Lemon Herb Spatchcock Chicken Recipe

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Lemon Herb Spatchcock Chicken Recipe

a photo of juicy roasted sliced chicken breasts topped with fresh herbs and surrounded by slices of lemon.

If you want the juiciest chicken with crispy skin and the most incredible flavor, then you have to make this lemon herb spatchcock chicken!

When I was pregnant with our second child I was not in any kind of position to cook, eat or even think about either thing. But it was like taking a surfer away from the ocean, I was determined to make better than ever meals when I had the baby. And spatchcock chicken was strangely at the top of my list. I have absolutely no idea why I hyper-fixated on chicken, but it ended up being a blessing. It gave me something to look forward to. To decide without ever deciding that I was going to not only survive, but thrive post traumatic pregnancy.

I’m not saying that anyone who is going through something hard should just think about chicken to fix things, because again, I WOULD NOT think about chicken during that time. But maybe there’s something about positive psychology that could take us from A-B that is found in the kitchen. So without telling you what I think… yet… what is the happiest memory you have around food?

Why does food more often attach itself to happiness than sadness?

I’ll move on, I know you just want the recipe, but it’s something to think about. Is there a secret about food and cooking that might make a difference in your happiness in the midst of your trial?

What is a Spatchcock Chicken?

A spatchcock chicken is the same thing as a butterflied chicken. It is a method for cooking chicken where you remove the backbone of a whole chicken and flatten it so that it lays flat and roasts more evenly. For some reason, this little bird’s legs curled up again at the end, but otherwise it will lay far more flat than this.

Why Do You Spatchcock a Chicken?

When you roast a whole chicken, the chicken breasts sit higher and cook first and dry out while the rest of the chicken comes to temperature.

With a spatchcock chicken, everything is at the same level and roasts evenly resulting in juicy chicken breasts, thighs, legs…the whole bird!

And the skin gets so crispy and delicious! I dare say that once you spatchcock, you’ll never go back to roasting a chicken any other way.

Do You Flip a Spatchcock When Cooking?

No, a spatchcock does not need to be flipped while cooking. You roast it with the meat side up and it will come to temperature just fine without flipping.

What Do I Need to Make Spatchcock Chicken?

All you need to do is grab a whole chicken and then hit the produce section for some fresh herbs and citrus. You’ll likely have everything else you need in the pantry already. BONUS…this recipe is so budget friendly! Here is what you will need:

  • Whole Chicken: a 4-5 pound chicken works best, skin on<

Peanut Butter Ice Cream Topping

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With just 3 ingredients and about 2 minutes of effort, you can make this salty, sweet, completely irresistible peanut butter ice cream topping. I’m willing to bet that you’ll find yourself pouring it over everything.

peanut butter ice cream topping

Peanut Butter Sauce for Ice Cream

Chocolate syrup, caramel sauce, hot fudge, and berry sauces get a lot of attention when it comes to ice cream toppings. For good reason, they’re pretty awesome, right?

I’m here to tell you that there’s a new hit in that line-up. This nut-filled peanut butter sauce is the salty-sweet ice cream pairing that you didn’t realize was missing in your life.

While you can certainly sweeten your peanut butter ice cream topping with powdered sugar, honey, or the sweetener of your choice, I prefer to keep it richly peanut butter flavored as a balance to the sweet ice cream.

Hand me a spoonful of peanut butter on its own and I’m a happy camper, but when you combine that peanut butter with the creaminess and sweetness of ice cream, it becomes a flavor explosion in your mouth.

The nuttiness of the peanut butter adds a savory element to the dessert, balancing out the sweetness of the ice cream and creating a more complex flavor profile.

Peanut Butter Magic Shell

This is the easiest dessert topping you may ever make. Have you made chocolate magic shell before? Thanks to the magic of coconut oil and the way it firms up when it gets cold, making homemade magic shell is so very easy.

To make the peanut butter topping, you’ll melt peanut butter and coconut oil together. Stir well and add a splash of vanilla extract, if you’d like.

Now you’re ready to pour peanut butter sauce over anything and everything you’d like. When poured over ice cream, it will firm and harden into a crisp shell that will crack when hit with a spoon.

The shell melts smoothly when you bite into it, creating an unforgettable treat for any peanut butter lover.

Peanut Butter Magic Shell poured over ice cream

The Softest Homemade Dinner Rolls [+Video]

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The Softest Homemade Dinner Rolls [+Video]

A white dinner roll on a small plate. The roll is perfectly baked to a golden brown. A small dish of strawberry jam is next to the roll.

The Softest Homemade Dinner Rolls are going to rock your world. Soft on the inside, warm & buttery outside. Plus our tip that makes all the difference for dinner rolls.

Sunday dinner was a really big deal at my house as a little girl. I have absolutely perfect memories of my mom in her apron and Sunday dress bustling around the kitchen to get the pot roast in the oven before church and instantly I was on Jell-O duty. 

Do not judge me.

Jell-O Duty

Jell-O was my thing. Not only did I love to make it but I was the one licking the bowl clean.

While I stirred and stirred, mesmerized by the gentle red waves and slowly disappearing crystals of the gelatin mom was busy with the rest of dinner. As I got older I took on different jobs like peeling potatoes, browning the roast, and so on. Dinner rolls though, that was intimidating. 

And long. 

I did not want to take on some boring, multi-houred process. 

The Softest Rolls Recipe

And now it’s my thing. If you’ve made our famous Potato Rolls you know what I’m talking about. 

Homemade dinner rolls are far more successful if you learn the feel of the dough.  It’s easier to shape and test for doneness on a roll than a big loaf of bread. 

This recipe doesn’t need hours of kneading multiple times a day. In fact, the most important part is the scalded milk. 

Warmed milk changes how it works in the dough, I’ll save you from the science lesson, but here’s what you do:

How To Warm the Milk for Dinner Rolls

  • Heat milk in a saucepan over medium heat. Be watching for foamy bubbles around the sides and a thin layer of skin on top of the milk. You can touch the top with a wooden spoon very gently and it will lift off. 
  • Now, add the water and set it all aside to let it cool. Stick your clean finger in it occasionally to see if it feels like a warm bath. Once it does, you’re ready to cruise! 

What Ingredients are Needed to Make Dinner Rolls?

  • Instant Yeast (make sure it is Instant Yeast and not Active Dry)
  • Milk
  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Honey
  • Butter
  • Fine Sea Salt
  • Vegetable Oi

How to focus when distracted at work

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Do you find yourself losing focus when you really need to get the job done? Here are 12 quick ways you can get back on track and tick off that to-do list in no time

How to focus when distracted at work

Are you having one of those days? We’ve all been there. You’ve got a to-do list a mile long, yet you keep finding yourself staring off into space, re-checking your inbox, or watching the clock tick (so, so slowly) towards lunch or home time. Here are 12 quick, simple and effective ways that you can improve your concentration, find your focus, and make being distracted a thing of the past.

Why do we struggle to find our focus?

In our modern, tech-dominated world, we’re used to switching our focus pretty fast. Just think about it: when was the last time you didn’t have your phone within arm’s length? Or your smartwatch? How about your smart TV, your laptop or desktop? Some of us are so plugged in, we automatically look to our phones or watches mid-conversation, when we spot that tell-tale notification ping or vibration trying to get our attention. We’re so used to having our attention being pulled in a dozen different directions, it’s no wonder we struggle to get things done.

The more distracted we feel, the more likely our productivity is to take a hit. That can mean even longer spent on tasks we may already find boring or unengaging. And it’s not just distractions that can affect our concentration. How we’re feeling physically, mentally, and emotionally can have a significant impact. Not to mention our environments, with noisy offices and home comforts just as likely to distract us whether we’re working remotely or in the office. So, how can we shake things up and bring the focus back to our workdays?

How to stop being distracted at work

1. Set up your space for success
Removing distractions from around you can help to create the right kind of environment to promote concentration and improve focus. Having a clean and clear desk not only helps you to find things more easily, but research shows that having clutter around you could be affecting your productivity. One study by scientists at the Princeton University of Neuroscience Institute found that we’re better able to focus and process information, thereby increasing productivity, when we clear the clutter from our work environment.

The same can be said when working from home. The more ‘stuff’ we have around us, the more likely we are to procrastinate. Too much clutter can even make us feel more stressed and anxious. So clear off your desk, put your phone on silent (and ideally out of eyesight), and ensure you’ve got everything you’ll need (e.g. noise-cancelling headphones and water) to help set yourself up for success.

2. Get your priorities straight
Feeling overwhelmed or unsure where to start can lead to procrastination and being more easily distracted. To head this off at the pass, set yourself a short list of priorities you absolutely must get done today. This could be one bigger task you want to achieve throughout the day or a couple of smaller things you want to tick off by set times.

Having these clear starting points can help you to focus on these first, leaving all the little extra things an

10 enriching things to try in April to benefit your wellbeing

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From a nature-inspired journaling workbook to an activity that will help you rediscover your inner-child nature, try something new with our enriching suggestions

1. Page-turners

10 enriching things to try in April to benefit your wellbeing

The Wildflower’s Workbook: A Journal for Self-Discovery in Nature by Katie Daisy

If you’re someone who loves to journal equally as much as spending time outdoors, this wonderful workbook is for you. Immerse yourself in the natural world and go on a journey of self-discovery with these nature-inspired journaling prompts and activities, created by artist, author, and ‘wildflower’ Katie Daisy.

(Out now, £14.99)

2. Out and about

Try beachcombing

As a child, how often did you scan the beach for hidden treasures? For adults and kids alike, discovering the hidden treasures of the beach is a fun outdoor activity that we can all enjoy. Whether it’s sea glass, shells, fossils, or animal footprints, tap back into your curiosity and search for objects washed ashore on the coastline. The beach is your oyster…

(Visit countryfile.com for their beachcombing guide)

3. Act of kindness

Become a Green Aiders volunteer

If you’re someone who enjoys gardening and would like to put your skills to good use, the Green Aiders programme is always on the look-out for volunteers to help support older or disabled adults care for their overgrown gardens. You’ll be helping someone to reclaim their garden and reap the benefits of the outdoors again, while pursuing your passion at the same time.

10 enriching things to try in April to benefit your wellbeing

(Visit groundwork.org.uk)

4. Lend us your ears

‘Nothing Much Happens’

If you have children, you might know the trick of reading them story after story to help them sleep. But what happens if you’re an adult who can’t sleep? Yoga and meditation teacher Kathryn Nicolai is here to help adults find some shut-eye with this series of bedtime stories. So if counting sheep doesn’t work for you, listen to this podcast!

(Available on all podcast platforms)

5. Plugged-In

Sam Bentley

Whether you’re an eco enthusiast or you want to mix up your feed, environmentalist Sam Bentley posts regular news round-ups from the sustainability world. From a company making mushrooms from old coffee grounds to an underwater forest helping to restore coral reefs, you don’t want to miss these stories.

(Follow @sambentley on TikTok)

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