How to calculate nutrition needs

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Google how to calculate your own nutrition needs and the results will yield a plethora of online nutrition calculators. But how do you know which one to choose? Are they accurate? And then what happens? How do you apply this information to your own body? This post was written in collaboration with Mia, who is a Registered Dietitian on my team. 

Nutrition calculators are EVERYWHERE online and it’s easy to receive macros and suggested caloric intake after answering a few questions. The problem is that these calculators are rarely accurate and don’t consider factors that can have a huge impact on how much and what types of fuel you should choose for your unique situation and health goals.

Online nutrition calculators fail to account for various factors, including:

Stress: mental, emotional, physical

Nutrition quality. How do you know you’re getting enough vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, potassium and zinc?

How much NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis) are you getting? This is the amount of activity you get in each day just from house work, moving around, running your kids to practice, walking to dinner with your spouse, etc.

Nutrient deficiencies. Are you on birth control, pregnant, breastfeeding, are you currently injured or recovering from surgery or a medical procedure?

How long have you been in an energy deficit? Have you potentially decreased your metabolic baseline from over-exercising and under-fueling?

What is your environment like? EMF’s, mold, water quality, heavy metals, personal care products, plastics, chlorine, etc.

How to calculate nutrition needs

So, how can you customize your nutrition for your own needs?

Ideally, you want to work with a certified nutrition coach or Registered Dietitian (not a random person with a nice bod on Instagram). After a full assessment, they can objectively help you evaluate the above along with your personal biometrics and customize a perfect plan for you. Having a coach that can look at the entire picture will help you weed out the “shoulds” and noise from the general recommendations and create a plan tailored to you.

So what can you do in the meantime?

Generally speaking, if we are looking to optimize health and longevity, we want to ensure that our diets are meeting the following requirements:

Optimal protein intake, preferably from animal sources. Include a wide variety of grass fed, pasture raised meats (all cuts) like beef, turkey, pork, chicken and wild caught fish like salmon, snapper, shrimp, sardines, anchovies, oysters, etc.

Maximize protein at each meal, eating a palm to palm and a half full of protein of choice. If you aim for 3 meals and 2 snacks per day (pre/post workout) you can easily hit a minimum of 100g without tracking or weighing any food!

Include vitamin A rich foods such as grass fed beef liver, raw milk dairy, egg yolks, peppers, sweet potatoes and carrots.  

Enjoy vitamin C rich foods such as peppers, kiwi, citrus, pineapple, acerola cherries, plums, etc.

Friday Faves

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Hi hi! Happy Friday! What are you up to this weekend? We have an event at the Pilot’s work, are spending lots of time in the pool, and have a DATE NIGHT. Our babysitter moved out of town for college last year but she’s here for the summer and we’re SO thankful. I hope you have a fun and wonderful weekend ahead.

Some pics from Memorial Day weekend!

The Pilot and I went with our entire squadron to see the new Top Gun movie. So many people dressed in costume (we’re talking a towel, aviator sunglasses, and dog tags for one of our friends), and it was everything. I also LOVED the movie. The Pilot said it was, “Cute” and then immediately went into all of the mission inaccuracies blah blah. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it! So action-packed and incredible cinematography.

Dress is here and shoes are here

(Also I want Tom Cruise’s secret. His ability to defy aging continues to mystify me.)

Speaking of defying aging, the grillmaster:

(he cooked up burgers, tons of BBQ chicken thighs, hot dogs, and corn on the cob and everything was amaaaazing)

Eating cake with my babies by the pool:

Food spread:

Burgers, hot dogs, chicken, toppings, buns

Paula Deen banana pudding (the most insane banana pudding you will ever have)

Fruit and yogurt dip

Mediterranean chopped salad

The best pasta salad ever

Your Summer Shape Up 2022 GRAND PRIZE

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how to win!

Who will win the Summer Shape Up grand prize?

It could be you! Our Grand Prize Winner for Summer Shape Up will be the babe with the ultimate total body transformation who shows up for herself and Team LSF all 8 weeks of the challenge and shows us all how to be our best, most confident selves!

What’s Included?

Everything you could possibly need to celebrate your transformation and continue that momentum through the rest of the year!

$500 gift card to Amazon Fresh… for making those delicious, nourishing recipes!

$300 swimwear gift card—to show off all of your hard work!

1-year subscription in the LSF App: because you’re going to want to keep up on your workouts after your HUGE transformation!

LSF Plant Protein FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. Stay fueled all fall and winter long!

Prize pack valued over $1,200

How do I win?

  • Take your “before” photos on day 1, so you’ll have some CRAZY transformation stories to share with us at the end! Find all the pro tips here.
  • Create an LSF Instagram account to engage with the #TeamLSF community and help support other amazing women—we’re in it together!
  • Follow @LoveSweatFitness + @TeamLSF on Instagram and make sure you’re tagging us in your daily #LSFRollCall! Don’t forget to use #LSFSummerShapeUp as well.
  • Submit a testimonial video at the end of the challenge so we can hear all about your incredible journey!

Can’t wait to start with you on June 13th!

The post Your Summer Shape Up 2022 GRAND PRIZE appeared first on Love Sweat Fitness.

My 8 Week Total Body Summer Transformation Challenge

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8 week total body transformation challenge

On June 13th my Summer Shape Up challenge is BACK!

Aren’t you tired of dreading summer? Feeling self-conscious about your body because you haven’t quite “hit your goal weight” yet?

I’ve been there, and I don’t want you to feel like that ever again! I transformed my body in less than 30 minutes a day and now it’s your turn!

8 Week Total Body Transformation Challenge

We’ll be working out together each day in the LSF app and following my step-by-step Summer Shape Up nutrition plan to guarantee you the BEST RESULTS in 8 weeks.

Some of the added benefits you’ll get when you join:

  • My best tips for healthy weight loss + building strength 
  • Opportunities to win insane prizes just for showing up 
  • Support & motivation from the entire #TeamLSF community along the way
  • LIVE workouts w/ me
  • Exclusive perks for those in my email and text club! 

Are you ready for your total body transformation?

I know it can seem so hard to make a change, but I need you to know you are worth it!

Whether your goal is to shed pounds, build strength, or get extra motivation to stay consistent with your routines, this 8-week transformation challenge is exactly what you need!

Your turn starts now!

2022 Father’s Day Gift Guide

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If you’re not sure what to get dad for Father’s Day, I’ve got you covered with tons of ideas. It can be a little tricky to shop for dads and husbands! I’d love to hear any gift ideas you’re planning, too.

Hellooooooo. Anyone else feel like Father’s Day is sneaking up on us this year? This past year has flown by in a second and an eternity at the same time. I wanted to share some gift ideas if you’re planing ahead! We have a few weeks but I figured I should get started now. If you have any awesome gift ideas, please shout them out in the comments!

For the fit dad:

If he loves to golf, check out this lulu polo and these shorts. The Pilot wears these polos and shorts almost every time he’s not in uniform.

An insulated golf bag.

New Bose Free Wireless headphones. We have these and LOVE them. They’re on sale right now, too!

The perfect crosstraining tee.

New cross training sneaks.

A massage gift card at his favorite spot.

A foam roller.

A HigherDOSE sauna blanket! If your guy is into fitness, this is an amazing recovery tool. Use FITNESSISTA15 for 15% off.

An Oura ring. I love this thing SO much for detailed sleep tracking and that it tests my readiness levels based on previous day’s activity, body temp, sleep quality, etc. If your guy likes to geek out on fitness stats, this would be a great gift.

For the chef:

An Ooni pizza oven. I totally want one of these for the backyard 🙂

Flavored wood chips for the BBQ.

This BBQ sauce gift set.

BBQ tool set.

These cedar grilling wraps are amazing.

“On the rocks” set.

A bluetooth speaker to listen to while he’s outside grilling.

Whiskey sampler.

An air fryer for healthy yet still delicious, twist on traditional fried foods. We got this one and I’m obsessed.

Wood wine caddy.

A Traeger! Read more
