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Fit Team – monthly strength training plans

and let’s get some momentum as we head into fall!

Hi friends! How’s the week going? Ours has been a good one so far. Things kind of got shuffled around this week, but I’m here doing my thing and using this extra time to clean and study.

For today, I have some very exciting news: I’m Fit Team enrollment is open, and I would love to invite you to join us!

Fit Team – monthly strength training plans

Join here and take the guesswork out of your fitness routine for the next 6 months. It’s a 6-month subscription and you can cancel anytime.

So what is Fit Team?

Fit Team is my monthly training program to build lean muscle, burn fat, and get accountability for maximum results. No more wondering what the heck to do, or puzzle-piecing your routine together. You can get a phased, strategically-designed plan so you can finally get the results you deserve (!) and stick with a it for the long haul.

I post a brand-spanking-new fitness plan on the 28th of each month. It typically has 6-8 new strength workouts, along with cardio guidelines, bonuses (playlists, live classes with me, recipes), and video tutorials (with modifications) for each of the exercises. All workouts can be done at home with a pair of dumbbells. (I will be adding a gym-based track using gym equipment in the fall and also plan to post more follow-along videos in the platform.)

Here’s what special about this plan:

The workouts are phased and include progressive training strategies. They’re intentionally-designed and progress over time to help you achieve your body composition goals and strength improvements. They’re designed like this so you won’t plateau and you won’t get bored. Each 90-day cycle includes endurance, power, and strength components with a different focus each month.

Puzzle-piecing your routine together from online workouts and YouTube is great for general movement. But, if you have specific fitness goals or you’ve noticed that you’ve hit a wall and plateaued, it’s because you need a phased plan. I will help you continually add stressors and rep variety into your routine, so you can get the results you deserve from your efforts. If you feel like you’re doing “all the things” and not seeing results, it’s not from your lack of effort – it’s because you need a different strategy. 

Think about how awesome it will feel heading into fall:

– With a purposeful plan that you can follow, that still allows for flexibility so you can stick with it

– Working out LESS but finally seeing results from your efforts

– With the confidence that your workouts were created to move the needle towards your goals

– Having the support of your own motivation fairy and women all over the world, cheering for you along the way

– Feeling energized and EXCITED about your routine, instead of overwhelmed and drained

Here’s what our community has to say about their Fit Team experience:

Benefits of joining Fit Team:

– Our amazing community! We have a group of women all over the world who are cheering for each other and helping to support each other along the way to their goals. This is huge for accountability and motivation.

– Direct access to me in our community platform to help with any questions you have along the way

– No longer wondering about what to do with your workouts. Pull up the plan and go!

– Everything is accessible through our online platform or the Kajabi app on your phone

This plan is for you:

– If you like following a written plan with workout tutorials. If you prefer full follow-along videos, check out Barre Bootcamp 2.0 or HIIT Bootcamp instead! We also have

– If you’re sick of puzzle-piecing your routine together and want a plan that was designed with purpose

– If you’re looking for some motivation and consistency, especially as we head into summer!

Check out all of the details plus FAQs here.

Are you ready to join? 

Grab your spot here. Price jumps Thursday and enrollment closes on the 30th.

For all of my early action friends who are a heck yes, the first 10 to enroll today will receive free custom nutrition guidelines and macro calculations to support their journey ($97 value).

Once you’re in, please leave a comment below or DM me on Instagram so I can officially welcome you!

Can’t wait to see you in Fit Team.



The post Fit Team – monthly strength training plans appeared first on The Fitnessista.

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