Latest favorite Vuori finds

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Sharing a roundup of some of the things I’m loving from Vuori. This post isn’t sponsored, but affiliate links are included below which enable me to earn a small commission. Thank you so much to those of you who shop through my links!

Hi friends! How are you? How was the weekend? Ours was great. Meg’s baby shower was lovely – I can’t wait to meet my new lil nephew soon!- and we got together with some friends. We also started planning and prepping because our upstairs floors are being replaced. We basically have to move everything downstairs. It feels like we’re moving again, but it will be SO worth it when it’s done.

For today’s post, I wanted to share some of my fave things from Vuori. Vuori has skyrocketed to become one of my favorite athletic and athelsire brands over the past couple of years. I find that they’re prices are better than some other spots, but the quality and fabrics are SO good. I also tend to like their color options more, too! Just wanted to share the good stuff if you’re looking for new athletic wear as a burst of workout motivation mojo. 😉

Latest favorite Vuori finds

The Daily Legging

I love these so much, I have four pairs in the closet. The most recent ones I’ve added to the collection are Sawyer and a light purple grey color (that I think is maybe a little too light.

Why I like these:

They’re a little bit cropped so they’re not baggy around my ankles. They also have a cute drawstring, aren’t see-though, and have stood the test of time. I’ve had my black pair for three years now and they still look brand new. They’re also cheaper than Aligns but sturdier fabric.

Halo Performance Hoodie and Joggers<

Friday Faves 1.26

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Hi friends! Happy Friday! The weekend is heeeeeere. What do you have going on? I’m taking my first Spenga class with a friend – I’ll report back!- and putting the finishing touchings on February Fit Team programming. New workouts drop on Sunday! If you want to try it, sign up here – the first 7 days are free.

I’m also looking forward to teaching a barre class, Meg’s baby sprinkle (Kyle and Meg are having baby #3 in a month and a half!), and a family hike. I hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend ahead.

(A leftover lunch of chicken with artichokes and mushrooms, plus radishes, broccoli and homemade hummus on the side)

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below.

 Friday Faves 1.26

Read, watch, listen:

Liv and I saw Mean Girls last weekend and LOVED it. I had low expectations but was blown away – I want to see it again.

SO proud of the #1 spot on this list! One of my all-time faves. Tucson has a few spots on this list!

Don’t miss this week’s podcast episode here chatting about breast implant illness.

What do you always pack for a trip?

Fitness, health, and good eats:

Latest pair of Vivobarefoots (<— my referral link gets you 15% off). This is the 7th pair to enter our house. The Pilot, P, and I are all on board the barefoot train. (Liv sticks to her Jordans and Converse.) It’s wild to see how constricting *normal* shoes feel now. They squish my toes so much! These are extremely light, comfortable, and plenty of room for proper toe splay and foot function. 😉

(Also worth mentioning her

TRX Kettlebell Circuit Workout

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Hi friends! How’s the day going? Thank you so much for the beautiful birthday wishes for Miss P. I read them all to her and she loved them. (She also LOVED having everyone sing “Happy Birthday!”) I’ll be sure to recap the birthday festivities in one post after her party. 🙂 For today, I have a brand-new workout for you, combining two of my very favorite tools: the kettlebell and the TRX suspension trainer.

Trx and kettlebell circuit workout

(Wearing Nikes, lulu crops, and this Zella tank which I later realized was inside-out for all of these pics. Derp. haha)

TRX Kettlebell Circuit Workout

Kettlebells and the TRX add an entirely different dimension to training, as they target our deep internal core stabilizers. You have to work harder to maintain balance or center of gravity with the kettlebell, and the TRX encourages a plank position for the exercises. You’re in a moving plank the entire time. These are excellent tools to to challenge yourself and keep your muscles guessing!

The workout is meant to be completed circuit-style, moving quickly from one set of exercises to the next. After you finish one round of the entire circuit, you have the option to move through it again 1-2 times for 3 total times.

What Is Power Circuit Workout

Here are a couple of interesting things about this circuit, which increase its *excitement*:

-It’s a longer circuit (11 exercises). This use uses quite a few unilateral movements, focusing on one side at a time. If you’re in a time pinch, you can do a couple of bilateral movements instead. (For the burpees, do regular, non-TRX burpees, and for the kettlebell squat and press, hold two kettlebells instead of one. Ditch one of the squat exercises if you’re trying to bring down the time.)

-Speaking of unilateral movements, this is SUCH a great way to train. If we’re always training both sides at the same time, it’s easy to depend on your stronger side, or ignore how each side is feeling. You may find that you can make simple tweaks to improve form because you’re really paying attention to the working muscles.

-It’s a leg crusher. These are challenging movements to work your entire body, with a lower body and glute emphasis. You’re welcome. Mauaha.

As always, talk with a doctor before making any fitness changes. Honor your body and modify as needed. This workout assumes that you’re comfortable working with the TRX and kettlebell, and know how to execute these moves safely. If you have any questions, please let me know, or ask a personal trainer at your local gym to help you. We are happy (and stoked!) for the opportunity to help others work out more safely.

Now, let’s move onto the workout!

Trx kettlebell circuit workout

(Pin for the next time you need some gym inspiration!)

Form cues and tips:

1. Squat and reach: step away from the TRX base point, holding onto the strap with one hand. Sink down into a squat (chest listed, and weight in your heels), as you tap your free hand to the floor. As you exhale to rise, squeeze your glutes, and “c

150: Breast implant illness and explanting with Dr. Robert Whitfield, MD

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Hi friends! I have a new podcast episode live today chatting about a topic that has directly affected me: breast implant illness and explanting. I share all about my journey in this post and this post.

I’ve followed Dr. Whitfield for years and was thrilled when he was booked as a guest on the podcast.

He’s a sought-after provider who specializes in explant and breast implant illness, and also supports his patients in the preoperative and post-op healing journey.

Here’s what we talk about in today’s show:

What are the symptoms of breast implant illness?

How to support your body before and after explant?

Advice for those considering explant

and so.much more

Breast implant illness and explanting with Dr. Robert Whitfield, MD

Here’s more about Dr. Whitfield and his background:

Dr. Robert Whitfield has been a plastic surgeon for 26 years and board-certified for over 16 years. He specializes in Breast Implant Illness (BII), breast implant removal surgery and advanced cosmetic procedures such as his “No-Cut” Facelift. In addition to his exceptional work as a surgeon, Dr. Rob is a sought-after provider for his Holistic Accelerated Recovery Program (HARP). The protocols of HARP help to reduce systemic inflammation and assist patients who are both preparing or recovering from surgical procedures. Dr. Rob’s skills dovetail into a perfect balance of art and science and provides hope to scores of women looking to age gracefully or restore their health after BII.

You can check out his website here and follow him on Instagram here. 

More resources from this episode:

I love love love the meals from Sakara LifeUse this link and the code XOGINAH for 20% off their meal delivery and clean boutique items. This is something I do once a month as a lil treat to myself and the meals are always showstoppers.

If any of my fellow health professional friends are looking for another way to help their clients, I highly recommend IHP. You can also use this information to heal yourself and then go one to heal others, which I think is a beautiful mission. You can absolutely join if you don’t currently work in the health or fitness industry; many IHPs don’t begin on this path. They’re friends who are passionate to learn more about health and wellness, and want to share this information with those they love. You can do this as a passion, or start an entirely new career.

Read more

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) Test review and my results

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Sharing my experience with Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and my results.

Hi friends! How are ya? I hope you’re enjoying the day so far. Today is admin stuff, plus a home strength training workout and breakfast for dinner tonight.

For today’s post, I wanted to share my experience with HTMA as one of the testing tools I’ve been using. I shared more about my food sensivity test here, and will do another post on my Candida, Metabolic, and Vitamins test. It’s been really incredible to get insights about imbalances, especially with the eye and autoimmune stuff I’ve experienced in the past year.

At first glance, HTMA seems like a *simple* test, but there’s so much that goes into it, and SO much that it can tell you. It’s a snapshot of how your body is responding to stress. When we’re stressed, we burn through our minerals more quickly, which can leave us depleted and exhausted. This can also be a very helpful postpartum tool, as babies use nutrients from the mom. The minerals work in pairs, so it’s important to examine the relationships between the minerals, and try to find balance. There will never be a *perfect* HTMA test result; it’s more about seeing improvements in your body over time.

Embarking on a journey to understand your body’s unique needs and intricacies is a powerful step towards holistic well-being. Today I’m going to share what this test entails, its benefits, the process, and my personal experience.

Note: This information is based on personal experience and education. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice. This test does not dianose, prevent, treat, or cure illness or disease. It’s simply an informational tool for your unique body. 

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) Test review

What is HTMA and What Can It Tell You?

HTMA is a diagnostic tool that analyzes mineral content in your hair tissue. As our hair reflects the mineral composition of our body, this non-invasive test offers a window into the past 90 days of mineral imbalances, heavy metal exposure, and potential nutritional deficiencies. It goes beyond surface-level symptoms, and can help uncover root causes of various health issues. Minerals are essential for our entire body and are the “spark plugs.”

Pros and Benefits:

HTMA provides a holistic perspective on your mineral status, aiding in the identification of imbalances that may contribute to health challenges. It can also give insight into your nervous system, adrenal function, thyroid function, and absorption.

Early Detection: Detecting mineral imbalances early allows for proactive adjustments to prevent potential health issues

Tailored Nutrition: With insights from HTMA, personalized nutrition plans can be crafted to address spe
