How To Take Care Of A Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

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Sharing tips on how to take care of a fiddle leaf fig tree, how often to water it, how much water, how much sunlight, all of those important questions!

Meet Frida Kahlo. She’s our gorgeous fiddle leaf fig plant that greets everyone who walks into our home.

Frida receives SO many compliments both in real life and online, and I often get questions about how to take care of these tips for plants.

I hesitated to write this post because I used to be a notorious plant killer. Over the past handful of years, I’ve FINALLY found my groove, and while I feel pretty confident about my routine, I’m still scared to jinx anything.

I can’t help but fear that as SOON as I publish this post, Frida’s leaves start to recoil and burst into flames. But I’m going to go for it.

I hope you find some helpful tips here and my fellow fiddle leaf lovers, please share your top tips in the comments.

How To Take Care Of A Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

What Is A Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

A fiddle leaf fig plant is also called a Ficus lyrata. They are tropical trees that do extremely well outdoors in moderate and humid environments.

Over the past 10 years or so, they’ve surged in popularity. Fiddle leaf figs commonly grace magazine covers, Instagram, and Pinterest posts.

It is a beautiful houseplant that can add to the aesthetic appeal of your space and can be a stunning, architectural statement in your home. It makes a decor impact and is also notorious for being a challenging houseplant to keep alive.

In this post, I’m sharing tried and tested tips on how to take care of a fiddle-leaf fig tree, find time to repot it, and keep it looking lush, healthy, and thriving for a long time.

How To Take Care Of A Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

How To Take Care Of A Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

Proper Placement and Lighting Requirements

The key with fiddle leaf figs, tropical plants, and house plants is to find a place in your home where they’ll be happy. Usually, this is a north or south-facing window, where it can get lots of sunlight. These plants

Winter Break Activities with Kids

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Hi friends! How’s the week going? We’re off on a little staycation – check out my IG stories for pics and adventures! – but for today’s post, I thought I’d share some fun activities to do with the kids while they’re home for Christmas break. 

Insert MAJOR sigh of relief and all the cheer for Christmas break. I love having the kiddos home, and especially love zero alarms (except for the days I have to teach), slow mornings, and seeing where the day takes us. Our weeks are pretty busy around here between school, gymnastics and dance team, horse lessons, and soccer, so having a couple of weeks off lovely. (Not months off. I’m not putting that out into the universe.)

While I still have to work while the kiddos are home, I’ve been trying to pre-write as much as possible and book calls into time blocks so we can have some fun adventures while they’re home. I thought I’d share some of my top ideas here and would love to hear what you’re doing with the fam this winter break!

Winter Break Activities with Kids

Please keep in mind that these are just ideas and a brainstorming list, and there’s no way we’ll do all or most of the things here. I’m really most excited about just CHILLING, but it will be great to have the lists on the afternoons when we’re looking for something to do!

Ideas for home:

Camping in the living room

This was a huge hit when the pandemic first hit, and a way for us to distinguish the weekend from all of the other days that blended together. We’d roast s’mores, watch a movie, and sleep in a tent downstairs. I learned very quickly that I hate air mattresses lol but it was worth it for the memories for the kiddos.

Make slime

This is our go-to recipe and you can add glitter to the mixture for a sparkly snow slime

Bake something

We rarely have time to bake while the kids are in school, so this is a special opportunity to bake together

Simple In-home Science Experiments

Did you know that learning can be as entertaining as it is enlightening? With a touch of scientific flair, you and your little ones can embark on a journey through the wonderful world of winter. From creating frost on a can to making your own snow, there are countless experiments that will make their eyes sparkle brighter than a starlit winter sky. Not only will these activities engage their curious minds, but they will also provide an opportunity for you to bond with your children and share some memorable moments together. So, gather your lab coats and safety goggles – it’s time for some educational fun!

Teach them a recipe

This is one of my goals for this Christmas break! We have a gas stove, so I’m not quite comfortable with them using it yet, but I want to teach them how to make eggs and pancakes on our large griddle. It’s electric, so it will be perfect for them to make breakfast (with supervision, of course).

Go on a scavenger hunt

While it is a bit chilly, we still bundle up and take walks with Maisey each day. Create a scavenger hunt list before you head out.

Exciting Cable Machine Exercises

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Sharing some exciting exercises you can do with the cable machine.

Hi friends! How’s the day going? So happy you liked the chicken salad recipe!

So for today, let’s talk about this thing.


A long time ago, I wrote this post about the fairly intimidating cable machine. It kind of looks like a torture device. I also shared some of my favorite cable machine exercises.

I’ve found that it’s so easy to get into a gym routine and use the same tools for the same things. In order for me to really switch things up, I have to make a conscious effort. Today, per reader India’s request (thank you, India!) I thought I’d share some of the more unique uses for the cable machine.

Exciting Cable Machine Exercises

EXCITINGCableMachineExercises 2

What Is A Cable Machine?

First of all, let’s go over the cable machine and what it is. It’s a piece of equipment (pic above) that you’ll see in almost every gym. The great thing about the cable machine is that it has adjustable pulleys so that you can target your entire body and do a variety of exercises. Pretty much any *traditional* strength training exercise can be done using the cable machine.

Are Cable Machines Effective

YES! You can adjust the resistance to make the exercise more challenging. With cable machines, you’re able to smoothly work through the fun range of motion for an exercise. I find that using this type of resistance encourages you to use your core to help stabilize. Make sure that you breathe as you brace your core and work through cable machine movements.

How To Use a Cable Machine

You’ll need to adjust the cable position, depending on the type of movement you plan to do. Overhead movements, like overhead triceps extensions and lat pulldowns, require the pulleys to be higher. Chest presses and flies require a mid-point setup. Deadlifts, biceps curls, and upright seated cable rows require a low setup.

Something to keep in mind: when you pull the prong out of the pulley system to slide it up or down, you’ll notice that the stack of weights for resistance will also move. An easy way to prevent this is to put your hand ON TOP of the stack of weights before adjusting the cable pulley. Keep your fingers away from the stack of weights. If it drops down, it can pinch your finger(s). If you need help with pulley setup, ask a trainer at your gym or studio and they will show you how to use it safely.

Here are some favorite exercises! I tried to choose exciting ones outside of the usual biceps curls, cable crossover,


Squat and row

15 minute workout 1


Make sure to keep your weight in your heels

how to stress less this holiday season

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Writing this post mostly for myself lol. 

Ah, the holiday season—a time of joy, celebration, and, let’s face it, a touch of chaos. The pressure to create the perfect festive experience can often overshadow the joy it’s meant to bring. This year, let’s embark on a journey to stress less, find grace, and truly relish the holiday season. <3

Here are some tips fo a calmer, more enjoyable November and December.

how to stress less this holiday season

1. Plan with Purpose:

The key to a stress-free holiday season often lies in thoughtful planning. Take a moment to outline your priorities. What truly matters to you? Is it quality time with loved ones, festive decorations, or perhaps delicious meals? Once you identify your priorities, plan accordingly. Simplify where you can and focus on what brings you the most joy.

2. Embrace the Art of Delegation:

You don’t have to be a holiday superhero. Delegate tasks and responsibilities to lighten your load. Whether it’s sharing cooking duties, asking for help with decorations, or assigning specific holiday errands, remember that it’s okay to lean on your support system. Embracing teamwork not only eases your burden but also strengthens connections with others.

3. Practice the Power of Saying No:

As invitations and requests pour in, remember that it’s okay to decline. Assess your commitments and prioritize self-care. Saying no isn’t a rejection of others; it’s a conscious choice to protect your well-being. By setting boundaries, you create space for the activities and people that matter most to you. You don’t have to do and attend all the things.

4. Create Buffer Time:

Building buffer time into your schedule is a game-changer. Allow room for unexpected delays, and avoid back-to-back commitments. This gives you the flexibility to navigate potential stressors with grace, ensuring you have the time and energy to enjoy each moment.

5. Show Yourself Grace:

Amidst the hustle and bustle, don’t forget the most important person—you. Be kind to yourself. Acknowledge that perfection is not the goal, and it’s okay if everything doesn’t go according to plan. Allow room for imperfections, and focus on the joy of the season rather than the pursuit of perfection.

6. Prioritize Self-Care:

Self-care is non-negotiable, especially during the holidays. Carve out time for activities that replenish your energy—whether it’s a quiet moment with a book, a walk in nature, or a cozy night in. Nourishing your well-being enables you to approach holiday festivities with a calmer, more centered mindset.

7. Create Meaningful Traditions:

Shift your focus from the material aspects of the holidays to creating meaningful traditions. Whether it’s a special family recipe, a movie night, or a heartfelt ritual, these traditions

Morning Detox Drink

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Apple cider vinegar, turmeric and other ingredients combine for this morning detox drink that can reduce sugar cravings, provide stable energy and help fight colds and allergies.Morning detox drink with turmeric and apple cider vinegar

What are morning detox drinks?

Why do you drink it?

What are the measurements?

What are the benefits?

This is my favorite morning drink: a hot mix of water, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, honey, turmeric and cayenne. I’ve been drinking it for years, and while I sometimes get out of the habit of drinking it every morning, I always come back to it. It’s going pretty strong right now. 😉 If I’m having this in the morning, it’s before anything else: coffee, fruit, or random bites while I make the girls’ breakfast.

Morning detox drink ingredients

Morning Detox Drink

Detox Drink Ingredient Benefits

Warm/Hot Water: can help to promote healing of the body, and decrease free radicals when combined with lemon. According to Ayurvedic medicine, we should drink warm or room temperature water instead of cold, as it can help to remove toxins (ama) from the body. Warm water can also promote healthy digestion, alleviate pain, improve blood circulation, and delay premature aging, according to this site.

Apple Cider Vinegar: this one is helpful in reducing infection, as many germs can’t survive in the vinegar. There are many benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar. It may help stabilize blood sugar and lower LDL (the bad kind of cholesterol) blood levels. It can also help to reduce weight and body fat by encouraging a healthy metabolism which could help with weight loss.

Lemon Juice: lemons contain vitamin C and potassium. When you drink lemon juice first thing in the morning, it gives the body a chance to absorb these nutrients and provide an immune system boost. Lemon juice can also help with maintaining a healthy weight, proper digestion and energy levels.

Even a simple glass o
