How to Overcome a Weight Loss Plateau

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Breaking Through Plateaus: Conquer Your Weight Loss Journey

Are you facing a frustrating weight loss plateau? We’ve all been there, but don’t worry we are here to help you overcome this roadblock and keep your fitness journey going strong. Let’s dive into some tips and tricks that will empower you to smash through that plateau and achieve your goals!

Shattering the Plateau: Tips and Tricks

When progress slows down, it’s time to shake things up and try new strategies. Start by reassessing your fitness routine and making small adjustments. Check out the video library in our MOVE app to switch up the exercises, increase the intensity, or change up the duration of your workouts. This will challenge your body in fresh ways and reignite your progress.

Another powerful technique is to revamp your nutrition. Consider tweaking your macronutrient ratios or incorporating more nutrient-dense foods. Small changes can have a big impact on breaking through that stubborn plateau.

Katie’s Routine: Secrets to Success

Our incredible founder, Katie Dunlop, has routines that she swears by. Her dedication and commitment has led to remarkable results, she lost 45 lbs through inputting small changes into her routine and taking specific things out of her routine that weren’t helping on her fitness journey.

Break Free and Achieve Your Goals

It’s time to break free from that weight loss plateau and reclaim your progress! Remember, you are stronger than any obstacle that comes your way. Embrace the power of consistency, adjust your routine, and nourish your body. Your goals are within reach, and we believe you can achieve them.

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Friday Faves 8.4

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Hi hi! Happy Friday! The weekend is heeler. I’m sorry for being mostly MIA this week. The kids start school next week and we’ve been finishing up loose ends, and I’ve been working hard on my new program. All of the info will be emailed to newsletter subscribers on Monday, August 16. If you want the info first (+ a discount!) enter your email address here:

Other than that, we’ve been swimming, meeting up with the fam for dinner, and living the summer life. Liv has discovered Queer Eye and I’ve loved watching old episode with her.

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below.

Fashion + beauty:

New makeup! I had to toss all of mine twice (because of that eye thing) and finally got some new goodies. My favorite palettes ever are still on the site (two for $40!) and I also got this clay palette, mascara and primer (smaller bottles so I can get rid of them more often), eyeliner, and a new eyeshadow primer.

July Faves

It’s always fun to browse through analytics and see what your favorite products were from July! Here are the top products that I shared on the blog and on IG over the past month.

This dress! On sale right now and SO cute. The quality is excellent and I’ll wear it with heels or sandals.

This floral dress.

This swimsuit. Both of the kids have these, and they’re adorable and well-made.

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Green juice date

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Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re enjoying the morning so far!!

For today’s post, I figured we’d have a little green juice date! While I wish I could have a green juice or coffee with you in real life, virtual will have to do for now. So please grab a green juice or coffee, let’s share a giant pastry, and catch up a bit on life!

If we were having green juice right now…

I’d ask you when the kids are going back to school. Ours go back next week and no one is ready for it. Usually by now, I’m like, “Ok, time to get back to life and a routine.” but not as excited this year. The kids have zero desire to go back, but I’ve been trying to get everyone excited by back-to-school shopping this week. I’ve loved having them home and our schedule is already packed through spring, so I’m just savoring this last week of jammies until 10am.

We’d probably talk about our adventures and travels from the summer. I already can’t wait to go back to Europe – even though it will probably be a couple of years – and thankfully, the kids loved it as much as we did. They can’t stop talking about the stunning beauty of Italy and Greece, and of course, they’re raving about the incredible food we indulged in. I feel like so many friends have had some amazing summer travels and I always love to hear about new spots + recommendations.

I’d want to know what you’ve been doing fitness-wise! Take any new classes or try anything fun lately? I’ve been sticking with my usual routine, but it’s been fun to add hot yoga back into my life (I missed it!) and also take some reformer and pvolve classes. (I’ll share a Focus On post for pvolve soon!) I haven’t been able to make it to F45 for most of the summer since the kids have been home, but have been embracing home workouts and a few studio classes here and there.

I’ve been working on keeping the intensity of workouts pretty minimal as my eyes have recovered, which brings me to the next topic..

If we were having green juice right now, I obviously consider you a close friend, so I’d tell you something that’s been on my heart a bit lately:

we did a bunch of labs to see if there were any indications of something that could have caused my eye issues. Most of the usually suspects came back normal, but two markers for an autoimmune issue came back positive.

My NP talked to rheumatology and she said since I don’t have any other symptoms, we can re-test in a few months as long as my eyes continue to improve. Sometimes acute inflammation (like the inflammation in my eyes) can trigger a positive on the test. I feel comforted by this, but also know that autoimmune stuff can unpredictable and sometimes lead to other issues. My NP also said that it could just stay like this and this is how my body responds/reacts… which is what I’m praying for, especi

Navigating Nutrition: The Guide to Fueling Your Body

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You can’t out train a bad diet. Nutrition is the key to getting results that last, but eating healthy doesn’t mean sacrificing flavor or enjoyment. It’s about learning to fuel your body with healthy, delicious food and that starts here.

Your Recipe for Success

Now is the perfect time to grab our Hot Body Meal Plan . This comprehensive guide will take the guesswork out of your meal prep and provide you with nourishing recipes that will leave you feeling satisfied and energized. With a focus on whole foods and balanced nutrition, the Hot Body Meal Plan is your secret weapon for achieving real, sustainable results.

Unlocking Your Nutrition Potential

If you’re looking for a complete nutritional transformation, our Summer Shape Up (SSU) eBook is an absolute necessity. Packed with mouthwatering recipes, meal plans, and expert tips, it’s your go-to resource for creating a healthy, vibrant lifestyle. The SSU eBook goes beyond fad diets, offering you a practical and enjoyable approach to nourishing your body from the inside out.

Eating Healthy Can Be Fun!

Believe it or not, eating healthy doesn’t mean giving up all your favorite treats or feeling deprived. I want to show you just how easy it is to enjoy life while still making nutritious choices. Check out my delicious smoothies, guilt-free desserts, and creative twists on classic dishes. I will prove to you that eating healthy can be a fun experience!

Fueling Your Whole Family’s Well-Being

You’re not in this alone! The benefits of a balanced and nutritious diet extend beyond just

How this Mindset will Completely Transform Your Life

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We’ve officially reached week 3 of the challenge, way to go, you should be so proud of yourself! We know that sometimes, it can feel like your momentum is slowing down but not to worry, we got you! Let’s dive into the importance of mindset and discover how it can level up your journey!

Reconnecting with Your “Why”

It’s time to go back to the beginning and remember why you chose to go on this incredible journey.

Take a moment to reflect on your initial goals and aspirations.

Are you looking to boost your confidence? Improve your overall well-being? Remind yourself of the incredible strength you possess and let your “why” refresh your motivation. You’ve come so far, and you have the power to go even further!

Consistency with a Dash of Freshness

Consistency is key, but we also know that routine can sometimes lead to a slump. Spice things up and keep your fitness routine fresh and exciting.

Try taking your workout outdoors! Feel the sun on your skin and breathe in the fresh air as you sweat it out. Don’t forget to check out my LSF workout playlist to refresh your workout groove and keep you energized.

A little change can make such a difference!

Embrace the Power of Affirmations

Positive self-talk is a game-changer when it comes to mindset.

Affirmations are like mini pep talks that boost your confidence and set the tone for success. Repeat empowering phrases like “I am strong,” “I am capable,” and “I am unstoppable” to yourself daily.

You have to be your own biggest hype girl first, then let #teamlsf do the rest!

Our Mindset Must-Haves

To support you on your mindset journey, I’ve got some incredible resources for you. My Self Love Workbook is designed to help you unlock confidence in just 7 days.

It’s packed with daily challenges to inspire growth and honest self reflection, tools to learn to love yourself unconditionally, learn when to say no and why to say YES, self love checklist, weekly self care tracker, and 3 DIY face mask recipes.

This workbook will fuel your inner fire and keep you pushing forward.

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