Grape Nut Ice Cream

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Creamy sweet vanilla ice cream filled with crunchy, nutty grape nuts? Yes, please! This grape nut ice cream has been an absolute win with family and friends.

We’ve eaten it scooped into bowls, ice cream cones, and melting over a fruit crisp too. It honestly doesn’t matter how you serve it, it is sure to disappear quickly.

vanilla ice cream with grape nuts mixed throughout in container with scoop

Jamaican Grape Nut Ice Cream

This ice cream has officially blown my mind. Quite a few years ago, a reader asked me if I had a recipe for grape nut ice cream and I filed that request away under, “I should research that.” And then promptly forgot.

While I was playing with cereal milk ice creams recently, I remembered this one and after just a wee bit of research, I learned that grape nut ice cream is a Jamaican ice cream that is basically vanilla ice cream with the addition of crunchy nutty grape nuts.

Jamaican ice cream in small bowl with silver spoon on wooden table

Grape Nuts Ice Cream

I couldn’t even fathom how that was going to taste, but like always, I was game for trying it. Turns out that grape nut ice cream is crazy good. Crunchy, nutty, bits of grape nuts cereal are scattered throughout every bite of creamy rich ice cream.

A friend tried this one when I made it and said it reminds her of cheesecake crust in the way it remains crunchy throughout the ice cream. The cereal does soften (compared to the level of crunch grape nuts have straight out of the box) but there is a decidedly firm crunch throughout the finished ice cream.

vanilla ice cream with grape nuts in clear container next to cereal boxRead more

Workouts you can do with kids

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Sharing some workouts you can do with kids and my tips for working out with kiddos at home.

Hi friends! How are ya? I hope you’re having a lovely morning so far! WELCOME TO FIT TEAM to all of the friends who signed up this past week! We are so so pumped to have you and I can’t wait to hear your feedback on the workouts. If you missed the details, check it out here – enrollment closes this Sunday. What are you even waiting for??

For today’s post, I’m sharing some workouts that you can do with kids. Until COVID hit, I very rarely worked out with the kids around. I was typically teaching classes and doing my own thing at the gym while they were at school. (Over the weekend, I’d take an off day and then hit up some type of class.) When the world shut down and we were home for months, they definitely started to see me work out. I realized that by having them around, I was setting an example for them in multiple ways. They were able to see that I prioritized moving my body each day, they were able to see that my workouts affected my mood and well-being (I feel great and energized after a workout), and sometimes, they’d even join in the fun.

15 workouts you can do with kids

It’s important for me to lead by example that moving your body is a good thing. It’s fun, and it helps to keep you healthy and active for the long haul. There are so many benefits to working out with kids: it can help moms squeeze in exercise time while keeping the kids busy, it can tire them out for naptime or bedtime, it’s a fun and different way to bond with the kids, and it’s a great way to teach the importance of health and fitness at a young age.

In today’s post, I’m sharing some of my favorite workouts to do with kids both outdoors and at home! If you have any resources your kids love, please spread the word in the comments section.

Indoor scavenger hunt

This is one that Liv’s PE teacher sent while the kids were home from school. He really did an awesome job of choosing YouTube workouts for the kids that kept them engaged and enjoying themselves. We’ve come back to this one and similar ones a few times.

Cosmic Yoga

Cosmic Yoga is just a treasure. If you haven’t tried this yet with your kids, the workouts are so creative and fun. It’s a nice way to introduce yoga at a young age, and each video has a the

Watermelon Dog Treat Popsicles

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Watermelon dog treats are the ultimate dog popsicles – and best of all it only takes a minute to make them. They’re a great way to use up leftover watermelon too!

Happy 4th Gotcha Day, Oscar. We love you and we’re celebrating with your favorite Watermelon Dog Treats today.

Watermelon Popsicles for Dogs

It’s hard to believe that our sweet Oscar has been with us for four years now! It’s hard to imagine our lives without him.

After saying for so many years that I wasn’t a dog person, I’ve had to eat those words. He has very much become a member of our family and I love him dearly.

So many of you have shared in our excitement over the past few years, as we’ve become first-time dog owners.

You messaged me countless tips and endless advice and I’ve loved it all. So, I wanted to share our pup’s favorite treats with you.

Frozen Watermelon Dog Treats

Dog Popsicles

Several people sent me recipes for their favorite homemade dog treats when Oscar first arrived. The most popular treats by far were these watermelon dog treats – made simply by blending fruit with a bit of yogurt to make dog popsicles.

This combination has become Oscar’s favorite treat too. It cracks me up when he hovers near the freezer and peeks inside to see where the treats are.

Watermelon + Yogurt in the blender makes an awesome frozen treat!Read more

136: Tips for being your own health advocate

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Hi friends! How’s the week going? I hope you’re having a great one 🙂 Popping in with a solo episode today and sharing some of my tips for being your own health advocate, and how it’s helped me in my health journey. I hope you’re able to get some tips from the episode. If you enjoyed it, please consider sharing on social media and/or leaving a review.

136: Tips for being your own health advocate

More resources from this episode:

If any of my fellow health professional friends are looking for another way to help their clients, I highly recommend IHP. You can also use this information to heal yourself and then go one to heal others, which I think is a beautiful mission. You can absolutely join if you don’t currently work in the health or fitness industry; many IHPs don’t begin on this path. They’re friends who are passionate to learn more about health and wellness, and want to share this information with those they love. You can do this as a passion, or start an entirely new career.

You can use my referral link here and the code FITNESSISTA for up to $250 off the Integrative Health Practitioner program. I finished Level 1 and am working my way through Level 2. I highly recommend it! You can check out my review IHP here!

I’m still obsessed with my sauna blanket. This is one of my favorite ways to relax and sweat it out. I find that it energizes me, helps with aches and pains, I sleep better on the days I use this, and it makes my skin glow. Link to check it out here. You can also use my discount (FITNESSISTA15) for the PEMF Go Mat, which I use every day, and the red light face mask, which is a staple in my weekly skincare routine.

I’ve been loving Athletic Greens! Read more

Berry Sauce

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Warm berry sauce poured over cold ice cream is one of my favorite desserts. I make this sauce year-round and every time I serve it, it gets raves.

This fruit sauce might be the simplest recipe I keep in my dessert recipe notebook. I scribbled it out on a scrap of paper almost 25 years ago while I was visiting a friend.

Homemade Berry Sauce

Berry Sauce from Frozen Berries

We were dishing up bowls of ice cream and her husband told us to wait a minute.

He combined some frozen fruit and a bit of sugar in a saucepan, simmered a few minutes, and then transformed that basic bowl of ice cream into something much more elegant.

I was speechless (yes, imagine that) over the difference the warm fruit sauce made over that dish of ice cream. Sweet berry flavor turned the easy dessert into a cold creamy bowl of heaven.

My whole family gets excited when I pull berries out of the freezer along with a tub of ice cream. Not only is the flavor delicious, but the contrast of warm and cold temperatures is also divine.

I’m all about simple and hassle-free ways to turn basic treats into something that feels a bit more special and this mixed berry sauce does just that.

Berry Sauce for Ice Cream

With so many possible combinations of berries and fruits to use in this sauce, I never get bored with it either.

Lest you think this sauce is only good as an ice cream topping, I also poured this over the Vanilla Bean Cheesecake I made last week. From topping cheesecakes to Greek yogurt to mousse cups or pudding, this berry sauce makes everything better.

Easy stovetop Berry Sauce

Fruit T
