a wild one between the Pilot flying nights, wrangling the crew, and working on the Vitality launch. The price jumps tonight if you’d like to join in! 

Today is our 16th anniversary! I’m so grateful to have this guy by my side, and thank God every day for the little life we share. He’s my favorite adventure buddy, the best dad, and I still have a crush on the Starbucks guy, all these years later. 😉 We’re celebrating with a lovely dinner tonight and he’s off work, so I’m looking forward to spending the day together. I hope you have a happy Friday, too!

(Our wedding photographer wasn’t very good and our best photos were ones that our friends and family members took on their early 2000s digital cameras. A friendly word of advice to bride friends: invest in an awesome photographer! I would love to have new pics taken by Kristi or Lindsay one day)

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below.

Friday Faves

Fitness, health, and good eats:

EquiLife sale on the Starter Kit and Big 5 labs ends this weekend! If you’d like me to be the one to go over your test results, just let me know! If not, you can order here and another IHP will go over your results with you. I’m a huge fan of functional testing and believe that it can provide invaluable education about your unique body.

It’s changed my life in many ways, and I think it’s the future of empowered health and wellness. Check it out here!

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Why I tried Nutrisense (and What I Learned)

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For the past week and a half, I tried out Nutrisense and wore a CGM to monitor my glucoses levels. Sharing a recap of my experience here! I was gifted the Nutrisense membership for 1 month to try, and this post is not sponsored. My code to try it out is GINA50 for $50 off  <— not affiliate, just wanted to share a discount with you all.

Hi friends! How’s the week going? Thank you so much for all of the beautiful birthday wishes for P! We had a great day celebrating and capped it off with the requested hibachi dinner. I hope you’re having a wonderful week, too!

For today’s post, I wanted to share a recap of my experience using Nutrisense. I’ve been curious about this company for a while, especially after doing my Inside Tracker bloodwork earlier this year. My fasting glucose levels were a little on the high side, and I was concerned that it may be a deeper problem. I waited it out, and after my good friend Mia posted about using Nutrisense to monitor her blood glucose levels, I knew I wanted to give it a try. Then I reached out to the company and was excited when they offered me a month to try it out and see how I liked it.

I received the product and was SO nervous to put it on (hi, I’m a giant needle phobe) and waited and waited until Mia said that she’d walk me through the whole process and attach hers at the same time. You can watch the video here and witness the moment I almost started having a panic attack on live video. (She was like, “See, you can see the needle right there” and I turned white.) I really wanted the data, so I took a deep breath and went for it. I’m really glad I did, because having the ability to see my body’s response to different foods was extremely valuable.

(I’m smiling but panicking. Turns out, attaching the CGM was NOTHING like I imagined it would be. It was painless and super easy.)

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Introducing Vitality

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Vitality is my new signature wellness programed designed for burned out moms who want more joy, optimal health, and vitality in their life.

Hi friends! Happy Wednesday! I hope you’re enjoying the week so far. It’s been a good one over here. I got to sing again for the first time in a long time, had an eye specialist appointment, and have made some tasty dinners for the crew. We’re back in the swing of dance in addition to school, so I’ve been trying to make super quick meals. Ina Garten tomato soup, grilled cheese, and salad tonight!

For today’s post, I’m excited to share my new program with you. It’s called Vitality and the content goes live on August 28th. It’s self-paced, so you can learn at your own time, spread your wings and fly. Or, you can join with a testing option to include two foundational at-home lab tests. This also includes two calls with me to go over your results and craft your personalized action plan. Check out all of the details here.

I really wanted to create something new using my IHP certifications, and when I was thinking about who I wanted to serve, I thought of the older version of myself. I had teeny kids, was completely overwhelmed, and on the inside, I felt the worst I had in a long time.

I’ve come a long way in my personal health journey, especially over the past few years. While I share a piece of my life on the internet, it’s definitely not the whole pie, and I’ve experienced various hurdles and obstacles over the years.

(I want to give this version of myself a big hug. I had such a great mindset, but I was struggling on the inside in so many different ways.)

I’m here to tell you I know exactly what it feels like…

  • To wake up from a full night’s sleep feeling completely exhausted
  • To feel irritable, anxious and moody throughout the day
  • To want to scream… but holding it inside
  • To have zero libido and feel like a shell of myself
  • To have horrible PMS symptoms, heavy cycles, and horrible cramps
  • To toss and turn all night with anxious thoughts, unable to stop the wheels from spinning
  • To feel like I need caffeine and sugar to make it through the day
  • To be completely frustrated because I was working out, eating well, and not making any performance or physical improvements from my efforts
  • To feel completely depleted on all fronts… but “muscling” through the days, knowing that so many others depend on me

If you’re feeling this way, I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone. There are so many women out there who feel exactly like you do.

Guiltless Chicken Pesto Pizza

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guiltless chicken pesto pizza

Pizza is one of those foods I thought I had to give up when I was trying to lose weight, but it’s not true! I just had to learn how to make recipes like this so i could enjoy my favorites without the extra grease and excess junk.

That’s exactly why I created my Guiltless Recipe ebook. It has over 135 guilt-free recipes (including desserts & cocktails!) plus everything I learned over 2 years to help you create a healthy, balanced lifestyle you love.

My guiltless Chicken Pest pizza was one of the first pizza’s I made (after trying it at healthier takeout spot) and is still my go-to when I get a pizza craving so let me show you how it’s done👇🏻

Guiltless Chicken Pesto Pizza


  • 1 pre-made cauliflower crust (or your crust of choice)
  • 1/2 cup of your favorite pesto sauce (I use my lemon-pesto from my Guiltless Recipe Ebook)
  • Grilled chicken breast, thinly sliced (because protein is a must)
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved or 1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup pine nuts
  • 1/2 onion, gilled
  • Crumbled feta cheese
  • Fresh basil leaves
  • A pinch of crushed red pepper


  1. Preheat and Prep: Start by preheating your oven to 450°F (232°C). While that’s heating up, sprinkle a touch of flour on a clean surface and roll out your pizza dough into your desired shape. It’s your pizza canvas – get creative!
  2. Spread the Flavor: Grab that pesto sauce and generously slather it all over your pizza dough. Think of it as your guilt-free flavor foundation.
  3. Chicken Power: Lay out those thinly sliced grilled chicken pieces on top of the pesto-covered canvas. Protein boost? Check!
  4. Tasty Tomato Distribute those halved cherry tomatoes and onion all over.
  5. Gimme that Crunch: Sprinkle those delightful pine nuts all around for a texture that’s nutty and nice.
  6. Feta Frenzy: Time to introduce the star of the show – crumbled feta cheese. Sprinkle it generously over the pizza, adding that creamy and tangy punch we all adore.
  7. Into the Oven: Slide your pizza into the preheated oven and let the magic unfold. About 12-15 minutes should do the trick, resulting in a golden crust and melty cheese perfection.
  8. Basil Beauty: Once your pizza emerges from the oven looking on point, sprinkle torn fresh basil leaves on top.
  9. Embrace Guilt-Free Goodness: Slicer it up and remember, this is a