Reuben Soup

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This soup takes all of the Reuben flavors you love and combines them in a steaming hot bowl of soup, perfect for these chilly nights.

creamy Reuben soup in a pottery mug with rye toast

Reuben Soup

Years ago, I ran across a recipe for Reuben Soup over at Closet Cooking. I mentioned it to my husband at the time and he did not let me forget it.

His all-time favorite sandwich is a classic Reuben; rye bread piled high with corned beef, sauerkraut, and melting Swiss cheese.

The idea of a soup for winter that delivers everything we love about Reuben sandwiches? There is no resisting that combination. Don’t skip the rye bread for serving with the soup, it adds the perfect final touch.

Creamy Reuben Soup in pottery mug with toasted rye bread

Creamy Reuben Soup

The first time I made this soup, my husband and I really enjoyed it and my kids were less than impressed. But now? This soup disappears crazy fast every time I make it.

Fortunately, most of my boys have grown to love Reuben sandwiches and that’s made this recipe a HUGE favorite for most of the family.

This soup has had a place in our regular winter menu rotation for over ten years now.

creamy soup in enamel pot with ladleRead more

Should you invest in a wellbeing retreat?

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What's the deal with wellbeing retreats? Are these events worth the high cost? How can we recreate one at home?

Should you invest in a wellbeing retreat?

Health and wellbeing retreats aren’t a new thing, but we’re certainly seeing more of these taking place, and they’re selling out fast. There are a variety of retreats available - from week-long retreats taking place in sunny climates, to weekend retreats in the English countryside. But why are these becoming so popular, and are they worth it? We speak to Maggie Paterson, co-founder of Sunsetbay Retreats in Tywyn, Wales.

People are looking for making some time for themselves to allow them to take a break from home life and/or work, especially if they are looking for a place to de-stress and relax for a while and work on their wellbeing.

A retreat gives guests an opportunity to be nurtured with healthy food and activities, it gives them time to switch off from daily life and have everything organised for them. It’s a place to recharge and start some healthier habits.

Retreats are popular for many reasons, they offer a place where anyone can travel alone and instantly have the company of like-minded people. They offer a space to recharge and relax, as well as opportunities to try out a whole host of healthy activities to clear the mind and move the body.

Can you explain the different types of retreats available?

There are a variety of retreats on the market, and they all have their benefits. Even a short, one-day retreat can help to make some significant changes and offer a short boost. Generally, the longer the retreat (for example, three to seven days) the deeper guests can go into discovering what they need to do to help make changes to their lifestyle.

At Sunsetbay Retreats, we find that three nights is perfect to fit into people's busy lives, but five or more days, if you can take that time, can have a huge impact and be life-changing.

What might be involved?

It will vary depending on the length of the retreat, the location, the time of year and the intention of the retreat itself. However, common activities include scenic walks, cold water dips, wild swimming, meals of nourishing, local and seasonal food, massages, paddleboarding, sound baths, meditation, and various yoga practices.

For those of us who can’t afford the cost right now, is there a way we can create our own wellness retreat at home?

Online workshops have become massive over the past few years, and there are many available to dip into, including online retreats (a mini course of sorts, which offers yoga practices and guided meditations for a small cost)! Youtube has some wonderful practices in yoga, Yoga Nidra, meditation etc. and there are a number of great apps available for all levels, styles and duration to fit into people’s lives and budgets.

It’s also worth looking into what’s going on in your local and surrounding area. Many yoga studios and teachers will host events and retreats throughout the year, for varying prices. You can also check out events, guided meditation workshops etc. taking place locally to you on Therapy Directory.

What is Yog

my faith story

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I’ve had so, so many requests for this post. Friends out there were curious about my faith, what deepened my faith, and how it plays a part in my life. You guys know I don’t typically write about these types of topics here on the blog. I never want anyone to feel isolated, and I respect and LOVE the fact that we all have different views and backgrounds. With the overwhelming requests I’ve received, I decided to write a post about about all of this. It’s a vulnerable one and I just wanted to say thank you in advance for being kind to me for sharing my heart, and also to those who choose to leave a comment.

Please keep in mind that this is my story; it doesn’t have to be your story, and if you don’t believe the same things, it’s ok! I have friends who have different beliefs and genuinely feel that it makes life way more exciting and interesting. I’m also friends with people who think that creme brûlée is a real dessert (it’s not), but even though we have different beliefs, we can still love each other. 😉

As many of you guys know, I grew up Catholic. We went to mass each Sunday, prayed the rosary, and the Catholic environment was a large part of my adolescent and young adult life. At the same time, I wasn’t a great Catholic. I tended to daydream during the homily (I still do sometimes), and was really there for the music more than anything. But, I was there.

While I don’t agree with *everything* in the Catholic faith, I agree with a lot of it. Most of all, I love the rich traditions and the comfort of it all. Mass reminds me of a hot yoga class with a set flow; the structure is the same each day, and I know what to expect. Sometimes I give it 100%, sometimes it’s more like 60%, but I’m there.

While I went to mass pretty much my entire life and absolutely believed in God, I never really felt super close to Jesus. He was a man who did miraculous things, but when people talked about having a relationship with Jesus… I didn’t get it. I was like yeah I respect the guy who gave his life for us, but we don’t feel like BFFs, and that’s ok. That’s how it was until a couple of years ago.

For some people who have a sudden draw towards Jesus, it can be after a huge life change or event. For me, it was when the world flipped upside down. We all have our own struggles, and 99% of mine never see the pages of this blog, but I was going through an extremely difficult time. I was here, still trying to work and make an income for our family, the kids were home from school (Liv had SO MANY zoom classes and so.much.damn.homework), I was trying to keep P from bouncing off the walls and injuring herself, and the Pilot was traveling internationally with the airlines during an unpredictable time. Bella passed away, which broke my heart into a million pieces, and a relationship with someone very close changed in a devast

Baked Corned Beef with Honey Mustard Glaze

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Baked corned beef with honey mustard glaze turns out moist and juicy with a sticky sweet glaze on top that no one can resist.

For as long as I can remember, my family has enjoyed a traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner on St. Patrick’s day. However, a while back, this recipe for baked corned beef in the oven caught my eye and I saved the recipe to try.

baked honey mustard corned beef

Baked Corned Beef in the Oven

Oven baked corned beef turns out tender and juicy every time I make it. There were six of us together for this meal the first time I made it and every single person requested seconds. Even my rarely-excited-about-meat child all said that they “loved” this corned beef.

Unfortunately, there weren’t enough for seconds for everyone, but I learned my lesson. If you’re able to fill the freezer with a couple of extra roasts whenever corned beef goes on sale – do it.

The first time I tried this baked corned beef in the oven, I knew right away that it would be making an appearance at our St. Patrick’s Day dinners for years to come. As it turns out, I keep corned beef stashed in the freezer now, just to make this recipe whenever the craving hits.

Our favorite way to enjoy this corned beef is alongside a generous serving of Irish Colcannon for a complete meal. Don’t forget to reserve a bit of the glaze for a dipping sauce.

Honey Mustard Corned Beef

I’ve always enjoyed corned beef but it’s never been the kind of meal I dream of at night. When first I tasted this corned beef with honey mustard glaze caramelized over it, it completely knocked my socks off.

The very simple glaze of honey and coarse-grain mustard added a beautiful sweetness and subtle tang to the salted meat. The flavor combination of the glaze with the cured meat hit all the right notes for me.

A little brown sugar sprinkled over the top before baking ties all the different elements of the recipe together.

While the honey mustard flavor might not be strictly traditional as far as Irish recipes go, I think it preserves the familiarity of corned beef while making it even tastier. That’s a win in my book.

baked corned beef with honey mustard glazeRead more

Should I try a digital detox?

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Nearly one in three of us take a break from our devices each day, while a quarter of us ensure we have a social media detox on a weekly basis. But how effective are social media detoxes, and do we really need them?

Should I try a digital detox?

When was the last time you disconnected? We’re spending more and more of our time online, whether that’s browsing social media to catch up with friends, following our favourite influencers, or catching up on the latest shows being streamed. Many of us get our entertainment, news, and updates from those we love, all through a device. It’s no wonder that one 2021 survey revealed almost a third of us (31%) feel like we are ‘almost constantly’ online – and a whopping two-thirds of us (64%) feel that social media is having a mostly negative effect.  

Could taking a break from social media and having a digital detox be the answer we’ve been looking for? Or are there any pitfalls to switching off and disconnecting from our digital lives?

What is a digital detox?

From digital detox retreats to phone-silencing pouches, some of us are even switching off our smartwatches and fitness trackers to go back to analogue solutions to help us decrease our time spent online.

A ‘digital detox’ refers to taking a break from your devices for a set period of time. This could mean not using your smartphone, computer, laptop, tablet, or other smart devices to access social media. Taking a digital detox doesn’t just mean turning off TikTok or switching off Snapchat; it also can include decreasing how often you check your emails, play video games, send texts or other messages, and even catch up on the news using your devices.

As of January 2023, globally, we spend an average of 2 hours and 31 minutes using social media each day - around five times the recommended 30 minutes per day maximum that some researchers suggest could lead to significant improvements in our wellbeing.

What are the benefits of having a digital detox?

The benefits of taking a break from tech can vary from person to person depending on how much time you’re already spending on there, how you’re interacting with it, and how it makes you feel. Overall, decreasing your social media use can help you not only get more time back in your day but can help to decrease your likelihood of other negative experiences including:

  • encountering cyberbullying
  • experiencing fear of missing out (FOMO)
  • feelings of isolation, anger, or upset
  • comparing yourself to others

A growing body of research suggests that internet addiction may be a real worry - including
