Get Fit For Summer in 6 Weeks

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fit for summer

Join To Get Fit For Summer

Spring Slim Down is back & and this one is BIGGER and better than ever before!

For the next 6 weeks we’ll work together to get you fit for summer! Join here.

My challenges are designed to burn fat, tone your body and build crazy confidence!

This is the challenge that I always get the best results during because

When you join you’ll get:

  • 21 days of FREE premium workouts in the MOVE app
  • FREE 2 Day Detox Meal Plan
  • A chance to win a $2,000 Trip to MIAMI!!
  • Personal support and accountability from me & the Team LSF community on Instagram
  • Weekly giveaways on social
  • Live weekly workout & cooking classes!
spring slim down 2023, get fit for summer, fitness challenge for women, fitness challenge, how to lose weightRead more

The LSF 3:1 Method

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Are you ready to MOVE with the LSF 3:1 Method?

Are you ready to MOVE with the LSF 3:1 Method?

Inside the MOVE app you’ll find hundreds of workouts for all fitness levels. These workouts are designed to burn fat, build lean muscle and help you get fit in 30 minutes a day.

When I lost 45 pounds I did it at home, with a set of dumbbells and some serious motivation to change my body and feel good from the inside out.

As a certified personal trainer I’ve helped thousands of women transform their lives and now it’s your turn!

Most Effective Training Methods

The research shows the 3 most effective training methods to burn fat are:

  • Strength Training: heavier weights to create muscle hypertrophy
  • Circuit Training: moving through different exercises with short breaks
  • Conditioning: lighter weights. body weight higher intensity cardio based exercises to improve overall endurance
lsf 3:1 method, fat burning workouts, easy workouts for women, at home workouts for women, love sweat fitness,

My MOVE 3:1 Method

My 3:1 method utilizes all three of the above training methods in one quick workout to get you results that last!

In the MOVE app, you’ll find 3 circuit training days.

Your workouts will include 3 Strength : 1 Conditioning exercises.

Within each circuit workout you will have 2 different sets you will complete. In each circuit set are 3 strength based exercises and 1 conditioning exercise.

lsf 3:1 method, fat burning workouts, easy workouts for women, at home workouts for women, love sweat fitness, Read more

February Book Recap

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Sharing the books I read in February and if they’re worth adding to your collection.

Hi hi! How’s the week going? I hope you’re having a good one. We’re back from a dance competition and hit the ground sprinting into the week. The next month is a busy one, but I’m still trying to get in at least 30 minutes of reading each day. I hit 4 books last month (1 DNF…) and wanted to share the details with you! It was a unique mix of selections with impactful, inspirational, educational, and a little fluff for good measure.

Here are the books I read in Feb!

February Book Recap

The Light We Lost

This book examines the impact of our decisions, and living with the “what-ifs” and implications when we don’t follow our heart. I read this one quickly because I couldn’t wait to see what happened; it reminded me of a Colleen Hoover book with more captivating writing 😉 The ending was a little bit of a disappointment and while I enjoyed this one, it wasn’t one of my top faves. I’d say it’s a 7/10.

From Amazon:

Lucy is faced with a life-altering choice. But before she can make her decision, she must start her story—their story—at the very beginning.

Lucy and Gabe meet as seniors at Columbia University on a day that changes both of their lives forever. Together, they decide they want their lives to mean something, to matter. When they meet again a year later, it seems fated—perhaps they’ll find life’s meaning in each other. But then Gabe becomes a photojournalist assigned to the Middle East and Lucy pursues a career in New York. What follows is a thirteen-year journey of dreams, desires, jealousies, betrayals, and, ultimately, of love. Was it fate that brought them together? Is it choice that has kept them away? Their journey takes Lucy and Gabe continents apart, but never out of each other’s hearts.

This devastatingly romantic debut novel about the enduring power of first love, with a shocking, unforgettable ending, is Love Story for a new generation.

Yellow Wife

This book is based on a true story, and follows the life of Pheby, who is born a slave in Virginia and is the daughter of the plantation’s medicine woman… and the master of the plantation. Instead of receiving the freedom that she’s promised when she turns 18, she ends up being sold and forced to leave her home and those she loves behind. She’s transferred to the Devil’s Acre, which was a real jail that housed and tortured hundreds of thousands of slaves, and becomes the mistress of its Jailer. The book is obviously incredibly hard to read. It’s about a tragic and dark time in our history, and a devastating reminder of the atrocities that have occurred in our society.

While it’s a difficult read, it’s an important read. It was w

Friday Faves

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Hi hi! Happy weekend and happy Rodeo break to my Arizona friends! (Rodeo is a big thing out here; in February, there’s always a 2-day break from school.) What do you have going on this weekend? We’re *supposed* to head to Mt. Lemmon to play in the snow, but as of right now the roads are closed. Fingers crossed we can make it up there.

I’ve been wanting to share some pics from Trevor’s wedding last weekend! He got married last year (they eloped in Vegas!) and it was time for their big wedding celebration with the fam. It was held at a local residence on an exquisite property, which felt more like a botanical garden than someone’s actual home. It was so beautiful!!

The Pilot was the officiant and crushed it, of course. The ceremony was heartfelt, humorous in just the right spots, and personalized for them. Their vows were so beautiful, too.

They had a Photo Booth, a DJ (who played a Selena mix that just set my soul freeeeeee), and dinner was catered by Seis Kitchen.

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LSF 30 2023 Challenge Winners

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I am always in awe of all the amazing women in the LSF Community who push themselves mentally, physically, and emotionally during our challenges, but especially during LSF30! The beginning of the year is not an easy time to get back into the swing of things and push yourself to get into a consistent routine. Coming off of the holiday season is exhausting and often a fitness challenge is the last thing on your mind, but I am SO proud of everyone who decided to choose themselves in 2023 and do LSF 30!

I am constantly impressed and inspired by the amazing transformation photos and stories shared during LSF 30. 

Together during this challenge we lost over 200 pounds!! Can you believe it?! Also to note, that is ONLY from women who submitted their transformations at the end of the challenge, so I know there are more pounds lost out there! Follow Team LSF on IG to see more! Everyone finished this 4 week challenge stronger than ever and I am so proud!

Now it’s time to shout out our LSF 30 winners! These women stayed dedicated and consistent with their Hot Body Meal Plan and LSF app workouts.

These inspiring women, not only have incredible transformation photos but the most heartwarming stories!


 Lauren Sackett, @lsf_lau

Lauren is so inspiring! She lost a total of 12 pounds during this challenge! Lauren often would join a challenge with LSF and start it, but never saw it through. This is her first challenge she saw through the entire way and clearly, her hard work and dedication paid off!

Lauren has PCOS (polycistic ovarian syndrome) which has always made it more difficult for her to manage her weight since it greatly affects her hormones. She noted, “Just this past month realigning healthy habits has tremendously helped my mental health and I think my hormones – I’m not entirely sure because I haven’t gotten tested or anything but my cycle was very regular. No intense cramping, not super bloated, it was a set number of days instead of spotting for two weeks post period, all of the key things that I was struggling with the past six months and kind of gave up on.”

Lauren attributes a lot of her success also to the Hot Body Meal Plan, which helped her to guide her food choices and make her excited about a healthy meal! 

Overall, this challenge was amazing, I don’t feel like it was even really a challenge, because I feel like this is how I want to live my life now, so it was more of a steppingstone to the lifestyle that I have been telling myself in my head I was going to do but wasn’t actually implementing. Your mind can be very convincing when you tell yourself over and over again that it’s impossible for you to lose weight and it doesn’t matter what you do you won’t lose weight — when in reality, all I had to do was sit down with myself and recognize that I am in control of how I live my life and if I want to live healthier and be stronger and back to how I used to be when I played sports and was super active then I need to move!! it feels isolating to feel stuck and lost and hide yourself underneath baggy sweatpants and sweatshirts but I’m so proud of myself for coming this far and I’m so happy that my boyfriend joined me on the meal plan because it helped so much to have support and encouragement. Started at 248 and ending at 236 pounds – woohoo!”

We are so proud of you Lauren! You’re an inspiration
