Meditation strategies

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Sharing different types of meditation strategies and how to implement them into your routine!

Hiii! How are you? I hope you’re enjoying the morning! The Pilot is off work today (wahoo!) so I’m going to see if I can convince him to join me for F45 cardio day and then we’re going to grab coffee, breakfast, and maybe enjoy multiple consecutive sentences of adult conversation. What a treat!

For today’s post, I wanted to chat a bit about meditation and the different types of strategies. Meditation is something that’s been on and off in my life, but I’ve been pretty consistent for the past year. It makes a huge difference in my day. I feel centered, calm, and it’s one of my favorite daily rituals. I plug in my PEMF Go Mat (use FITNESSISTA15 for a discount), do 10 minutes of an eye mask while I meditate, and then I pray and journal. If I have extra time, I stay on the Go Mat a little longer and work on NYT Spelling Bee.

There are so many different meditation strategies out there, and it can be a little overwhelming, especially if you’re a beginner.

For today’s post, I wanted to break down some of the most common methods of meditation and how to use them in your routine.

*A friendly reminder that it’s helpful to have a designated meditation space that isn’t your bed! You don’t want to associate this space with anything else.Also, make sure that it’s free of work and clutter; you don’t want laundry and to-do lists to stare at you in the face as you’re trying to relax.

For more meditation tips, check out this post.

Meditation strategies

Guided meditations

If you’re new to meditation or find it challenging to focus, guided meditations can be an invaluable aid. These pre-recorded sessions are led by experienced practitioners who gently guide your thoughts and breath, helping you find your center. Choose from a myriad of meditation apps or online resources offering guided sessions tailored to various goals, from stress relief to improved focus. Some of my favorite include the Peloton app, Calm, and Headspace.


Breathwork is the heart and soul of meditation, weaving a profound connection between your mind and body. Practice deep belly breathing to calm your nervous system and bring your attention inward. Pay attention to each inhale and exhale, allowing your breath to be your anchor in the present moment. I like to do box breathing (in for 8, hold for 8, out for 8), or the 6-7-8 method (in 6, hold 7, out for 8). Next-level: think of a word on the inhale and another word you want to feel on the exhale, or think of something you’re grateful for on each exhale.


Natural remedies for PMS

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Sharing some tips with natural remedies for PMS. Please keep in mind that this is for informational purposes and is not medical advice. If you struggle with PMS, please reach out to your health care provider for tips for your unique situation.

Hi hi! How are you? I hope you’re enjoying the morning so far! I’m taking Liv to a yoga class while P sees a movie with a friend, and we’re going to spend the rest of the day in the pool. 😉

For today’s post, I wanted to chat about some natural remedies for PMS! PMS used to be a horrible part of my life – it was a huge reason why I was put on birth control when I was 13- and was something that I struggled with for a long time. I regret taking birth control for so long as it just plopped a Band-Aid on a deeper issue. SO many women experience PMS symptoms, but thankfully, there are some things you can do that might be able to help.

Natural remedies for PMS

A friendly reminder here that this post is not medical advice. If you struggle with PMS, please make an appointment with your health care provider to see if they can suggest tips. If they simply suggest birth control, find another provider that will help you determine the root cause.

PMS symptoms can often occur when there is estrogen dominance. Keep in mind that this isn’t a root cause, but can give some insight into habits and foundations that can be improved.

What is estrogen dominance?

Estrogen dominance is a hormonal imbalance that occurs when the level of estrogen in the body outweighs the level of progesterone. Estrogen and progesterone are two key female sex hormones that work together to regulate various aspects of a woman’s reproductive and overall health. When there is an excess of estrogen compared to progesterone, it can lead to an array of symptoms and health issues.

Estrogen dominance can arise due to various factors, including environmental toxins, stress, poor diet, hormonal birth control, and obesity.

When estrogen levels are higher than they should be, it can disrupt the delicate hormonal balance, causing a range of symptoms such as:

– Irregular menstrual cycles

– Heavy or prolonged periods

– Breast tenderness

– Mood swings and irritability

– Weight gain, especially around the hips and thighs

– Fatigue and low energy

– Water retention and bloating

– Headaches

– Decreased sex drive

Estrogen dominance can have broader implications on overall health as well. It may increase the risk of certain hormone-related conditions like fibroids, endometriosis, and breast cancer. Additionally, it can affect bone health, thyroid function, and immune system regulation.

Addressing estrogen dominance involves identifying and addressing the underlying factors contributing to the imbalance. Lifestyle changes, such as adopting a balanced diet, managing stress, engaging in re

the best products for dry eye, blepharitis and MGD

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Sharing the best products for dry eye, blepharitis, MGD (I’ve tried it all!)

+ the Great Eye Saga

Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re enjoying the morning so far. The girls are at a half-day camp and I’m here doing discovery coaching calls, podcast editing, and getting a quick workout before pickup.

For today’s post, I have the post no one asked for, and the post I DEFINITELY didn’t ask for:

my Great Eye Saga, finding out I have severe blepharatis, and mild MGD (meibomian gland dysfunction)… and all of the products, strategies, and treatments I’ve tried, along with my routine.

the best products for dry eye, blepharitis and MGD

OG readers of the blog (Hiiii and thank you so much for being so awesome and for your constant support) know that my eyes are delicate petunias. I’ve written about my woes with previous infections, eyelash extension nightmares, and finding out the hard way that certain eye makeup will ruin my life lol.

The latest eye misadventure has been the longest and most inconvenient experience yet, but in my determination to look at the bright side, now I know more about my eyes, WHY I struggled so much with certain things over the years, have a routine and care plan, and my eyes are the whitest and happiest they’ve been in years. 

So, buckle up, and I’ll tell ya a story.

The Great Eye Saga

In April, I got the worst pink eye that I’ve ever seen or experienced. I’d been out gardening the day before, and woke up with neon red eyes that were covered in mucus (I’m sorry, it’s true) and almost swollen shut. I rushed to urgent care, where they prescribed me antibiotic drops, and was sent home. It didn’t get better within a few days, so I went to a new eye doctor. (My previous eye doctor had retired.) He said the infection was viral and prescribed a steroid drop, which calmed down the inflammation. The following week, he said I could go back to my contacts, so I did. Within a few weeks, the redness and goo was back.

*It’s worth mentioning here that I washed my pillowcase and any towels I used every single day, threw away all of my expensive makeup and skincare (WAH), and washed my hands so often all of my knuckles were cracked and bleeding. I was so frustrated that somehow, I had pink eye again.*

I started the antibiotic drops again (the same ones, since it had only been about a month), they did nothing, and I went back to the eye doctor’s office.

I saw different eye doctor since my previous doctor was booked 

Amazon Prime Day picks

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Sharing the best of the best from Amazon Prime Day! 

Hi hi! How are you? I hope you’re having a lovely morning!

Christmas is here in July because Amazon Prime Day is heeeeeere. This is when I usually stock up on things we need around the house, anything I’ve been scoping out, and Christmas gifts! The older I get, the earlier I shop, and it really makes a positive difference in my holiday experience lol. It’s so nice to feel like I’m not scrambling at the last minute.

If you’re shopping Prime Day, I went through and navigated the sale to find the best deals + some of my favorite products and recs. Everything is linked up below! Thank you so much to those of you who shop through my affiliate links; your support means the world to me and I hope you know how much I appreciate it.

Amazon Prime Day picks

Top Favorites

The BEST noise canceling headphones.

Sony A7 camera. I’ve been needing a new camera forever and this is the one I have my eye on. I love that it’s smaller and mirrorless, especially since I’ve been blogging since 2008 and never *really* learned how to use my DSLR.

Revlon One Step hair dryer. I still use this constantly, especially when I straighten my hair. I don’t use it to dry my hair – I’ll use a regular blow dryer and a round brush – and use this as the last step to fully smooth everything out. They also have the Dry Bar version of this tool here.

Your dental hygiene will thank ya. I never thought I could be obsessed with a WaterPik, but here we are.

The famous lip sleeping mask.

This is the vaaccum I use the most often. When our last one died, I got another version of the exact same one because it lasted for many years and does a great job. (My Dyson cordless vacuum died within a couple of years.)

Read more

5 online barre classes you must try

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Sharing 5 online barre classes you must try and are a fun component to add to your fitness routine. 

Hi friends! How are you? I hope your morning is going well and that you had a wonderful weekend! Ours was the perfect summer weekend packed with fun and friend time, and this week, the kids are at a day camp and I’m officially back to work after lots of vacation time. It’s hard to believe that I went so many years without taking a single day off from blogging or content creation. You do what you gotta do, but it’s no wonder I was so burned out. I’ve definitely gotten used to giving myself a day off here and there, and it’s made a difference in my happiness and productivity.

For today, I wanted to talk about a workout format that has stood the test of time. It’s something that I’ve loved for many years and always come back to it as a staple in my routine:


I LOVE barre workouts because they give me a little reminder of my dance days of yore, they’re incredibly challenging, yet easier on the joints. There’s minimal impact and I feel like no matter what, I always get a good workout. There are so many great online barre options, so I wanted to share five of my top fives if you’re looking to get in some barre classes at home this summer!

5 online barre classes you must try

Pure Barre

Pure Barre classes are designed to target specific muscle groups using small, isometric movements. By isolating and working these muscles to the point of fatigue, you can achieve a long, lean physique while improving your flexibility, posture, and overall body alignment.

One of the things I love most about Pure Barre is its inclusivity. Whether you’re a seasoned fitness enthusiast or a beginner, Pure Barre offers modifications and variations to meet you where you are on your fitness journey. The supportive and encouraging environment makes it a welcoming space for all fitness levels and ages.

Why I like Pure Barre:

I feel like these classes are more music-driven, and they feel like the most *classic* barre exercises to me. It includes a mix of pulses, isometric holds, and full-range movements, in addition to core burners, juicy stretches, and challenging series. With a variety of class formats, including Classic, Empower, and Reform, you can mix it up and keep your workouts fresh and exciting.

Pricing: Starts at $9.99/month (billed annually; $29.99 billed monthly) and you also get access to different formats, including Club Pilates and Yoga Six.


Barre3 is all about finding balance in every aspect of your life. With a focus on functional movements, the workouts aim to improve streng
