Exciting Cable Machine Exercises

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Sharing some exciting exercises you can do with the cable machine.

Hi friends! How’s the day going? So happy you liked the chicken salad recipe!

So for today, let’s talk about this thing.


A long time ago, I wrote this post about the fairly intimidating cable machine. It kind of looks like a torture device. I also shared some of my favorite cable machine exercises.

I’ve found that it’s so easy to get into a gym routine and use the same tools for the same things. In order for me to really switch things up, I have to make a conscious effort. Today, per reader India’s request (thank you, India!) I thought I’d share some of the more unique uses for the cable machine.

Exciting Cable Machine Exercises

EXCITINGCableMachineExercises 2

What Is A Cable Machine?

First of all, let’s go over the cable machine and what it is. It’s a piece of equipment (pic above) that you’ll see in almost every gym. The great thing about the cable machine is that it has adjustable pulleys so that you can target your entire body and do a variety of exercises. Pretty much any *traditional* strength training exercise can be done using the cable machine.

Are Cable Machines Effective

YES! You can adjust the resistance to make the exercise more challenging. With cable machines, you’re able to smoothly work through the fun range of motion for an exercise. I find that using this type of resistance encourages you to use your core to help stabilize. Make sure that you breathe as you brace your core and work through cable machine movements.

How To Use a Cable Machine

You’ll need to adjust the cable position, depending on the type of movement you plan to do. Overhead movements, like overhead triceps extensions and lat pulldowns, require the pulleys to be higher. Chest presses and flies require a mid-point setup. Deadlifts, biceps curls, and upright seated cable rows require a low setup.

Something to keep in mind: when you pull the prong out of the pulley system to slide it up or down, you’ll notice that the stack of weights for resistance will also move. An easy way to prevent this is to put your hand ON TOP of the stack of weights before adjusting the cable pulley. Keep your fingers away from the stack of weights. If it drops down, it can pinch your finger(s). If you need help with pulley setup, ask a trainer at your gym or studio and they will show you how to use it safely.

Here are some favorite exercises! I tried to choose exciting ones outside of the usual biceps curls, cable crossover,


Squat and row

15 minute workout 1


Make sure to keep your weight in your heels

144: Immune system tips and food allergies with Kate Ares

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Hi friends! I have a new podcast episode up with my good friend Kate Ares. 

Here’s what we talk about:

– Her *many lives* and her amazing background and story

– Immune system tips as we head into the holidays and winter season

– Her experience navigating food allergies for her children and how they’ve improved their allergies

– Her tips for staying Healthy in Real Life

and so much more.

Here’s more about Kate and her background:

Hi! I am Kate Ares. I am a registered nurse, nurse coach, and mother. My husband, Nate, and I have two daughters, Elora and Olive, a son, Bowman, and our first baby, a German Shepard, Willow. Throughout my life and career, I have found that I am passionate about helping people build confidence through self-trust, discipline and curiosity. It is through my personal journey I discovered my path in becoming and creating The Wholesum Nurse.

You can check out her Instagram here and her website here.


More resources from this episode:

I love love love the meals from Sakara LifeUse this link and the code XOGINAH for 25% off their meal delivery and clean boutique items (early Black Friday deal). This is something I do once a month as a lil treat to myself and the meals are always showstoppers.

If any of my fellow health professional friends are looking for another way to help their clients, I highly recommend IHP. You can also use this information to heal yourself and then go one to heal others, which I think is a beautiful mission. You can absolutely join if you don’t currently work in the health or fitness industry; many IHPs don’t begin on this path. They’re friends who are passionate to learn more about health and wellness, and want to share this information with those they love. You can do this as a passion, or start an entirely new career.

You can use my referral link here and the code FITNESSISTA for up to $250 off the Integrative Health Practitioner program. I highly recommend it! Read more

Gluten-free Thanksgiving Menu

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Sharing a full Thanksgiving menu that’s entirely gluten-free! Check out the details below. 

Hi friends! How’s the week going? I hope you’re having a great one so far. I’m here cranking through work and really, really looking forward to Thanksgiving next week – my favorite holiday!

Thanksgiving is almost always celebrated with an elaborate spread of food, desserts, and drinks, and some traditional Thanksgiving dishes, such as gravy, stuffing, casserole, etc. may contain gluten. Some members of your family (or you!) may have gluten intolerances or may be gluten-free. Planning a gluten-free Thanksgiving menu may seem daunting, but how there are plenty of gluten-free dishes you can prepare that are just as good as any traditional Thanksgiving recipes. Today, I’m sharing a gluten-free Thanksgiving menu to help you create a spread everyone can enjoy!

*Note: if any family members are Celiac, please be extra mindful of cross-contamination. 

Here is a roundup of delicious meals that you can enjoy on Thanksgiving – all of these are gluten-free, and many of them are vegan, too!

Gluten-free Thanksgiving Menu

The Best Thanksgiving Turkey in all the land

The turkey is the star of the show, and while it can seem daunting, it’s really super easy with this foolproof brine recipe. It makes the turkey super moist and delicious!!

The easiest turkey gravy

This recipe is not designed to be gluten-free, but just swap out the flour for your favorite gluten-free flour. I love Bob’s Red Mill 1:1 baking blend.

Sweet Potato Casserole

Read more

The best HigherDOSE products

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Sharing a roundup of my favorite HigherDOSE products, just in time for their Black Friday deal. Starting now, you can use the code FITNESSISTA20 for 20% off sitewide (minus bundles and full-sized saunas).

Hi friends! Happy Monday! I hope you’re having a wonderful morning. I just took my first workout class in two weeks – I took 16 days off with being sick/recovering/blah – grabbed a smoothie, and had a wonderful chiropractor appointment. I’m back home getting some work done before it’s time to pick up the crew and start the evening routine.

Today, I have some exciting news: HigherDOSE started their Black Friday promo. You guys know that I’ve been a fan of their products for a few years. I bought the sauna blanket for a Black Friday gift for myself a few years ago, and it’s become a wellness staple in my routine.

Today, I’m sharing some of my top picks, and you can use FITNESSISTA20 for 20% off! This is the best promo they have all year, so if you have your eye on anything, now is the time. Please also remember that all of these things are just fun to have, and might be some extra joy, zen, and rejuvenation to your routine.

Sharing the goods here if you feel like treating yourself!

The best HigherDOSE products

The sauna blanket

The HigherDOSE sauna blanket is an at-home and portable version of an infrared sauna. It uses infrared heat (which heats your body from the inside out, not the other way around), along with healing tourmaline crystals, clay, and a charcoal layer (which all generate negative ions). It’s made of nontoxic materials and is extremely low EMF, so it’s not emitting radiation throughout your body while you’re relaxing and sweating.

I u

Friday Faves 11.10

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Hi friends! Happy Friday! The weekend is heeeeere. What do you have going on? The girls have birthday parties, and Sunday is my bday.

To be totally honest, I always get a little bit of the birthday blahs. I feel like another year is a reminder of all of the things I haven’t yet accomplished, and I’ve never been super into the birthday pomp and circumstance. This is why I usually like to go camping, but I canceled our Sedona trip since we’re all recovering from the flu.

I didn’t have the mojo to get us packed and ready to go. So instead, we’re doing brunch with the family, and taking it easy.

I wanted to do a little something special here to celebrate the ol’ 3-9, so from now until Monday at midnight, you can get 6 months of Fit Team for $197. (Note: this is a membership and can be canceled at any time.)

ALL of your fitness programming, done for you, plus bonuses to make meal planning easy, recipes, playlists, and community support, all for less than $33 per month.

You can sign up here!!

FAQs and more info can be found here. If you have questions, please let me know – I’d love to help! This is the lowest price Fit Team will be and after Monday, it will go up to regular price, which is $297.

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. Please shout out anything you’re loving in the comments section below.

Friday Faves 11.10

Read, watch, listen:

How do you parent a tween?

New Mean Girls musical trailer.

Loving this predictable yet sweet read.

My friend Brittany recommended this book on IG, so
