Friday Faves 10.6

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Hi hi! Happy Friday! The weekend is heeeeere. What are you up to this weekend? Liv has a dance camp, I’m subbing a Zumba class (Latin Cardio since I’m no longer certified but talk about a blast from the past), teaching barre, and we’re meeting up with friends for dinner. I hope you have a lovely weekend, too!

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party. This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below.

(I don’t go wild with Halloween decor but I love these little touches around the house! Our giant Jack is definitely the most exciting thing we added to the collection.)

Friday Faves 10.6

Read, watch, listen:

Liv and I watched Dumplin’ on Netflix the other night and loved it. I’ve seen it previously but have been introducing her to new movies. Some of the ones we’ve watched together and have been hits (with strategic fast forwarding when necessary lol): Titanic, 13 Going on 30, Mamma Mia, Sweet Home Alabama, Miss Congeniality, Devil Wears Prada… let me know if we should add any to the list!

How to reduce inflammation and even get it to build muscle.

How a barbell got me to confront the harsh voice inside my head. 

Check out this week’s podcast episode here!!

Fashion + beauty:

This gorgeous Tanaor bracelet that was a gift from the company. The entire Bible is nano-printed onto a chip, that’s implemented on all of their designs. It’s so unique and would make a lovely Christmas gift!

Beautycounter holiday is out! ! SO excited for the holiday collection.

If you’re looking to get your shopping done early, here are some faves:

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Friday Faves 7.28

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Hello hello! Happy Friday! Hope you’ve had a wonderful week. What are you up to this weekend? We were originally planning on a short getaway to San Diego but both kids are still a little traveled-out and requested to stay home and chill. (Liv is also still working away on her summer packet.) It will be nice to swim and catch up with friends before we’re back in the school hustle.

Other than that, I’m getting a much-needed pedicure (bless), catching up on work stuff, and taking a hot yoga class. I hope you have a fun and lovely weekend ahead!

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below.

Friday Faves 7.28

Read, watch, listen:

Liv and I have been watching High School Musical, The Musical: The Series on Disney+ and it’s SO.good. We’re heading into Season 3 so we can be caught up when the new season is released. The songs, humor, plot lines, it’s all adorable. I’ve loved watching it with her.

Don’t forget to check out this week’s podcast episode here!

I had a Kindle maybe 10 years ago and it got old and broke, so I’d gone back to reading paper books and digital books on my phone or the iPad. I decided to order a new one for Prime Day and am so pumped about it. I love the smaller size of the Paperwhite, like a giant iPhone, minus the distractions of my phone, email, and social media. What should I download first??

Fashion + beauty:

Ok, so these aren’t exactly *fashion* (more function!) but I got P a pair of vivobarefoot shoes and they are SO cute. They fit her feet perfectly, she doesn’t have to worry about tying them, and she said they make her run fast (the ultimate kid test).

Since I’ve recently had to toss my skincare and makeup twice – give me like 6 months of happy eyes and then I’ll go back to my usual stuff – I’ve been switching things up and

Friday Favs 7.7

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Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? P’s best bud in the world is here from Florida, so we’ll be spending lots of time with them. I’ll also be recording some podcast episodes, studying IHP2, and finishing up my first Italy recap post – it will be live next week!

I hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend ahead.

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below.

Friday Favs 7.7


4th of July fun! We invited the fam and a couple of friends over for a low-key 4th of July celebration here at the house. We were still  jet lagged, so we partied on the earlier side, but it was so great to see everyone, swim, and enjoy some delicious food together.

I made Caesar salad with homemade croutons, cupcakes with peanut butter frosting, vanilla cake pop truffles,

set out burger toppings, chips and salsa, potato salad, and cut up a ton of fruit,

and the Pilot grilled burgers, chicken, hot dogs, and black bean burgers.

I also made Aperol spritzes for the speciality cocktail. They’re the perfect summer drink; so refreshing and perfectly sweet.

Friday Faves

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Hi friends! It’s the weekend! What do you have going on? The kids have a bday party, Liv has dance, and I’m getting the new Fit Team workouts and Self Care September guide out and ready to go. Join us here!

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. Please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below.

#1 most exciting thing on our list right now: I booked a fall trip for us to go to NYC. Last time I went was a girls’ trip with Liv in fall 2019. I can’t wait to introduce P to such a magical place, eat all the pizza, and see all the shows. Please drop any of your favorite kid-friendly shows or any must-do activities! I know P will love the Museum of Natural History – it was one of our favorite things last time.

Friday Faves

Read, watch, listen:

Where should I eat in Tucson? A bucket list for every craving. I haven’t tried all of the spots on this list but agree with Anita’s for their burritos (the tortillas are unlike anything in the world), Estrella for the best donuts of your life, Le Buzz,  Barrio Bread, but strongly disagree on Kingfisher (sorry not sorry, it’s terrible).

Indian Matchmaking. Obsessed and love it for background noise while I work!

What’s something you splurged on that was worth it?

The “corn kid” that’s all over TikTok right now. So wholesome, adorable, and relatable for so many. (TBH I hate most corn except Mexican s

Friday Faves + San Diego fun

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Hi friends! Happy Friday! How was the week? Liv went back to dance this week and P heads back to soccer next week, so we’re officially back in the fall hustle. I’m looking forward to catching a hot yoga class with a friend this morning before doing the work thing. 🙂

Some fun things from lately:

the Pilot and I celebrated our 15th anniversary yesterday! The girl in this pic had no idea what the future would hold, and how we’d have these perfect, amazing, beautiful babies. Feeling very blessed to share this life with a man I love so much.

Our gifts to each other: we spent the day doing not much at all, and it was everything.

It’s been so busy the past couple of months that we were talking about how incredible it would be to just sit around all day and watch TV and enjoy each other’s company. I introduced the Pilot to F45, we drank coffee, ate fresh sourdough, and planned out travel and events until next summer, and then I took a nap while the Pilot caught up on some work. It was the low-key and lovely day we’d both been craving.

We took the babies with us for anniversary dinner at Vivace, which is a classic Tucson Italian restaurant with gorgeous views of the foothills. We shared antipasto, escargot (Liv’s fave), enjoyed amazing entrees, wine, and dessert. It was the perfect way to celebrate.

I’m looking forward to a weekend at home after being gone for a few weeks, even though we had the best time in San Diego last weekend! We drove up for the weekend to celebrate Max’s Bar Mitzvah. We’ve known Max forever – his mom Betsy is one of my BFFs and her husband and the Pilot are also good friends – so we knew we had to be there for such a special occasion. We got into San Diego early evening, and took the kids directly to Belmont Park to ride all the rides (don’t take your children on the rickety old roller coaster just FYI) and a late dinner at Crack Shack.

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