Uplift your everyday with positivity journaling

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When everything gets dark, sometimes we have to make our own light. Here we speak to positive psychology practitioner Sophie Cliff about the power of positivity journaling

Uplift your everyday with positivity journaling

As I write this, the world is feeling a little gloomy. Grey clouds are hanging heavy in the sky and the current news cycle is enough to make anyone dizzy. Having said that, I made time to journal this morning and I’m listening to my favourite ‘autumn vibes’ playlist, so there are flickers of joy happening within.

This is something that can feel so tough at times, but can make the biggest difference to our mood – prioritising positive habits. Journaling is something I’ve been doing for decades. It’s my way of processing and untangling my thoughts, but it can also be a powerful tool in lifting your mood.

According to Positive Psychology Practitioner, Sophie Cliff, research from the field of positive psychology shows that regular journaling can help us cope better with stressful situations, improve our psychological wellbeing and boost our mood and sense of optimism.

Because of this, Highland Spring sparkling water has teamed up with positivity artist Katie Smith, to create the ‘Uplift Your Everyday’ journal. Consulting Sophie when creating the journal, the collaboration has resulted in a beautiful hardback book that aims to encourage positive reflection and gratitude. There’s even a handy water tracker, so you can keep track of your daily intake. 

Uplift your everyday with positivity journaling

OK, but what exactly is positivity journaling?

“Positive journaling can be defined as expressive or personal writing that focuses on or explores positive emotions and the good parts of life.” Sophie tells us.

“That could include setting positive intentions, writing gratitude lists or reflecting on the best parts of your day. Research shows that regular positive journaling can boost optimism, increase positive emotions and enhance our physical and mental wellbeing.”

The journal puts this idea into practice, with prompts like, ‘How did you uplift your day?’ and ‘What are you looking forward to?’ There’s also a simple mood tracker, where you can make a note about how you’ve felt that day.

“A big part of being able to proactively care for our wellbeing is noticing how we're feeling and spotting any patterns.” Sophie explains.

“By tracking our mood, we can start to draw associations - for example, are you more likely to feel positive when you've taken the time to exercise? Does a poor night's sleep put you in a bad mood? Knowing these things about yourself equips you with information to make smart changes that

Cheesecake Pumpkin Pie

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Creamy vanilla cheesecake is poured over a simple graham cracker crust and then topped with a creamy layer of pumpkin Cheesecake Pumpkin Pie.

As much as this dessert looks fancy, this is a very simple pie recipe that results in an unforgettable finish for any meal.

Cheesecake meets Pumpkin Pie in this family favorite! get the recipe at barefeetinthekitchen.com

Cheesecake Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin is fair game for me year around. My family LOVES pumpkin. We eat Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal all year long, and yes, I do mean in the spring and summer too.

Pumpkin Oatmeal is one of my youngest son’s favorite breakfasts, so pretty much any time I open a can of pumpkin, he’s likely to ask if there will be any pumpkin leftover to make oatmeal.

I’ve made a double layer pumpkin pie each Thanksgiving for years. That pie is frequently requested and it is always a hit. However, this recipe just knocked that pie off the table.

This recipe takes two of life’s best things, cheesecake and pumpkin pie, and combines them to create a pumpkin lover’s dessert experience that’s unlike any I’ve had before.

I’ve always loved pumpkin-flavored cheesecake too and realized recently there was a way to enjoy pumpkin cheesecake I’d never thought of before: simple vanilla cheesecake layered with spiced pumpkin pie filling all baked in a delicious crust.

One of my favorite things about cheesecake is the graham cracker crust. Making your own graham cracker crust for a cheesecake or pie is so much easier than many people think and the taste is phenomenal.

All it takes to make a homemade graham cracker crust is a good amount of crushed graham cracker crumbs mixed with melted butter and light brown sugar then pressed into a pie plate and baked.

The sweet buttery crust is the perfect vehicle for the layers of rich pumpkin pie filling and creamy cheesecake layer.

Pumpkin Cheesecake Layered Pie is a holiday favorite! get the recipe at barefeetinthekitchen.com

Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie

I can’t believe I never tried layering pumpkin pie and cheesecake filling before. Cream cheese and pumpkin are a terrific match! The two textures and flavors complement each other so well.

The cream cheese layer is nothing more than cream cheese, sugar, eggs, and vanilla all mixed together in sweet perfection. As a bonus, this cream cheese base is a fantastic starting point for any cheesecake variations you want to try. You could even

Billie Dunlevy on low self-esteem: “Treat yourself like someone who matters”

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Integrative Therapist Billie Dunlevy discusses low self-esteem and shares how you can start to improve yours, today

Billie Dunlevy on low self-esteem: “Treat yourself like someone who matters”

‘Self-esteem’ is a phrase we hear and use often but what is the definition of self-esteem, and more importantly perhaps, low self esteem? Billie Dunlevy, a Counselling Directory Member and Integrative Therapist has the answer and shares some realistic ways we can start to improve our own self-esteem.

“Self-esteem is a measure of how we value and perceive ourselves,” Billie explains on Happiful's podcast. “It’s fundamentally about our attitude and how much we like ourselves. It’s different from self-confidence which is based more on an external measure of success, such as our ability to solve problems, land a promotion or give a dazzling presentation. Some people can actually have high self-confidence but low self-esteem.”

Low self-esteem

When we engage with our sense of low self-esteem, Billie continues, it can leave us with a sense of heaviness or hopelessness. “We can tend to have an overall negative view of ourselves, which can make us judge and speak to ourselves harshly. We can sometimes feel unloveable, incompetent and fearful of making mistakes or letting other people down.”

How low self-esteem presents to the outside world, she notes, is very individual.It could manifest in the avoidance of other people and relationships, overworking, being constantly busy and productive and having issues around boundary setting and people pleasing.

Billie Dunlevy on low self-esteem: “Treat yourself like someone who matters”
Billie Dunlevy

Working on yourself

The good news is that it is possible to work on low self-esteem and improve this over time. Billie outlines some of the practices we can start to include in our daily routines to address our low-self esteem straight away.

  • Check your self-talk. Don’t allow it to run, try to counter it with another voice that is more compassionate or kind. That also goes for jokingly putting yourself down in a self-deprecating way. It’s really not helpful.
  • Be more mindful and come off autopilot. Find a quiet place and ask yourself these questions regularly. ‘How am I feeling?’ ‘What do I need?’ ‘What’s going on?’ No

Corn Bacon Cheddar Waffles

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Cheddar and bacon filled Corn Waffles are great for Sunday brunch or for casual school mornings. I like to triple this recipe and stash them in sandwich bags in the freezer.

The kids can toast them in the morning and eat them out of hand on the way out the door or enjoy a whole 5-minute breakfast on a plate with butter and syrup if they’ve allowed themselves enough time.

Corn Waffles

When I spied these cornmeal waffles in Sandy Coughlin‘s new cookbook, Big Boards and More, I knew exactly what we’d be making for our Sunday brunch. We love cornbread waffles so much, I figured it could only get more delicious with bacon and cheddar in the mix.

Sandy’s cookbooks are genuinely created for food lovers. My whole family loved the Dessert Fondue Board from her first book and like her first book, there is a whole lot more in this cookbook than just the gorgeous charcuterie! There are 100 recipes for everything from soups and tacos to breakfasts and desserts.

I made these waffles in my brand new Dash waffle iron (I was absurdly excited to learn that the company so well known for their teeny waffle irons has FINALLY made a waffle iron that would cook four at a time of the handy 4-inch waffles! I ordered one as soon as I saw it.) Turns out that I LOVE it. I honestly thought it might be a little gimmicky, but it browns perfectly on both sides in very little time.

Oh! And in case you’re considering it, I bought the Aqua color waffle iron that is currently on sale for 30% off. How cool is that? A great new waffle iron AND a sale? Day. Made.

If you make waffles often, and for more than a few people, a double-sided waffle iron is priceless. I love mine and it effectively cuts the cooking time in half when you can bake two big waffles at a time. Definitely a win on a lazy weekend morning.

If you frequently make waffles with the intention of freezing them, this square waffle iron might be for you. The size is perfect for freezer waffles and it makes (4) 4-inch waffles at a time. All 4 will fit perfectly in a gallon-size freezer bag or alternatively, each 4-inch waff

Who am I, how can I understand myself better and live more authentically?

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Why is our sense of identity important, does authenticity matter, and how can we better understand ourselves and make positive changes for the better?

Who am I, how can I understand myself better and live more authentically?

When you stop to think about who you really are and how others see you, what comes to mind? Our personalities are made up of a unique combination of characteristics and qualities that form how we see ourselves (and how others see us, too).

There are lots of different ‘personality type’ frameworks and tests out there, some more famous than others. Many people like to use them as a way to try and understand themselves or to help guide their career choices. While some people think that they give us insight into ourselves and others (how our minds work, how we’ll react to others, how we may approach different situations, even what we value), there isn’t actually any scientific evidence that tests like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test offer deeper insight or meaning.

Despite the lack of evidence, we’re fascinated with personality types, tests, and quick ways to get to know ourselves better. Why is that? And how can we really benefit from gaining a deeper understanding of who we are?

Why is our sense of identity important?

Our sense of identity is comprised of our sense of self - our unique characteristics, afflictions, and social roles. Your personality, likes, dislikes, abilities, beliefs, values, and motivations all help build up and contribute to your self of who you are as a person.

We develop a sense of identity when we are young, and this can continue to develop over time as we grow, change, and encounter new situations, people, and learn more about the world.

Having a strong sense of identity can help us to feel like we belong. It can also help strengthen our confidence and overall sense of wellbeing, leading us to make long-lasting friendships with others who share similar interests and values. It can help us to view the world in a more optimistic light, be more open to learning about new things and different people, and generally be happier in ourselves.

Who am I, how can I understand myself better and live more authentically?
Photo by Eye for Ebony on Unsplash

Why does authenticity matter?

Knowing and understanding who you are can help you to live more authentically. This doesn’t necessarily make your life easier, but it can make your priorities clearer, help you to feel more energised and motivated, and decrease feelings of self-doubt.

As Life Coach Directory member Dr
