Tender pasta and mouthwatering flavorful tomatoes are tossed together with a tangy-sweet dressing to make a versatile Tomato Pasta that can be served warm, cold, or at room temperature.
This is perfect for summer barbecues and potlucks, as it can be left out for a couple of hours without any issues.
Tomato Pasta
While this just might be the easiest pasta recipe I’ve ever made, it’s also one of my favorites for flavor. I eat this pasta hot, cold, room temperature, it’s fantastic however you serve it.
With just a few ingredients, you can mix up a batch of marinated tomatoes in the morning, let them rest on the counter or in the fridge for the day, then toss the tomatoes with pasta for dinner.
This is delicious right after it’s stirred together, but it only gets better after spending a while in the fridge. I’ve found I like the leftovers even more than when first made.
So, take my advice and make the full recipe. The pasta will keep nicely for a few days and can be eaten cold for easy lunches or warmed up for a hot meal too.
With some sliced grilled chicken added to the pasta, this is a hearty dinner the whole family enjoys. I typically stir together the pasta and tomatoes as a pasta salad and store it in the fridge.
When I’m ready for dinner, I combine the pasta and chicken in the skillet and warm it up for a quick minute. You can even toss in a couple of handfuls of baby spinach or some sauteed mushrooms.
A sprinkling of Parmesan is another great way to finish the recipe. With this tomato pasta tucked in the fridge, you have endless dinner options at your fingertips.
Tomato Pasta Recipe
- Cook the pasta according to the directions on the package, adding a generous tablespoon or so of kosher salt to the water as it cooks. Drain, but do not rinse.
- Combine