March 2023 Book Recap

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Sharing the books I read in March and if I recommend adding them to your list!

Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful week so far. I’m sorry I disappeared on ya the past couple of days. Usually I’m able to get blog posts written over the weekend, but after finishing 5 days in San Diego and Disney with the girls, I wasn’t able to get it done. I’m back now, and trying to last through all of the work I’ve neglected. It was worth it; we had an amazing time and I’ll share more later this week!

For today, I wanted to share the books I read in March and if I’d recommend them. There were a couple of gold stars in the mix, including the best book I’ve read in years, and an unexpected flop.

March 2023 Book Recap

No-Risk Abs

This was a re-read from years ago, when I was postpartum with P, dealing with… a lot… and I wasn’t sure how much I’d actually retained. This book is an excellent way to reframe how you think about the core muscles and pelvic floor.

Some of her advice is different than what we commonly hear in the core and pelvic floor world. For example, she emphasizes the outer portion of the transverse abdominal muscles (under the external and internal obliques) and how they draw the belly and corset the waist from the SIDES instead of the center. She also talks about the importance of full range of motion in the ribs, when many of us tend to only focus on keeping the ribs down to reduce strain on the linea alba (the connective tissue running down the center of the core in between the rectus abdominus, which stretches to make room for the baby and can lead to diastasis recti).

She focuses on strengthening and stretching the various muscles of the core for full range of motion and optimal strength, and also provides exercises on which exercises are visceral (muscular) and skeletal. One of my favorite tips: when you’re doing deep breathing and core engagement, think about contracting the muscles moving up, like a wave, instead of down. It’s very easy to think about just bringing in the center of our core, which can actually increase abdominal pressure and pelvic floor pressure.

If you’re a fitness nerd like me, and/or if you work with postpartum or female clients in a fitness environment, I highly recommend it. 9/10

From Amazon:

An illustrated guide to the anatomy of the abdominal muscles and how to tone them successfully without injury

• Presents the 16 most effective and safest abdominal exercises for great abs
• Reveals how common ab exercises, such as crunches, can damage the spine, pelvic floor, diaphragm, and internal organs
• Offers tips to get rid of belly fat–both superficial fat and deeper visceral fat


Slow Cooker Ham and Potato Soup

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Creamy slow cooker ham potato soup with soft chunks of buttery potatoes and salty-sweet ham is perfect with a salad or just some crusty bread.

Slow Cooker Ham and Potato Soup in white bowl with black spoon

Ham and Potato Chowder

The first time I made this soup, I was staring into the refrigerator over Thanksgiving weekend and I really didn’t feel like warming up another plate of leftovers. (This is what tends to happen when you accidentally wind up with triple the amount of ham and potatoes your family could possibly eat!)

I saw the container -okay, technically, it was pretty much a vat- of potatoes and a big package of ham. So, I decided to see if I could improvise with what we had and come up with a new Baked Potato Soup recipe.

Potato Soup with Ham

The improvised soup turned out fabulously and there was hardly a bite left over.

We loved that soup so much, I wanted to make it again, but I don’t typically have a mountain of mashed potatoes just waiting around to be used on a regular basis.

If you DO happen to have a whole lot of mashed potatoes in the fridge already, just skip the diced potatoes in the recipe below and add the mashed potatoes in after the other vegetables have softened.

Slow Cooker Ham and Potato Soup in white bowl with spoon

Slow Cooker Ham and Potato Soup

Simple ingredients come together in this belly-warming creamy potato chowder. The classic trio of celery, carrots, and onions work with the potatoes as a perfect base for the salty chunks of ham.

Once you have all the vegetables and ham in the slow cooker, season with salt and pepper and pour in the chicken broth. Set on low and cook for 6 hours. (If you’re in a hurry, this will finish in about 4 hours wh

Avocado Cream Sauce

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Creamy, avocado sauce seasoned lightly with salt, pepper, and lime is one of the simplest recipes I’ve made this year and yet, it stands out as truly amazing.

If you trust me on nothing else, take my word on this recipe, and buy a couple of avocados as soon as possible.

Creamy Avocado Sauce recipe by Barefeet In The Kitchen

Avocado Sauce

If you like guacamole but occasionally find yourself in the need of something with a smoother texture, Avocado Cream Sauce is the recipe you need. It reminds me a little of the taste you get when your guacamole mixes with sour cream in a burrito or taco.

Tangy, smooth, and rich without being heavy, avocado cream sauce is one of my new favorite things.

It pairs well with Mexican and Southwestern Flavors along with just about any kind of meat. Drizzled on top or used as a dipping sauce, there’s no limit to the number of ways you can serve this avocado cream sauce.

Avocado Sauce for Tacos

On top of being completely delicious, this sauce couldn’t be any easier to make. Simply pop two peeled ripe avocados in a blender with sour cream, lime juice, and garlic and blend until smooth.

If you prefer, you can also use Greek yogurt in the avocado cream sauce instead of sour cream. I’ve tried the sauce both ways and enjoyed them equally. If you’re using Greek yogurt just be sure to use a variety that’s both plain AND unsweetened.

I garnished the finished sauce with freshly chopped cilantro leaves but it’s absolutely not necessary. The finished sauce is delicious served just as is.

This sauce stores in well in the fridge for up to two days as long as it’s covered tightly with plastic wrap.

Whenever we make avocado cream sauce it never seems to last long enough to have leftovers to worry about. We ate each and every last drop of the sauce each time I made it.

Avocado Cream Sauce ingredients

Avocado Crema

Equal parts tangy and creamy with a velvety texture, this sauce could also be called “Avocado Crema” if you’re feeling fancy.

Whatever you call it, this sauce is absolutely finger-licking fantastic. The next two recipes I share are going to feature the ultimate meats for dipping into what’s sure to be your new favorite avocado sauce.

Update: the recipes I hinted at above are no

Spicy Chicken Pot Pie Casserole

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Do you like green chile chicken enchiladas? Do you like chicken pot pie? Do flaky buttery cheesy biscuits make you grin? If so, this Spicy Chicken Pot Pie Casserole is going to make you very happy.

green chile and jalapeno chicken casserole with biscuits

Green Chile Chicken Casserole

I’ve been on a pot pie casserole kick for a few months now. Some variation or other of that recipe gets made about once a week lately. Leftover asparagus? Toss it in there.

A handful of roasted carrots and a cup of leftover creamed peas? Add those into the mix. It’s honestly hard to mess up a pot pie when you begin with a solid recipe.

This spicy chicken pot pie was the result of an open jar of roasted green chile catching my eye as I was deciding what to do with some leftover chicken. One thing led to the other and this green chile and jalapeno chicken casserole has become an enormous favorite with my family.

Spicy Chicken Pot Pie topped with Biscuits in white casserole dish

Cheddar Drop Biscuits

On a whim, I decided to add a couple of handfuls of shredded cheddar cheese to the easy drop biscuit topping. Feel free to skip the cheese, if you prefer the traditional buttery biscuit topping or add more if you want the cheddar to be a stronger flavor.

I’m happy to say that was

Garlic Dill Fingerling Potatoes

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Garlic Dill Fingerling Potatoes

a photo of a large serving bowl full of roasted garlic dill fingerling potatoes.

Little buttery fingerling potatoes braised with garlic and dill and topped off with fleur de sel salt are the next greatest thing to hit your Sunday dinner. You are going to love these potatoes!

To me potatoes are just the perfect family food. There’s just something about them that always brings back memories of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Sunday dinners etc, all home cooked by Mom. But times have changed, and so have potatoes.

I knew as a young girl that there were Russet potatoes. And that was all there was to it. I had no idea there were other kinds and that they are not only different but some potatoes cannot be subbed for other potatoes in recipes. For example, these brown butter braised dill fingerlings. Read on to find out why.

What are Fingerling Potatoes?

Fingerling potatoes are low in starch and extra creamy inside with a paper thin peel that crisps perfectly when roasted. There are lots of different types of fingerling potatoes – red, yellow, purple, golden or a mixture of all colors.

What Do Fingerling Potatoes Taste Like?

Once roasted these potatoes have a flavor that is mild, nutty and earthy, and their texture is firm and moist.

Why Use Fingerling Potatoes?

I mentioned earlier that you wouldn’t want to substitute other potatoes in this recipe. The reason for this is that fingerling potatoes braise better than other potatoes because you leave them whole since they are so small. They get soft and tender inside while the skin gets crispy and delicious. Fingerlings are also perfect for fast meals since they don’t have to be peeled and they cook through quickly.

The Ingredients for Dill Fingerling Potatoes

One of my favorite thing about potato recipes is that they usually don’t take many ingredients to make them delicious. This recipe calls for just 7 ingredients. Here is what you will need:

  • Butter: unsalted and used to braise the potatoes on the stove top
  • Fingerling Potatoes: rinse them but no need to peel them and you only need 1 pound of them
  • Kosher Salt: used to flavor the braising fingerlings
  • Black Pepper: freshly ground
  • Fresh Dill: You’re really going to want fresh dill here, but if you absolutely must use dried, use 1 teaspoon. You’ll also use part of the dill while the potatoes are braising and the rest will be added at the end before serving.
  • Garlic: adds flavor to the potatoes as they braise
  • Course Salt: fleur de sel or kosher salt, used to season the potatoes right before serving

The measurements for each ingredient can be found in the recipe card at the end of this post. You can save or print the recipe from there as well.

What Can You Substitute For Fingerling Potatoes?

If you cannot find fingerling potatoes, new potatoes are a comparable substitute.

What is Fleur de Sel?

Fleur de Sel is salt in its purest form. It forms as seawater evaporates leaving a thin crust on the surface. It is so pure that it has no bitterness and adds delicious flavor to food.

I’m going to guess that most people don’t have Fleur de Sel on hand, so any other coarse salt, including Kosher salt works just
