Street Corn Pasta Salad

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Tender pasta, fresh corn, and red onions are tossed with a creamy, spicy sauce of mayonnaise, lime, cilantro, and cotija cheese to create this Mexican Street Corn Pasta Salad.

Street Corn Pasta Salad

Mexican Street Corn Pasta Salad

Holy WOW. I could not stop eating this pasta salad after I first tasted it. This is crazy good and every single person who tried it agreed. It’s THAT good.

My Mexican Street Corn obsession is borderline embarrassing, but I have no shame in my love of this flavor combination. This recipe is best with fresh corn.

You know that I just can’t get enough of the different street corn inspired recipes, right?

Fresh corn and tender potatoes are tossed in a creamy spicy sauce to create the Mexican Street Corn Potato Salad. It’s been a popular recipe all summer long.

Tender bites of chicken and fresh corn are coated with a creamy, spicy sauce of mayonnaise, lime, cilantro, and cotija cheese to make this flavorful Street Corn Chicken Salad.

Crunchy green cabbage, fresh corn, and red onions are tossed with a creamy, spicy sauce of mayonnaise, lime, cilantro, and cotija cheese to create this Mexican Street Corn Coleslaw.

You can serve these recipes with CarnitasFilthy Burgersgrilled chicken thighs, pretty much anything goes. There just isn’t a wrong way to serve street corn!

Now that it is fresh sweet corn season here in Ohio, all bets are off and if you see me eating raw sweet corn right off the ear – join me, or mind your own business. My husband wishes that last sentence was a joke but it isn’t.

I prefer to buy it freshly picked from one of the farm stands we have near us. Look for bright green husks and silks that aren’t brown and brittle. In our area some farmers even let you walk into the field and pick your own. Talk about fresh!

Street Corn flavors in a creamy pasta salad

7 simple steps to reset your mindset and create unstoppable success

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If you were told that you have the capability to achieve anything you want, would you accept it, or would you begin to think about all of the things that would get in your way? It’s time to end all that negativity. Here, we set out seven steps to help create unstoppable success from within

7 simple steps to reset your mindset and create unstoppable success

Your mind doesn’t know the difference between positive and negative thoughts. If you tell yourself you’re stupid or not good enough, guess what? Your mind will believe you. That one thought will seep into your subconscious, and every time something doesn’t go to plan you will say: “See? I knew I couldn’t do this.” You reaffirm what you believe is true, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. But it’s time to put a stop to this self-sabotage; here are seven steps to help you completely reset your brain when you need it to step into your true greatness!

1. Change your personal preconceptions

Your personal preconceptions are made up of two layers: past experiences that have affected you before; and the core beliefs those experiences have created within you.

The past experiences will have had either a positive or negative effect on the way you perceive yourself. This will lead to the beliefs and core values (the current set of rules that you are living your life by) which have created your boundaries, fears, and doubts.

Think about any memorable moments that have had a negative effect on you, and what limiting beliefs you are holding on to as a direct result of them.

2. Rewriting your past

According to a study by Dr Julia Shaw, a psychological scientist at University College London, 50% of your memories have been distorted. This shows that our brains cannot tell the difference between true or false memories, which subsequently can lead to us changing the past and accepting things as you see them now, not necessarily how they actually were.

When you think back to a memory that was a negative experience for you, ask yourself these two questions: what did I learn from that experience? How has it made me stronger?

Reflecting on these questions allows your mind to seek positivity. Release any pain, forgive openly, and fuel yourself with the strength those experiences have already given you.

3. Start creating the new you

Your values are a list of things that are important to you in your life. Examples of these could be kindness, honesty, loyalty, compassion, and ambition. Jot down what values you’d like to have, without any limitations.

Your core beliefs are a set of rules you have about yourself, and how you want to live your life. Categories could include happiness, wealth, success, and family. Your core beliefs are the things that you hold important. Write down what you’d like your core beliefs to be, without any limitations.

4. Quit the negative self-talk

When a negative thought enters your head, you have the power to change it into a positive thought, which will then completely alter your perception of the world.

I picture any negative comments in my head as a passing cloud that is floating by. I allow it to pass without a

10 ways to protect your mental health

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With the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life, it’s easy for our mental health to go unnoticed, which can lead to problems down the line. Luckily, as simple as brushing your teeth, there are steps you can take to keep your mind healthy

10 ways to protect your mental health

So, how can we protect our mental health?

1. Speak to someone you trust

If you’re having a low mental health day, it might feel easier to bottle up your emotions. But, talking to someone you trust can help you change the way you’re feeling. Not only can it help you to get things off your chest, but you might also build a better connection with that person so that you can build a support network together. Having somebody you can turn to, whether that’s a partner, friend, or colleague, who will listen to your concerns is a great step towards healing.

2. Spend more time in nature

Even if it's just for a moment to pause and reflect, spending time outdoors can be a calming experience. You might decide to go on a walk, or sit on a bench and take in the sights, smells, and sounds around you. Being in nature, however you chose to do it, gives us a sense of grounding and inner peace.  

You can read about other natural ways to boost your mental health here.

3. Get a good night’s sleep

For those that suffer from sleeping problems like insomnia, this is easier said than done. Adults need a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night, and if we’re lacking this, we feel it.

If you’re struggling to sleep, try switching up your nighttime routine. Start ‘winding down’ about an hour before you want to go to bed - you could have a relaxing bath or do some light reading. It’s also a good idea to avoid distractions like TVs or phones right before bed, as well as caffeine, as these can hinder your ability to fall and stay asleep.

4. Eat healthy food

We might seek a temporary ‘high’ from sugary foods and drink, but this is often followed by a crash - leaving you feeling more tired than before. In order to maintain energy, alertness and fuel your brain, a balanced diet is essential.

Food and our feelings can often get caught up in one another. Sometimes we might over-eat when we feel stressed for comfort, or under-eat if we are upset.  Eating a balanced diet doesn’t have to be boring. You could cook and eat with friends or family, sparking the conversation around mental health and making healthy eating an enjoyable experience.

If you're worried about the cost of living, read our guide on how to eat healthily for less.

5. Understand your feelings

How we feel can sometimes be overwhelming - whether that’s a state of happiness or sadness. If we don’t try to understand our feelings, these emotions can be heightened and impact our daily activities, such as sleeping, working, or relaxing.

It might feel difficult to pay attention to the way we are feeling but, wi

Fit Team – monthly strength training plans

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and let’s get some momentum as we head into fall!

Hi friends! How’s the week going? Ours has been a good one so far. Things kind of got shuffled around this week, but I’m here doing my thing and using this extra time to clean and study.

For today, I have some very exciting news: I’m Fit Team enrollment is open, and I would love to invite you to join us!

Fit Team – monthly strength training plans

Join here and take the guesswork out of your fitness routine for the next 6 months. It’s a 6-month subscription and you can cancel anytime.

So what is Fit Team?

Fit Team is my monthly training program to build lean muscle, burn fat, and get accountability for maximum results. No more wondering what the heck to do, or puzzle-piecing your routine together. You can get a phased, strategically-designed plan so you can finally get the results you deserve (!) and stick with a it for the long haul.

I post a brand-spanking-new fitness plan on the 28th of each month. It typically has 6-8 new strength workouts, along with cardio guidelines, bonuses (playlists, live classes with me, recipes), and video tutorials (with modifications) for each of the exercises. All workouts can be done at home with a pair of dumbbells. (I will be adding a gym-based track using gym equipment in the fall and also plan to post more follow-along videos in the platform.)

Here’s what special about this plan:

The workouts are phased and include progressive training strategies. They’re intentionally-designed and progress over time to help you achieve your body composition goals and strength improvements. They’re designed like this so you won’t plateau and you won’t get bored. Each 90-day cycle includes endurance, power, and strength components with a different focus each month.

Puzzle-piecing your routine together from online workouts and YouTube is great for general movement. But, if you have specific fitness goals or you’ve noticed that you’ve hit a wall and plateaued, it’s because you need a phased plan. I will help you continually add stressors and rep variety into your routine, so you can get the results you deserve from your efforts. If you feel like you’re doing “all the things” and not seeing results, it’s not from your lack of effort – it’s because you need a different strategy. 

Read more

Zucchini Waffles

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Remember the year of our zucchini overload? These Zucchini Waffles were the happy result of that abundance.

Crisp on the outside, and fluffy on the inside, homemade Zucchini Waffles are a breakfast (or a dinner!) that we often enjoy when we have fresh zucchini on hand.

Zucchini Waffles

Zucchini Waffles

I’ve shared dozens of recipes featuring zucchini and other summer squash over the 10+ years I’ve been sharing recipes here on the website.

These Zucchini Waffles can be made with all-purpose flour or with whole wheat flour. If you choose to use whole wheat, follow the notes in the recipe below.

With plenty of fresh zucchini on hand this time of year, these waffles make for a hot breakfast that the whole family enjoys.

The texture of these waffles is amazingly good. I had no idea what to expect from zucchini waffles when I first tried making them and they did not disappoint.

The zucchini taste is slight and honestly indistinguishable, especially after topping the waffles with butter and maple syrup or waffle sauce. The first time I made this, my baby ate two full waffle squares in the time it took to set the table and prep everyone’s plates.

My oldest son surprised me by announcing that he likes Zucchini Waffles even more than the classic waffles that we usually make.

Crisp, fluffy Zucchini Waffles are a summer favorite

Zucchini Waffle Recipe

You’ll notice that these waffles contain no oil or butter. It simply isn’t needed here. The shredded zucchini adds a bit of moisture, along with the milk, and egg in the recipe.

Take care when preparing the zucchini and squeeze out as much moisture as possible. I like to place the shredded zucchini in a clean tea towel and wrap it tightly. You’ll be able to easily s
