10 tips you can use to transform your health

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Hi friends! Happy Monday and I hope you’re having a wonderful day. We’re finishing cleaning and organizing our closets (they were an epic mess lol) and enjoying the day with the crew.

For today’s post, I thought I would share some simple but powerful health tips from myself and Mia (a Registered Dietitian). It’s easy to think that changing your health requires a huge overhaul at once, but the beauty is in creating small habits and building from there. If you haven’t read Atomic Habits, I highly recommend it!! It explores the power of habit building and how to use small habits to make huge changes.

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Here are some of the things that come to mind that you can use to build on over time. I’d love to hear if there’s anything else you’d add to the list!

10 tips you can use to transform your health

5 tips from Gina, a Precision Nutrition coach, NASM certified Personal Trainer and Women’s Fitness Specialist

1. Meditate

Meditation is one of the most powerful habits I’ve added to my personal health routine. When I meditate, it immediately affects how I feel on a mental level (more calm, patient, less anxious, more present) and it also affects my blood glucose when I’m wearing a CGM. The days that I meditate, I notice that I sleep much better that night and have vivid dreams. If you’re not sure how to start a meditation practice, check out this podcast episode.

2. Hydrate yourself throughout the day.

Even better? Sip on some LMNT electrolytes or another electrolyte you love. Hydration affects so many processes in the body, from digestion, skin tone, immune function, hormones, satiety, etc. I like to aim for at least half my body weight in ounces, and definitely have one serving of electrolytes each day, especially when it’s hot outside or I’ve had a longer or more intense workout.

3. Swap out frequent high-intensity exercise for low-impact or lower intensity options.

If you’re currently doing lots of high impact and high intensity workouts, assess your routine and make sure that you have some lower intensity days and at least 1-2 days completely off each week. After a certain point, you will experience diminishing returns with super intense workouts, usually through hormonal issues (exercise is a stressor for the body and it really comes down to how we recover from exercise!), and potentially overtraining symptoms or overuse injuries. If you’re not sure how to balance your workout plan, join us for Fit Team Read more

Spring Slim Down 2022 Winners!

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SSD 2022 winners

I am continuously impressed by our LSF community. All the women in this community worked their butts off in this challenge. Not only was I inspired by your AMAZING transformation photos but your stories nearly brought me to tears. 

I am so proud of each and every one of you! You all finished this 8-Week Challenge strong which will help to create wonderful habits that will last a lifetime. Thank you for pushing yourselves and our community to be the best we can be! 

While we are on the subject, we need to shoutout our SSD winners! These women put their all into this 8-Week Challenge. These fabulous women, not only have incredible transformation photos but the most heart warming stories! It is my pleasure to introduce you: 


Lindsay, @linds.lsf

This was Lindsay’s FIRST challenge with us! She absolutely crushed this challenge and she lost 6lbs within this 8-Week Challenge. This challenge saved her and helped to create amazing new habits that she plans to stay consistent with. 

“Three weeks into the challenge, my blood pressure readings fell into the healthy range where they belong. They’ve been in that healthy range ever since. It’s crazy how fast my body responded to a few simple improvements. I started taking care of it and it immediately returned the favor.During the challenge, I lost 6 pounds and a couple inches off of my waist, hips, and thighs. But I gained an “I can do this” attitude and that’s made all the difference. Now I feel ready to tackle new challenges such as dedicated meal prep and leveling up to advanced workouts in the app. This whole experience ended on a high note for me because just a few weeks ago, my boyfriend took me engagement-ring window shopping! So what started out as a commitment to my health is turning into the beginning of the rest of my best life. “

Runner Ups

Emilee, @lsf_emjenn

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Friday Faves

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Hi friends. I hope that you’re hanging in there this week, despite the horrific events that took place. I’ve cried a lot, and hugged our girls a lot, and have been working to educate myself on these important issues and take action as needed. Thankfully our school has already sent a thorough email with directives from the superintendent, even though we’re out of school, and I feel thankful for that. You can join me in donating to the victims here.

In the spirit of keeping this blog the positive space that it is on the internet, I’ll still be sharing Friday Faves below. If you feel like you need to take a break from the internet this weekend to protect your heart and mental health, I hope that you’re able to do that. I also hope that despite the sad news that we’re constantly surrounded by, that you’re still able to find moments of happiness and peace in the weekend ahead. <3

(We’re going to be in the pool the entire time and having the fam over for dinner on Sunday)

Friday Faves

Read, watch, listen:

What rituals do you have each day?

3 things to bring more joy into your life.

Did you watch the final episode of This is Us? How was it?? I watched the penultimate episode this week (and curled into a little ball as I cried my face off) but haven’t watched the series finale. Please lmk how you liked it!

One of my favorite gratitude meditations.

Don’t forget to check out this week’s podcast episode about anxiety here.

Going with the Pilot (and the entire squadron – they rented out the theater – to see Top Gun) tonight. I can’t wait for a theater full of pilots to shed tears at the opening scene and then spend the rest of the movie heckling the screen. Pray for me.

Fashion + beauty:

Face shaving tips for women. I’m still not sure about this whole thing. I tried a couple of times and I’m 99% sure I had a 5 o’clock shadow about an hour later lololol. It felt like my face was spiky when it grew back, too. Is this real? Do you do this?

Memorial Day weekend sale SITEWIDE on HigherDOSE. If you’ve been wanting a sauna blanket, a PEMF Go Mat, or a Red Light Face Mask, now is the chance! Use the code MDW22 at this link. I use my PEMF Go Mat for meditation every single day, the sauna blanket a few times each week (I sleep so well when I use it and it makes my skin glow), and the red light face mask a couple of times each week. They’re also launching their new serum this weekend and I can’t wait to try it. Read more

104: Things that have helped my anxiety

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Hi friends. My heart is heavy following this week’s events, and behind the scenes, I am taking action in between praying for those sweet babies and their families.

Today’s podcast episode was a common request in my 100 podcast episodes post, so I thought I’d cover this topic today. It’s also something that I feel has been magnified in some way or another for the past few years, so think it’s a relevant topic for this week.

Today, I’m chatting about my experience with anxiety and some of the things that have helped me over time. PLEASE keep in mind that I’m not a therapist or a doctor. This is not medical advice and I’m just sharing my experience. If you struggle with anxiety or any mental health issues (or if you just want to chat to a trusted third party who can give you advice!) seek out the help of a local certified therapist. I always lurk the reviews online when we first move to a new place. You deserve to feel great; please seek out the help you need to feel better!



104: Things that have helped my anxiety

As a first-born Type A perfectionist, I’ve had anxiety for as long as I can remember. When I was younger, I had a TV in my room and would fall asleep watching the news sometimes, which is the perfect way to brew some worry and anxiety. There was also some transition in our family, since my parents got divorced when I was in kindergarten, and I’ve just always been a worrier. My anxieties and worries have ranged from very mild, like deadlines, wanting specific details to be perfect, or wondering if someone is mad at me, to much bigger things, like a husband who was abroad fighting in a war (four times!), a baby with severe reflux who had stopped breathing on a couple of occasions, health concerns, and family stuff.

Something that has always helped me, no matter what I was going through: therapy.

I’ve been blessed to see some incredible therapists in my lifetime and think it can be SO helpful to have one in your back pocket, even if you don’t see them super regularly. It can feel a little weird and awkward at first, but I always leave each session feeling lighter, relieved, and like I have a plan.

I wanted to note first that while NOTHING can replace traditional therapy, there are also some strategies that have also helped:

– Exercise! The key is to do this in a way where you can recover easily and you aren’t perpetuating a constant flight or fight response in the body. Think about your personal “stress bucket,” and make sure that exercise isn’t the thing tipping it over. If you’re an anxious person, I would shift focus from intense and high-impact workouts (like bootcamp workouts and CrossFit), to more low-impact options like yoga, barre, walking, Pilates, moderate strength training, or dance.

– Bringing myself to the present moment. What are 3 things I can see? What

gluten-free cashew chicken (with a secret ingredient!)

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Sharing a recipe for gluten-free cashew chicken that will change your liiiiiife. Not even joking.

Hi hi! How’s it going? I hope you’re having a lovely morning. Today is a day off from the gym (taught dance cardio, barre, and aerobics all in a row and ya girl is spent), so I’m looking forward to reading by the pool with the crew and also getting some content done for an upcoming partner post with NOW Foods (you can use FITNESSISTA for 20% off sitewide! They have SO much amazing stuff). I also have a 1:1 client call and am getting some stuff done around the house.

For today’s post, I have a new quick and easy dinner recipe for you that was a home run: gluten-free cashew chicken.

TBH, I LOVE Chinese takeout. It makes my soul so happy, but I typically end up feeling a little bloated afterwards and kind of blah. Fried food just doesn’t love me back, so I don’t eat it super often.

I was craving cashew chicken, but didn’t have the things I usually like to coat chicken for air frying: out of almond flour, coconut flour, arrowroot, everything.

In the pantry, I saw this bag of pancake mix staring at me, and figured I’d give it a whirl.

This is a game changer, friends.

It has so many great ingredients for coating or breading chicken (you could totally use this for fish, shrimp, or tofu) and very little mixing required. Just season the heck out of it with salt and pepper, make a little egg bath (about 2 eggs with a little water) and you’re good to go.

Heads up with this recipe: you do need an Air Fryer. (It’s $87 right now!)

I fought buying one for at least two years and now that I have one, I’m like how the heck did I live without you for so long?! You can cook so many things in the air fryer, but our favorites are frozen fries (they crisp up beautifully), teriyaki salmon, chicken wings, bacon (the BEST way to cook regular and turkey bacon!) and quick veggie and protein dinners (like chopped chicken sausage, veggies, and potatoes).

I coated some diced chicken with egg and then popped it into a bowl with the pancake mix, and stirred to coat. Next I sprayed the air fryer basket (preheated at 375), added the chicken and cooked for 12-15 minutes, flipping once. I made sure it was done – always use a meat thermomet
