25 years of Steps: “It’s a massive milestone!”

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Singer Claire Richards joins Happiful’s podcast to discuss a year of career celebrations and the confidence she’s developed in her personal life

25 years of Steps: “It’s a massive milestone!”

Claire Richards and the rest of Steps, are in a slight state of disbelief. This summer they’re celebrating 25 years as a band, with a heady tour schedule and the release of The Platinum Collection, an album crammed full of their greatest hits from 1997 to 2022.

“I actually can’t believe that we’re 25,” Claire says beaming. “It's a lifetime almost! We did an interview with someone the other day who was born 25 years ago, they weren’t even around when we started...”

Claire's keen to acknowledge the band's achievements and is clearly looking forward to the tour and upcoming appearances. “It’s a massive milestone and we want to celebrate it,” she says. “We’ve put together a setlist for our show that’s relentless, it will be like 25 years are flashing by everyone’s eyes, not just ours!”

Along with her stellar career to date in Steps, Claire has embarked on an incredible amount of solo projects including releasing her own music, presenting and appearing on a number of TV shows and most recently appeared on The Great British Sewing Bee: Celebrity New Year Special, which she loved.

Claire also has two children, who are now teenagers, and has acquired an improved sense of self and clarity when it comes to her personal life. This, she explains, came about after she turned forty.

Greenwashing: what is it and how is it preventing businesses from making a real difference to our planet?

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Getting to grips with how brands are twisting eco values for big business

Greenwashing: what is it and how is it preventing businesses from making a real difference to our planet?

We’ve all seen it: products claiming to be ‘sustainably-sourced’, ‘carbon neutral’, or ‘environmentally-friendly’. But when might a seemingly positive policy actually be a bad thing? This is where greenwashing comes in, and it’s something we need to flush out.

According to the World Wildlife Fund, searches for ‘sustainable’ goods have increased 71% since 2016, and as awareness of our individual impact on the planet grows, the public is placing more emphasis on corporations to do their bit, too. While this mounting pressure may have prompted some legitimately positive steps in businesses, for others, the scrutiny has led to a rise in ‘greenwashing’, AKA the easy way out.

Rather than choosing to transform their whole business in order to reduce pollution, these companies put their money behind marketing campaigns intended to portray themselves and their products as being more environmentally friendly than they actually are.

While the phrase was established in the 1980s by environmentalist Jay Westerveld, it’s gained traction in recent years as more and more people are seeing it play out, with companies using the idea of being eco-conscious as a marketing ploy to gain customers and their trust, while, in reality, their efforts to be more sustainable might be sincerely lacking. In effect, it’s style over substance; paying lip-service to how important environmental values are, without actually doing the legwork to back it up and take action.

What does greenwashing look like in the real world?

You’ll undoubtedly have seen it, even if it flew under your radar – perhaps with fast fashion brands whose alleged sustainability promises couldn’t hold water, or airlines with misleading ‘low emission’ claims.

But some of the most notorious examples can be seen in a L’Oreal campaign from 2019 that caused controversy for claiming its range to be ‘vegan’, while continuing to carry out animal testing in markets such as China. Or the famous rebranding of BP in 2000 to ‘Beyond Petroleum’, changing its logo to a green and yellow sunflower, and pledging to invest in renewable energy. Yet, by 2018, clean energy was receiving a mere 3% of the company’s investments.

What are the consequences?

Put simply, greenwashing stops real action from happening. It creates this misleading perception that businesses are tackling climate change, when they aren’t. If it ‘appears’ as though progress is there, the pressure to reduce pollution, or address production, sources etc. eases off, and nothing really changes. We’re at a critical time with tackling climate change, and this false front of environmental action can either delay or halt companies truly being held accountable for their impact on the planet.

Greenwashing: what is it and how is it preventing businesses from making a real difference to our planet?

How to spot greenwashing

Misleading claims or a lack of evidence

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Do I need a spiritual coach?

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If you’re feeling lost, detached from your purpose or low on energy, spiritual coaching may be just what you’re looking for

Do I need a spiritual coach?

We live in a time when there is an abundance of supportive professionals available to us. Whether we’re looking to change our relationship with food, heal from past events or update our thinking habits, chances are there’s someone out there who can help us.

But what if you’re not totally sure what you need? Perhaps you’ve just been feeling off lately, like you’re not living to your full potential. You know something needs to change, but you can’t put your finger on what.

This is where spiritual coaching can come in, helping you gain clarity and purpose. The term ‘spirituality’ can make us think of religion, and while some spiritual coaches do work in this space, for many it’s simply about connecting to something outside of ourselves.

What can a spiritual coach help with?

We asked inner peace and abundance coach Joana Calado how spiritual coaches can help and these are the areas she highlighted:  

  • feminine/masculine energy balance for optimal alignment and fulfilment
  • higher life purpose and soul agreements
  • spiritual guidance and intuition
  • how to protect your energy from being drained
  • manifesting with the laws of the universe

If there are some terms in there you don’t recognise, don’t worry - let’s take a closer look at what they mean and how a spiritual coach can support you.

Energy balance for optimal alignment

Many spiritual coaches will work with energy, with a goal of balancing your energy to help you achieve your goals and fulfil your purpose. There are thought to be femine and masculine energies within all of us; the masculine energy typically deals with ‘doing’, with the logical mind and being goal-focussed. The feminine energy is believed to deal more with ‘being’, with creativity, intuition and empathy.

By bringing these energies into balance we can enjoy the best both have to offer, giving us the space to be creative and empathetic while taking action towards our goals. A spiritual coach can look at this balance and help you bring energies into alignment.

Higher life purpose and soul agreements

Your higher purpose can be described as a purpose that is beyond yourself. This often means it benefits others and encourages them to grow along with you. The idea behind soul agreements (also called soul contracts) is that before we’re born, our souls make an agreement with others about what they want to learn in human form.

Essentially, this is about uncovering what you want from life, what your true calling may be and what you want to learn during your time on earth. A spiritual coach can help you navigate this, offering reflections and exercises to bring you closer to your answers.  

Spiritual guidance and intuition


5 top tips on how to establish a healthy relationship with the news and protect your mental health

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With heavy news cycles, it’s easy to see how staying informed can come at a cost to your mental health. But it doesn’t have to be that way

5 top tips on how to establish a healthy relationship with the news and protect your mental health

In today’s world of constant connectivity, there’s little avoiding the news. Rolling news coverage, and countless online media outlets, mean it’s on our screens, and at our fingertips, 24 hours a day. But sometimes the realities of what’s happening around the world can be just too overwhelming.

In fact, research published in Science Advances shows that media exposure is linked to higher levels of psychological distress, and can exacerbate feelings of stress, anxiety, and helplessness. Tani Taylor, a hypnotherapist and psychotherapist, notes that people who are predisposed to anxiety and depression may be more negatively affected by news coverage than others, too.

If you’re someone who is feeling the effects of a distressing news cycle right now, you might be facing a moral dilemma: stay informed about the traumatic events that are happening around the world, or shield yourself from it to protect your mental health.

Want to strike a balance between the two? Try the following:

Take action

When watching distressing events unfold, you may feel helpless to do anything about it, but finding a way to be of service can go some way to alleviating this sense of powerlessness.

“Look at what realistic action you can take that could benefit whatever cause you are seeing on the news, like taking part in a shoebox collection, or donating to an official charity,” advises Taylor. “Taking action like this is far more helpful to people who need your support, than making yourself unwell in a state of anxiety, stress, and overwhelm.”

Be conscious about what you consume

For Taylor, striking the right balance is about proper planning. She suggests setting aside a specific amount of time each day or week to pay attention to the news. You could decide that you’ll only scan the headlines during your lunch break, or choose to only watch the news three times a week.

“This way you’re not stopping your exposure completely; you’re still following what is happening without being in a constant trauma state, which is unhealthy for you,” she explains.

Consider reading the news, instead of watching it

Have you ever felt shaken and unsettled after a scary film? Watching a distressing news report can elicit a similar response.

“Our brain has two main control features, our intellect – that can look at a situation and recognise how much it affects us directly – and our limbic system – that fight/flight response that doesn’t have the ability to look at rhyme or reason, just knee-jerk responses to ensure your survival,” Taylor explains.

“The trauma we’re exposed to in the media can be perceived as trauma we are experiencing in real life, and this can cause our bodies and minds to have a psychological and physical response.”

Taylor says if you want to keep up-to-date, consider picking up a paper, or reading the news online instea

10 fun things to do in July to benefit your wellbeing

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From optical illusion cake videos to a virtual challenge across the UK, and a film that’ll inspire you to chase your dreams, try something new with our enriching suggestions

1. Page-turners

10 fun things to do in July to benefit your wellbeing

Great TED Talks: Creativity by Tom May

Never underestimate the power of a TED Talk, especially when you can access 100 of them right at your fingertips! Packed with motivational advice and lessons from TED speakers worldwide, this handy guide will inspire you to unleash your creativity and unlock your full potential.

(Portico, £9.99)

2. Out and about

Land’s End to John O’Groats Virtual Challenge

To conquer this virtual challenge, you must walk or run 874 miles, which is the same as the distance from the bottom to the top of the UK. You can track your progress and stop at any time, but what better way to motivate yourself than knowing you are planting trees as you progress? Not only that, but when you reach 50% of the way, a meal is donated to someone in need.

(Visit endtoend.run for more information)

3. Act of kindness

Thank someone every week

We often underestimate the power of a simple ‘thank you’. We might think we’re showing our appreciation through our actions, but how often do we actually say it? Show your gratitude to your loved ones by simply writing a thank you note, or sending a text. Not only will it make them feel appreciated by you, you’ll also feel great for doing it.

10 fun things to do in July to benefit your wellbeing

4. Lend us your ears

‘Griefcast’ with Cariad Lloyd

Coping with the loss of a loved one is one of life’s biggest challenges. While healing can take a long time, this down-to-earth podcast is here to help ease the process of your grieving journey. Caraid Lloyd invites well-known comedians and other guests to talk openly about their experience with grief, and provides comfort in a time of need.

(Available on all podcast platforms)

5. Plugged-in

The BakeKing

Award-winning cake artist Ben Cullen deliciously turns cake into everyday objects and food – and we can’t get enough of it. His lighthearted video content creates a recipe for visual trickery, and has us screaming at our phones while we watch him bite into a milk bottle or raw potato that is actually (yep, you guessed it) made out of cake.

(Follow @thebakeking on TikTok)


If you look hard enough, There’s always Cake 😂
