that’s a wrap

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On the military life.. not the blog. You’re not getting rid of me that easily 😉 

After 22 years, the Pilot is officially retired from the military! You can check out the full recap of the fini flight and celebration here.

It’s been almost three weeks, and I have a lot of emotions. I still kind of feel like he’s just on leave right now, and can’t really believe that it’s actually over. It was such a dynamic lifestyle, filled with the highest highs (there’s nothing like that honeymoon feeling when they come back!) and some low lows.

It’s wild (and I’m so thankful to all of you) that so many of you have been here almost our entire military life! When we first moved to Valdosta and I started the blog, we were newly married and I was brand new to this entire lifestyle.


Our military life was puntuacted with pure joy, like the deployment returns and fun squadron events, but also sadness, fear, and worry.

– The incredible feeling when he hugged me for the first time after each deployment.

– When he had been gone for a long time and then felt a bit like a stranger.

– The fun squadron events and late nights drinking wine and chatting with the ladies.

– Talking to him on the phone while he was deployed, but hearing the rocket attack alerts in the background. (It was the voice of a woman with a British accent saying, “Rocket attack. Rocket attack.”)

– Carefully packing and shipping deployment care packages, so excited to check the mail, and cherishing handwritten letters and cards.

– Learning that his plane had been showered with bullets during a particular flight overseas.

When I first met the Pilot, I asked him how often he had to be gone and if he’s ever have to deploy. He told me he probably wouldn’t be gone much at all, and likely wouldn’t have to deploy. (All of my military wife friends can chuckle here.) He was stationed in North Carolina six months later, and was deployed for the first time within a year. He ended up deploying four times.

Military life is constantly being flexible for the unknowns and inherently rigid lifestyle. One of the hardest lessons for me was that the military was always first, no matter what was going on.

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How to stay fit as a busy parent

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Sharing some of my top tips on how to stay fit as a busy parent.

Hi friends! How’s the morning going? I hope you’re having a lovely day so far. I’m teaching a barre class this morning and cranking out some work stuff the rest of the day.

I started teaching at a different studio – I LOVE it – and also see a lot of new moms while I’m there, since we offer childcare. <— a rare find in the fitness world these days. For today’s post, I thought I could chat a bit about staying fit as a busy parent and some of my tips.

Taking time for fitness makes a huge impact on overall wellneing (sleep, metabolism, mood, blood sugar regulation, heart rate, etc) but as a busy parent, finding time for yourself can sometimes feel nearly impossible, especially if you have really little ones.

I also feel like as the girls have gotten older, it still feels challenging because they’re so busy with extra activities and homework. Between school drop-offs, work responsibilities, meal prep, helping kids with homework, being their personal Uber, and the never-ending to-do list, fitting in a workout might seem like a luxury rather than a necessity.

It’s important to remember that staying fit doesn’t have to mean spending hours at the gym. With a little creativity and some simple strategies, you can maintain an active lifestyle while juggling your parental and life responsibilities. Today, I wanted to share some practical and realistic tips on how to stay fit as a busy parent—without sacrificing quality time with your family.

How To Stay Fit As A Busy Parent

If you’ve ever felt like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to squeeze in a workout, you’re not alone. This post is here to help you find simple yet effective ways to stay active, even with the busiest of schedules. Whether you’re looking for quick workout ideas, tips to stay motivated, or creative ways to involve your kids, I’ve gotchu. I wanted to share quite a few actionable strategies to incorporate movement into your daily routine—without adding extra stress to your plate.

Why Is It Important To Stay Fit As A Parent?

Parenting is a full-time job, and taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your family. Staying fit isn’t just about looking good; it’s about feeling good, having energy, and setting a great example for your kids. Here are some of the major menefits of making this a priority (which I’m sure many of you already know, but sometimes it’s helpful to have a lil reminder)

Boosts Energy Levels

Between early mornings, school runs, and late-night wake-ups, parenting is incredibly rewarding and beautiful, but can be a lot of work. It can use a lot of energy! Regular exercise helps improve circulation and oxygen flow, increasing your energy levels throughout the day. Even a brisk walk or quick dance party with the kids can give you an instant mood and energy boost.

Supports Mental Health

Parenting comes with its fair share of stress (hi, I have a 13 year old lol), and exercise is one of the best ways to reduce stress levels. Movement releases endorphins, which help boost your mood an

177: Breaking up with alcohol with Amanda Kuda

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Hi friends! Happy New Year! I hope your 2025 is off to an amazing start. Today, I’m sharing a new podcast episode with Amanda Kuda with tips on breaking up with alcohol and creating a more fulfilling life.

We talk about:

– How going alcohol-free transforms your social life, relationships, career, personal growth, and spirituality.

– Alcohol-free living as a growing, empowering trend that challenges societal norms.

– You’re Not the Problem: Why alcohol can be a barrier even if you don’t have a drinking problem.

– How sobriety enhances authenticity, clarity, and courage to pursue your deepest goals.

– Simple tips for overcoming fear and embracing an alcohol-free lifestyle.

– Her strategies for being healthy in real life

and so.much.more.


177: Breaking up with alcohol with Amanda Kuda

Here’s more about Amanda and her background:

Amanda’s journey shows that you don’t need a drinking problem for alcohol to hold you back. Without hitting rock bottom, she discovered during Dry January that sobriety was the key to a more fulfilling life. Since going alcohol-free in 2017, she’s been helping others embrace intentional living and unlock their full potential.

Her debut book, Unbottled Potential, is a transformative guide to living alcohol-free, designed to help people manifest success and lead extraordinary lives. Amanda’s approach isn’t about a temporary challenge—it’s about redefining what it means to live fully and authentically through the sober-curious movement.

Amanda meets her clients at every stage of their journey, offering support as they break up with alcohol and unlock their best life. She’s created a variety of programs and resources tailored to individual needs—whether you’re sober curious, sober serious, or already alcohol-free. With her coaching and guidance, Amanda has helped thousands of women, including national TV hosts and Tony Award winners, successfully navigate their alcohol-free path and unlock their highest self.

You can connect with her on Instagram, check out her book, and get her free 21-day challenge here. (Just type Healthy in Real Life where it says receipt number to get your free copy)


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have yourself a merry little Christmas

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Hi friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! We spent it at the Princess in Scottsdale and also saw The Nutcracker at Ballet Arizona. The Princess is one of my favorite holiday traditions and always puts me in the Christmas spirit. 🙂

I’m taking a few days off to enjoy time with the fam. I hope that my friends who are celebrating this week enjoy a beautiful Christmas (and happy Hannukah to my friends celebrating!), amazing food, time with those you love, and space to rest and enjoy. I understand that the holidays aren’t holly jolly and easy for everyone. If you’re going through a difficult time, I’m holing you in my heart.

I’m thankful for your support, comments, emails, DMs, and friendship every single day. Thank you for being a part of my life and hope you have an amazing week!


I’ll be back on Friday with some faves, so I’ll see you then!


Photos by Kristi Harris

The post have yourself a merry little Christmas appeared first on The Fitnessista.

12.20 Friday Faves

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Hi friends! Happy Friday! How was your week? Ours was a good one. Lots of fun events with the kids and we’re headed off on a holly jolly adventure this weekend.

I can’t even believe Christmas is a few days away. How are we feeling, friends?? Are you ready? I totally feel like it snuck up on us this year, and while I think I’ve done a lot, I still feel like there’s so much to do. I’m trying to just take a step back, breathe, and rememebr the true reason for the season and not get too wrapped into the stress behind it all (even though it can be a lot). We’ve got this, friends!

Friendly reminder: it’s not too late to join in this year’s Favorite Things giveway! There are SO MANY amazing prizes up for grabs – the winner will get over $1800 worth of goodies.

Annual Favorite Things Giveaway 2024

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party. This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below.

12.20 Friday Faves

Fashion + beauty + random:

(Holiday nails with Liv! While this won’t be a regular thing – dance competitions start in January and she can’t have anything on her nails – it was a fun little Christmas activity)

If you’re shopping for last-minute gifts, here are some ideas from this year’s gift guides:

For Her

For Him

For Teens

For the Kids
