Sweet and Spicy Pineapple Shrimp Stir Fry

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Sweet and Spicy Pineapple Shrimp Stir Fry is a skillet full of sautéed shrimp tossed in a spicy barbecue sauce with sweet chunks of pineapple and red peppers.

This quick and easy meal earns two thumbs up from my whole family every time I make it.

shrimp stir fry with over rice on a black plater

My favorite part of this meal? This whole recipe comes together in less than 15 minutes. Start some rice cooking before you start the shrimp and you’ll have dinner on the table in no time at all.

Like so many of our meals, the first time I made this recipe, it was inspired by the ingredients we had on hand, plus a craving or two.

BBQ Shrimp stir fry

Pineapple Shrimp

Pineapple and shrimp are a huge favorite around here. My middle son had been asking for shrimp, there was a sale on pineapple, and I had a jar of Sweet and Spicy Homemade Barbecue Sauce just waiting to be used. The combination of flavors was even better than I had hoped and it quickly became a family favorite.

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve made this Sweet and Spicy Stir Fry. Every time shrimp is on sale, I start craving this recipe. It’s a 15-minute dinner that is a guaranteed win every time.

shrimp skilletRead more

Mexican Grilled Cheese Sandwich

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Mexican Grilled Cheese Sandwich

This isn’t your average grilled cheese sandwich! We are combining 4 different cheeses with a flavored butter spread and an irresistible mayo to create a grilled Mexican cheese sandwich.

a photo of a golden grilled cheese sandwich that has been cut in half and stacked on top of each other with the facing the camera and gooey cheese melting out all the sides.

We live right by the mountains and have been loving grabbing the kids and heading up to the mountains to eat and hike or watch a movie. A full-of-flavor soup, like taco stew, is one of those hit-the-spot soups that warms you from the inside out but don’t stop there! Why not go crazy with a Mexican style grilled cheese full of cheese, a killer roasted jalapeno mayo and you guys, the cheesy butter spread on top… I may never leave my kitchen again!

What is soup if you don’t have something to sop up all that deliciousness with?! Taco stew, meet Mexican Grilled Cheese. Let’s fall in love.

a photo of a perfectly golden grilled cheese sandwich with melted orange and white cheeses oozing out the sides of the sandwich which has been cut in half. There is a bag of The Rustik Oven sourdough bread sitting behind the sandwich.Read more

How to make a Mason Jar Salad

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Sharing some tips on how to make a mason jar salad + some of my favorite combos and recipes!

Hi hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful morning so far! We’re on a Disney cruise right now – I’ll report back with all of the fun and have been sharing some stories on IG! – and having the best time. For today’s post, I wanted to share a meal prep staple that I absolutely love, especially if you have a busy schedule and routine: the mason jar salad!

These are a simple yet convenient way to pack in a nutrient-dense and satisfying meal and they’re great for healthy packed lunches. One of my favorite things about them is that you can prepare them days in advance, so they’re an amazing meal prep option. I’m dedicating this post to share practical tips to help ya prepare mason jar salads that are delicious (and not soggy!).

How To Make A Mason Jar Salad

Why Put Salad In A Mason Jar?

  • It’s a single-serve lunch option
  • You can customize these salads to suit your preferences
  • You can start with the same base and then add flavor variations, so you’re not eating the exact same thing all week
  • It’s a convenient way to get in nutrients, veggies, protein, and healthy fats
  • You can make them a full-sized lunch or a side salad

How To Layer A Mason Jar Salad

Step 1

Prepare all of your ingredients. I like to have a mix of fresh greens (rotate types to get different nutrients and benefits), roasted veggies, protein (chicken, tuna, tempeh, lentils, leftover steak or salmon, hardboiled eggs, anything you like), a healthy starch (cooked rice, beans, quinoa, sweet potato or any squash, etc), healthy fats (nuts/seeds work well in these) and any extras (like dried fruit, cheese, olives, pickles or pickled veggies, etc.)

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9 ways to start your week positively (and productively)

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We all get that Monday feeling. Here are nine ways you can start your week with a more positive spin, and kick your productivity into high gear

9 ways to start your week positively (and productively)

That first day back at work after your weekend. Urg. Is there anything worse? Even if you love your job (and you’re a morning person), there’s something about dragging yourself out of bed and trying to get back into the work mindset that makes a surprising percentage of us feel anxious, lethargic, and reluctant to get started.

According to one survey, nearly 62% of us dread Mondays more than any other day of the week. We feel more tired, and even spend longer complaining on a Monday, thanks to making the most of late nights, no alarm clocks and weekend lie-ins (which can throw your body clock off), not to mention over-indulging in takeaways, meals out, and alcohol (which can leave our bodies struggling to keep up).

But what if we didn’t need to start our week off with a reluctant sigh and an excessively large coffee to get through the day? What if there was a way to kickstart your week with a boost of positivity and productivity, to help you actually look forward to your week ahead?

1. Set yourself up for success

Getting your week off to the right start can take a little bit of planning – but it’s more than worth it. Take time out at the end of your last working day to create a quick-start to-do list for your first morning back. This could just be a few bullet points of urgent tasks to take a look at, a couple of notes on any outstanding emails or comms you are waiting on ready to chase up, or an outline ready to prep yourself for a morning full of meetings.

The afternoon and evening before you head back to work are just as important. Sunday night anxiety can feel like it steals precious weekend hours from us, as we lose time to doom-scrolling, give in to the temptation to get a head start on emails, or lay awake late into the night, dreading the week ahead. To avoid the negative night-before cycle, try and do something physical. Go for a long walk, cycle, or swim. Exercise can boost our mood and improve our physical health, as well helping you to physically feel ready to fall asleep that little bit earlier.

If there’s an underlying feeling of anxiety, worry or dread, don’t ignore it. Take some time to think and ask yourself: What is it that is worrying me? Is this something I can fix now? Writing things down can be a big help, and can also be handy in tracking any unhelpful patterns or habits that you may way to address.

2. Take things slowly

Just because you’ve had a couple of days off, doesn’t mean you have to come back feeling 110% and ready to go. Be kind to yourself. Take time to catch up on emails or chat with colleagues to find out more about new tasks and priorities. Work through your to-do list. If you can, schedule in some planning

Marisa Peer on why believing that you are enough can benefit your wellbeing

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How would your life be different if you truly believed that you are enough, exactly as you are right now? World renowned therapist and creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy® Marisa Peer shares why, and how, telling yourself this simple fact could change everything, for good…

Marisa Peer on why believing that you are enough can benefit your wellbeing

I’ll confess that ‘not enough’ is a statement that has peppered many of my life choices. I wasn’t qualified enough to apply for a job I once wanted, I wasn’t clever enough to sign up to a psychology course that piqued my interest, and romantically, well there were a thousand ‘not enoughs’ that built invisible, impenetrable barriers all around me throughout my 20s.

If this resonates with you in any way, then Marisa Peer’s words could well be the antidote to the ‘not enough’ epidemic that seems to impact so many of us. With more than 30 years’ experience in the field of psychotherapy and hypnotherapy, Marisa has also developed her own therapeutic approach, Rapid Transformational Therapy®, a practice that has gained global acclaim.

Having started her career working in the health and fitness industry in the 1980s, Marisa quickly realised that there was too great an emphasis on shrinking ourselves physically and mentally, rather than loving and backing ourselves. The transition from self-loathing to self-love, she now insists, stems from upgrading your self-talk, and she’s passionate about this message.

From the development of RTT® to her I Am Enough movement, Marisa is evidently on a life-long mission to help people live happier, healthier, and longer lives. So we’re grateful that she’s sharing her knowledge with Happiful, too, and how you can begin to banish the ‘not enoughs’, by taking on board these five actionable suggestions from Marisa:

Acknowledge fear of rejection, then let it pass

When we’re born on the planet, we have one need and that’s to make it, to survive. As a baby you know that you’ll survive if you can find connection and avoid rejection. As a result, we are all scared of rejection, but the truth is that, as an adult, nobody can reject you unless you give them your consent.

Do not let rejection in, let it go over your head. If it hurts, remind yourself it’s just someone’s opinion, and it doesn’t matter. Let it go. When someone says something harsh, say something nice to yourself, tell yourself that you are a good person. Remember that people can be mean, unkind, and hurtful, but critical people have the most criticism reserved for themselves.

You have a choice every day, and not letting destructive criticisms in can actually change your life.
