Learn how to put together an effective crisis plan for difficult times

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Thinking about the ‘worst-case scenario’ isn’t generally a pleasant activity, but it could give you the reassurance you need to proceed with confidence

Learn how to put together an effective crisis plan for difficult times

Planning for a mental health crisis might feel daunting, and it’s important not to get stuck in a negative spiral. But some gentle preparation can be reassuring, helping us to think about what we can do to better support ourselves, or what help we might need from others.

We all have moments when we feel like life is overwhelming, and we need a reset button to start afresh. When you have a mental illness, there can be times when you can find yourself unravelling to the point where you may look to harm yourself, experience suicidal thoughts, or be unsure of whether you are able to keep yourself safe.

Sometimes, when we’re very ill, we can’t express our wants and needs, so having a plan lets the people around us know what to do in times of crisis. Planning before things get rough means you’ll have the right help and support ready to go, which gives you and your loved ones peace of mind.

Planning for difficult times is vital if you live with a long-term mental illness. Your crisis plan should be personalised, so it fits your needs. Here are a few things we can do ourselves to prepare for the future.

Before a crisis hits

Talk to your doctor about treatment options and support in your area, and create a list of what’s available, along with important numbers and opening times for services.

You can also research local or online support groups, and peer support services. People with similar experiences can still offer a different perspective, and can share their insights, as well as advice and coping strategies.

It can also be helpful to put together a box with items you find comforting. Fill it with things that distract your mind from negative thoughts, like your favourite book, movie, and mementoes that remind you of happier times. Together, this prep work will enable you to have support to hand as times get tough.

Make a plan with the people closest to you

When a crisis happens, often loved ones want to do anything in their power to help – but they may be unsure exactly what that is, or what you specifically need. This is why it can be vital to make informal plans with your loved ones, so they clearly understand the next steps and ways they can support you best. Talk it through together, write down what you’ve decided, and ensure everyone has a copy.

The plan should include contact details for your doctor and community support team if you’re too unwell to reach out directly. Let them know what treatments you’d prefer, and which you do not want, which can help them to speak up on your behalf. You should also include how you want them to help you – so add examples of what you will find helpful and what they shouldn’t do, which could be things to say, distractions, activities, etc.

You might want to choose someone you trust to advocate for you to doctors and other professionals, to ensure your needs are met. They can express your views and wishes, and stand up for your rights. It can also be helpful to let your loved ones know what to look out for be

10 thoughtful last-minute Christmas gift ideas (that are simple, cheap or free)

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Worried about your gifts not turning up in the post or left your shopping a little late this year? We share 10 thoughtful last-minute gifts you can make, arrange, or easily buy locally, without spending too much time or money

10 thoughtful last-minute Christmas gift ideas (that are simple, cheap or free)

While some of us worry about the Christmas creep, for others, it’s like the holidays suddenly arrive with a shock of panic and a sense of overwhelm. Despite being the same time and date every year, figures show that around one in five of us still try to cram in some last-minute shopping come Christmas Eve. And thanks to our late spending habits, two in five spend more than we mean to.

We all know the best advice: save early, plan ahead, and spread the cost - it’s the thought (not the price tag) that counts. But that doesn’t feel very helpful when you’ve missed the cut-off for gifts to arrive in time in the post, and you’ve still not got everything.

We share 10 simple, affordable (or free) gift ideas you can make or easily buy without waiting for shipping, to help take the last-minute stress out of the holiday season.

Why is Christmas shopping so stressful?

The reasons why many of us find shopping at Christmas to be stressful can vary greatly from person to person. Common causes for our procrastination and feelings of overwhelm can include unrealistic or high expectations (set by ourselves or others), a need to make everything ‘perfect’ or fear of ‘ruining’ Christmas for others if things don’t go exactly as planned.

The overall cost of the holidays (food, travel expenses, gifts, decorations) can also be a significant contributor. Others can feel a growing sense of anxiety, worry or fear that they won’t choose the ‘right’ gift. This emotional insecurity can lead to further procrastination, making us feel worse and worse as time draws on.

While tackling things before they can get out of hand and make us feel worse is often the best course of action, it’s important to remember, it’s never too late to show someone you care.

Psychotherapist and Counselling Directory member, Lisa Ume PGDip (Accredited), B.Sc(hons), explains how you can prepare for the reality of Christmas.

10 last-minute Christmas gifts to show you care (without breaking the bank)

1. Share something you love
Think back over the past year. Has there been a book (physical or audiobook) that has really stuck with you? Easy (and often affordable) to pick up, gifting a book can also give you the time and space to add a personal message explaining why you wanted to share this gift with them, how it made you think about the person you’re gifting it to, or how it made you feel (and hope it will make them feel, too).

Books aren’t your only option. If you’re a podcast fan, why not gift a notebook or a curated digital list of your top podcasts, filled with particular episodes you think your loved one will enjoy? Listening to podcasts can be a grea

Best hiking trails in Tucson

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Sharing my top picks for the best hiking trails in Tucson. 

Hi hi! Happy Christmas week and hope that you all are having a lovely morning. We had a great weekend. It was Elf night with friends, we decorated gingerbread houses, and I taught a barre class. We’re headed on a little staycation later this week, and I’m definitely looking forward to it.

For today’s post, I wanted to share some of my favorite hiking trails in Tucson! We are in the middle of hiking season (I think the best weather is from late October until early May), and my top trails have been packed with locals and tourists, enjoying the gorgeous Tucson scenery. I’ve been a fan of hiking for many years, but really fell more in love with it over the past few years, because it was one of the only things we could do. We used the opportunity to explore some of our favorite trails, we visited Sedona a few times as a family, and the kids fell in love with hiking, too.

It’s become one of our favorite family adventures.

I wanted to post some of the best Tucson hiking trails, plus some of my tips for hiking with kids.

Best hiking trails in Tucson

Sabino Canyon

Sabino Canyon is the destination, but within Sabino Canyon, there are tons of trails. If you are a newbie or it’s your first time in Tucson, you can stay on the main tram road, which is about 7.3 miles out and back. It’s paved and heavily-populated. Within the canyon, you can use All Trails to discover so many different trails depending on length and your hiking level. If you want something more rustic but still populated, you can do the Bear Canyon trail.

For longer/sportier hikes, try Phoneline, Blackett’s, and Seven Falls (pack a lunch and lots of water for this one).

If you have kids with you, I highly recommend Bear Canyon to Sabino Dam. It’s short and there a ton of water for the kids (and adults) to wade and play.

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Candy Cane Ice Cream

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Creamy candy cane ice cream sprinkled throughout with candy cane pieces is perfect with a brownie or topped with chocolate.

Candy Cane Ice Cream

Candy Cane Ice Cream

Peppermint bark just might be the most genius holiday treat ever created. Candy canes and chocolate go together so perfectly. So it only makes sense to add chopped-up peppermint bark or swirl some chocolate sauce into the candy cane ice cream.

I am a bit of an extract and flavor purest. I read the labels VERY closely to make sure they are pure extract for whatever flavor I am looking for. That’s a lesson I learned the hard way after a peppermint extract debacle a few years ago.

Once upon a time, I accidentally bought a Pure “Mint” Extract a while back and it was a blend of spearmint and peppermint. Lovely fragrance, but unfortunately, it left my chocolate bark tasting like a pack of chewing gum.

Peppermint Ice Cream

Homemade Peppermint Ice Cream is some of the creamiest ice cream I have ever made and for the record, it is worlds away from the mint-flavored ice creams you can find in a store.

This candy cane ice cream is based on that recipe. The addition of extra candy cane pieces and peppermint bark makes this a really fun holiday treat.

Learn from my mistake and be careful to use PURE Peppermint Extract, read the ingredients and make sure there is only peppermint in the extract.

Now that we are clear on that front, in addition to using peppermint extract, I wanted this ice cream to REALLY taste like candy canes. To do that I use my blender or food processor to blend candy canes and milk together.

Yes, you can just crush the candies up and mix them in. However, doing this turns the candy canes into a fine powder that then dissolves into the ice cream mixture and delivers smooth, creamy ice cream as a result. If you don’t have candy canes, Starlight mints work nicely.

Peppermint Ice Cream in PanRead more

Creamy Artichoke Dip [+ Video]

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Creamy Artichoke Dip [+ Video]

This is the best creamy artichoke dip we’ve ever had, at home or in a restaurant. Plus, it’s super easy and can be made in the oven or slow cooker.

a photo of a hand dipping a crostini in a large dish filled with creamy artichoke dip.


This creamy artichoke dip comes from my Mom’s best friend. This is definitely one of the most meaningful recipes we have, which is why my mom will be guest posting further down.

I remember everyone raving about it at every gathering we went to growing up. I have never once brought this dip to a party or gathering without someone requesting the recipe. In fact, many times I have quite a few people requesting the recipe. It’s just that good. In fact, out of all the dips I have ever had, including restaurant versions, this one remains my favorite. Is it healthy? Heavens no, but you’ll be quite happy with how delicious it is and let’s be honest, a little applause from your thighs as you walk couldn’t be all that bad, right?

I love how a good recipe can immediately flood you with memories of a person, loved one or event. I sincerely believe that recipes should be shared and passed on between family and friends. They are just as important as stories in our family history.

a photo of a circular white ceramic baking dish full of golden creamy artichoke dip with three slices of baguette stuck in the dip along the side of the pan.Read more
