Things to consider while wearing a weighted vest

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Sharing some tips if you want to incorporate a weighed vest in your routine!

Hi friends! How’s the week treating ya? We’re in the 874th day of January and I’m ready to move on lol. With the fam being sick, it’s thrown off all of our routines, but thankfully they’re feeling better and back into it.

For today’s post, I wanted to share something that I’ve been using in my own routine and have seen them surge in popularity: weighted vests! They can be a great way to add an additional stressor and challenge your fitness routine when used correctly. I wanted to chat about some benefits, potential drawbacks, and everything you need to know before incorporating a weighed vest into your routine. As always, check with a doctor before making any fitness changes. Honor your body and modify as needed. Here are some things to consider while wearing a weighed vest.

What Is a Weighted Vest?

A weighed vest is exactly how it sounds: it’s a vest that you can wear with different weights and sizes available. You can use them for a variety of activities including, walking, running, strength training, bodyweight exercises — even chores.

 Benefits of Using a Weighted Vest

Here are some of the potential benefits of wearing a weighed vest.

Improve Strength and Endurance:

Adding extra weight challenges your muscles and cardiovascular system, leading to increased strength and endurance.

Bone Density Benefits:

Weighted vests can help strengthen bones through weight-bearing activities. Research published in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity demonstrated that exercise training with weighted vests improved bone mineral density and muscle strength in postmenopausal women.

Enhanced Calorie Burn:

Wearing a weighted vest increases the intensity of workouts, leading to higher calorie expenditure. In this study, individuals wearing a vest that added 10% of their body weight burned significantly more calories than those not wearing any weight.

Improved Posture and Core Strength:

Carrying weight on the upper body can activate core muscles and encourage better posture.

Things to Consider While Wearing a Weighted Vest

While all of this sounds fine and dandy, there are absolutely some cases where a weighted vest isn’t warranted or may even be counterproductive.

Posture Matters

For some people, they start off with too heavy or a vest or the wrong fit, or they may already have compromised posture and alignment. So often we’re in a forward leaning position, hunched over our phones and computer screens. A vest can make it worse, especially if you have tight chest muscles and weak upper back muscles. Make sure your alignment is on point with shoulders down and back, core engaged, neck long, and spine neutral.

Start Slow and Build Gradually

I think it’s so important to

How long should you stretch for a run

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Answering the popular question about how long you should stretch for a run.

Hi friends! I hope that you’re doing well and enjoying the day!
For today’s post, I wanted to ask a common question, especially since it’s the new year and many of my friends out there are getting back to their running routines or starting new ones: how long should you stretch for a run?

Here’s the deal about stretching: science and opinions are mixed. You don’t *have* to stretch, but for many people, they find that it warms them up (it prepares the muscles for exercise and increases heart rate and tissue temperature), they may be less likely to get injured, and they may find that it mentally helps them get in the game.

How long should you stretch for a run

When it comes to stretching for a run, the recommended duration can vary depending on whether you’re doing dynamic or static stretching. Typically, dynamic stretching is best done before a run or any type of workout, while static stretching is more effective after a run.

Dynamic Stretching Duration:

Before a run, 5 to 10 minutes of dynamic stretching is usually sufficient in addition to any foam rolling. This type of stretching involves moving your muscles and joints through their full range of motion, which helps to warm up the body, increase heart rate, and enhance blood flow to the muscles. It prepares the muscles for the intense activity to come can help reduce the risk of injury.

I really like dynamic stretching because you’re working through full range of motion; it can help with altered movement patterns because you’re stretching out muscles that may be tight or underused. It feels good and energizing before any type of workout!

Static Stretching Duration:

After a run, I typically recommend 5 to 10 minutes of static stretching in addition to any foam rolling. This involves holding stretches for 20 to 30 seconds per muscle group. Static stretching helps to relax the muscles, improve flexibility, and reduce muscle stiffness post-exercise. It aids in cooling down the body, your heart rate will decrease, and it can help promote muscle recovery.

Differences Between Dynamic and Static Stretching:

Dynamic stretching is active, with movements like leg swings and walking lunges that mimic the activity of running. It’s designed to increase body temperature, improve range of motion, and get the blood flowing.

Dynamic stretching

Some of my favorite dynamic stretches before a run:

Leg Swings

Benefits: Improves range of motion, warms up the hip flexors.


Stand on one leg with the other leg swinging forward and backward.

Keep the movement controlled and steady.

Switch sides after 10-15 swings.

Walking Lunges

Benefits: Engages multiple muscle groups, enhances blood flow.


Step forward with your left leg, lowering your body into a lunge.

Push back up and repeat with your right

Best Single Leg Exercises

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Sharing a list of my very favorite, and what I consider to be the best, single-leg exercises! I hope this post will inspire you to include more unilateral training in your routine. 

Hi hi! How are you doing today? I hope you’re having a wonderful week so far!

For today, let’s talk fitness-y things. Single-leg exercises are one of my favorite elements to include in lower-body workouts. Single exercises are – you guessed it- exercises using just one side of your lower body at a time. Leg strength is important no matter what sport you choose or fitness mode you enjoy. Strong legs support everyday movements and our ability to perform, and focusing on one leg at a time can have several benefits. In today’s post, I’m sharing a roundup of the best single leg exercises that can help you reach your legs’ fullest potential.

(Set was gifted from Vuori. I love everything on their site, and especially their leggings and joggers.)

Why train unilaterally?

It’s SO easy to use bilateral exercises to *depend* on our strongest side. Think about a barbell biceps curl vs. a dumbbell curl. With the barbell, you’ll lift the weight without the true ability to determine if the weight is split equally between sides. Your stronger side will always kick in to help you complete the rep, which can cause muscle imbalances to go unnoticed. By training one side at a time, like with a dumbbell curl, you can really focus on developing strength in the weaker side. This will not only promote muscle symmetry, but also potentially prevent altered movement patterns from depending on the stronger sides of the body.

Here are some of my favorite single-leg exercises to include on leg day! As always, check with a doctor before making any fitness changes. Honor your body and modify as needed.

Best Single Leg Exercises

Single-leg deadlift (a.k.a. Single-Leg RDL)

Holding a dumbbell or kettlebell, shift your weight to your left leg, then float your right leg off the floor behind you. Keeping your weight on your front leg, hinge at the waist and tilt forward, keeping your back straight, until the weight reaches just below the knees (or as far as you can go while maintaining a flat back). Keep your right leg straight behind you. Exhale and return to an upright position. Repeat with your other leg. Make sure to keep your hips parallel to the floor and look straight ahead throughout this leg workout.

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Healthy Post Workout Snacks

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Sharing a roundup of some of my favorite post workout snacks and ideas for fueling around your workouts. 

Hi friends! How’s the morning going? I hope you’re having a great one so far! I’m over here editing podcast content and have client calls the rest of the day.

For today, I wanted to chat a bit about workout fueling and some pot workout snacks. While I am a certified nutrition coach, personal trainer, and Integrative Health Practitioner, these are just friendly general suggestions. As always, reach out to your personal RD or health team for personalized advice.

As we all know, I looove working out. Some days are easier than others, but I experience so many amazing benefits from taking the time to move my body each day; I’m sure many of you can relate. It gives me mental clarity, energy, strength, confidence, and I love checking the box towards long-term health. After I work out, I usually have a meal or a healthy snack. Fueling yourself post exercise can maximize performance, speed up muscle recovery, and restore energy levels.

Just a heads up that not all snacks are created equal—some can derail progress.

Today I wanted to share a roundup of healthy post workout snacks that will help refuel, rebuild muscle tissue, and help you feel satisfied after sweaty workouts.

10 Healthy Post Workout Snacks

There’s a lot of nuance to workout fueling: how hungry are you? What time of day is it? What type of workout are you doing? What did you already eat today?

My very general rule of thumb is nothing or a little carbs before a workout, protein + carbs afterwards. When you include carbohydrates and protein, this can help restore glucose levels, support muscle repair and post workout recovery.

Here are some ideas for store-bought snacks and homemade recipes that include both plant-based and traditional meat protein sources.

Is It Healthy To Eat After A Workout?

Eating after a workout is one of the keys to recovery, whether it’s a snack or a meal. It depends on the timing of your workout.

Intense workouts break down muscle tissue and deplete glycogen stores.

Some of the benefits of eating after a workout:

Muscle recovery and repair – Provides essential amino acids for protein synthesis.

Restores energy – Replenishes glycogen through carbohydrates. When you combine protein and carbs, this can potentially enhance this.

Reduces muscle soreness – Supports faster healing and reduces inflammation.

Optimizes performance – Fuels the body for future workouts. You can crush your workouts if you’re depleted!

How to Stay in Shape During the Holidays

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Sharing my thoughts on how to stay in shape during the holidays. This blog post was titled for The Man aka search purposes, so please read on for my full thoughts 😉 

Hi friends! How are you? I hope that you’re having a lovely week! I have a couple of meetings this morning, and am looking forward to putting up our Christmas tree tonight!

For today’s post, I wanted to chat about maintaining fitness and “staying in shape” during the holidays.

The holiday season is a magical time filled with joy, gatherings, and celebrations. With everything going on, it can be easy to let healthy habits fall to the backseat a bit. Today, I wanted to share some realistic tips to help you maintain your fitness routine and stay motivated during this busy and festive season.

How To Stay In Shape During The Holidays

Instead of thinking about “staying in shape,” think about staying healthy, fit, energized, and centered. Focus on the habits that make you feel GOOD so you can get through the busy season feeling happy, vibrant, and peaceful. A deeper goal than vanity-based goals will help motivate you when things feel hard. 

Here are some of the things I like to emphasize during the holidays or busier seasons of life.

1. Plan Ahead

Look at your holiday schedule and carve out time for physical activity. Every workout, even short workouts, are still worth it. It can be a huge stress reliever and chance to move your body, which feels good when you’re bombarded with extra to-dos!

Every Saturday, I sit down and plan my workouts for the upcoming week. If it’s scheduled, I’m more likely to make it happen. On the days that are packed, I make sure that I can at least do some steps on my walking pad or take Maisey for a walk.

2. Take a Moment for Yourself

Make self-care a priority, even though it can be tricky. A quick 20-minute workout or walking or running session can be your moment of peace amidst the chaos.

Incorporate relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation to reduce stress. I love the short Peloton yoga and meditation classes, and the Calm app is also a great resource for meditation. During this season, I tend to get overstimulated easily – it’s a lot of people-ing- and taking at least 10 minutes to breathe or meditate makes a huge difference.

3. Be Realistic

Even though it can be tempting to try and make drastic changes before the New Year, I think that December is best spent focusing on maintaining instead of adding in a bunch of new wellness goals. Instead of trying to hit personal records, focus on consistency.

I also think consistency is more valuable than intensity, so feel free to modify your routine based on your schedule and energy.

4. Prioritize Sleep

Sleep is so important for mood, metabolism, performance, memory, immune system function, hair, skin, so many things. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep to support recovery and stay motivated during the day. If you have t
