Win a Trip to Hawaii

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Win a Trip to Hawaii

Summer Shape Up 2023 Grand Prize Giveaway

Summer Shape Up starts July 10th! Not only are we bringing the heat with our workouts, but the grand prize is HOT! This summer you could win a trip to Hawaii for a FREE 3 night stay for you and a friend at the beautiful Prince Waikiki Hotel in Honolulu!

Win a trip to Hawaii!

We’re talking free free– airfare, hotel, meals, & a poolside cabana! I think we can push it for 6 weeks for a chance to relax! Not to mention, you will also receive some LSF Nutrition goodies to help you continue to stay on track even after the challenge! 

Waikiki Beach, Honolulu

And of course we want to make sure you all feel good throughout the 6 weeks so each week we’ll be giving away other amazing prizes to #teamlsf girls who are absolutely crushing it with their workouts, nutrition, and accountability groups!

How to Win

The more you participate in the challenge, the better results you’ll see AND the higher your chances of winning weekly prizes and the grand prize trip to Hawaii!

Below are just a few ways to make sure you stand out:

  • Post your “I’m In” graphic on Instagram & tag @lovesweatfitness & @teamlsf 
  • Take your before photos (you can share them or save them for later!)
  • Post your #sweatyselfies & #rollscalls daily! Tag @teamlsf & hashtag #LSFsummershapeup
  • Comment on other #TeamLSF babes posts (everyone needs encouragement!)
  • Jump in on chats in the private SSU Facebook Group
  • Join an Accountability Group 
  • Join our weekly Instagram Lives over on @lovesweatfitness  

At the end of the 6 weeks we will ask you to share your before and after photos and your personal story for a chance to win the GRAND PRIZE trip to Hawaii!

We can’t wait to start this challenge with you!

The MOVE app is designed to give you the absolute BEST results when you stick to my pro

Workouts you can do with kids

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Sharing some workouts you can do with kids and my tips for working out with kiddos at home.

Hi friends! How are ya? I hope you’re having a lovely morning so far! WELCOME TO FIT TEAM to all of the friends who signed up this past week! We are so so pumped to have you and I can’t wait to hear your feedback on the workouts. If you missed the details, check it out here – enrollment closes this Sunday. What are you even waiting for??

For today’s post, I’m sharing some workouts that you can do with kids. Until COVID hit, I very rarely worked out with the kids around. I was typically teaching classes and doing my own thing at the gym while they were at school. (Over the weekend, I’d take an off day and then hit up some type of class.) When the world shut down and we were home for months, they definitely started to see me work out. I realized that by having them around, I was setting an example for them in multiple ways. They were able to see that I prioritized moving my body each day, they were able to see that my workouts affected my mood and well-being (I feel great and energized after a workout), and sometimes, they’d even join in the fun.

15 workouts you can do with kids

It’s important for me to lead by example that moving your body is a good thing. It’s fun, and it helps to keep you healthy and active for the long haul. There are so many benefits to working out with kids: it can help moms squeeze in exercise time while keeping the kids busy, it can tire them out for naptime or bedtime, it’s a fun and different way to bond with the kids, and it’s a great way to teach the importance of health and fitness at a young age.

In today’s post, I’m sharing some of my favorite workouts to do with kids both outdoors and at home! If you have any resources your kids love, please spread the word in the comments section.

Indoor scavenger hunt

This is one that Liv’s PE teacher sent while the kids were home from school. He really did an awesome job of choosing YouTube workouts for the kids that kept them engaged and enjoying themselves. We’ve come back to this one and similar ones a few times.

Cosmic Yoga

Cosmic Yoga is just a treasure. If you haven’t tried this yet with your kids, the workouts are so creative and fun. It’s a nice way to introduce yoga at a young age, and each video has a the

Crop Top Crunch Time 2023

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crop top crunch time

Want Abs? Do this!

Our 2023 Crop Top Crunch Time (mini) Challenge is here! This is a FREE 14 day abs challenge you can do at-home in 10 minutes or less.

You will feel tighter, more toned and ready to take on summer at the end of the two weeks, so what are you waiting for? We start together on June 5th.

14 day crop top crunch time challenge

Need to Ditch the Belly Pooch?

Are abs AREN’T made In the kitchen, that’s the work we do on our mats.

But the only way you will ever ditch the belly pooch and finally see your abs is with the right diet.

This meal plan will help you debloat, lose inches and start to see more definition in your midsection in as little as two weeks.

If you need help to reset and re-learn what your body needs to get results, this is it.

Download the 14 Day Shape Up Nutrition Program.

Read more

How to work out with a broken toe

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Sharing some tips on how to maintain your fitness and activity levels even with a broken toe. 

Hi friends! How are ya and how was the weekend? It was a great one over here. The Pilot was originally supposed to leave for a weeklong trip on Mother’s Day, and as he was driving to the airport, his flight was canceled! He ended up getting to stay home, which was a gift in itself.

We had a lovely brunch at Hacienda del Sol with madre and nana, dropped off plants for my nana and stepmom, and then had an amazing family dinner + swimming at madre’s. I hope that my friends who were celebrating enjoying a beautiful Mother’s Day! Mother’s Day can also be a difficult day for many, for various reasons, so if it wasn’t your favorite day, I’m sending you a big hug and holding you in my heart.

How to work out with a broken toe

For today’s post, I wanted to talk about something I’ve experienced too many times: working out with a broken toe. I’ve broken the pinky toe on my right foot countless times – the Pilot said at this point, they should just amputate it – and for the first time ever, I broke my left pinky toe. It was exactly two and a half weeks ago, and I was running around the house getting things ready to film Fit Team videos. I raced into the living room and WHACK. I hit my foot in between the wooden chair leg and immediately fell to the floor, moaning in agony.

Usually when I stub a toe, it’s a few swear words and I move on with my life, but this one. Wow. I knew I really hurt it. I lied on the floor writhing in pain for at least five minutes. Then, I used pure adrenaline to film the 6 Fit Team workout tutorials (whew!), it throbbed all night, and the next morning, my foot was completely bruised and swollen. I got it good.

Because my foot was alarmingly purple, swollen, and hurting so badly, I actually went to urgent care to see if I truly damaged something. (Usually I know a toe is broken, buddy tape it, and let it heal.) They wanted to do an X-ray and sure enough: oblique fracture. The treatment doesn’t change and they just buddy tape it, so that’s my destiny for at least 2 more weeks.

The good news is that the doctor said I could work out as long as it feels ok. I can’t flex hard at my toes (no lunges, and definitely no high impact) but I was surprised to see that I can still do a LOT even with a broken toe.

In today’s post, I’m going to share some ideas and some of the things I’ve been doing! A broken toe doesn’t have to sideline your fitness goals. With a little creativity and some modifications, you can stay active and keep that body moving.

Talk to your doctor and make sure you’re ok to work out

First things first, safety always comes first. Make sure to consult with your healthcare provide

Benefits of stretching in the morning

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Sharing some benefits of stretching in the morning + my favorite morning stretches. 

Hi friends! Happy Monday! How was the weekend? Ours was a busy and fun one! Liv’s team crushed it in their last dance competition of the season, and she placed 7th overall for her solo! It was very exciting 🙂

Today, I’m going to chat a bit about stretching. While the research is mixed on stretching, I feel like it can be extremely beneficial. When you stretch, you’re taking your muscles and joints through full range of motion. When you have full range of motion, you’re less likely to compensate during your activities. Compensation can lead to muscle imbalances, altered movement patterns, and injury. Also, stretching feels good!!

Morning is a great time to get in a gentle stretch; it’s just important to remember to move slowly, especially since you’ve been (mostly) still all night.

Benefits of stretching in the morning

(Top here // sports bra // shorts)

In today’s post, I’m going to share some of the benefits of stretching in the morning, some of my favorite stretches, and offer tips on how to incorporate it into your daily routine.

5 Benefits of stretching in the morning

Increases flexibility:

Regular stretching can help improve your flexibility and range of motion. This can help you perform daily activities with ease and reduce the risk of injury.

Can reduce stress and tension:

Stretching can help release tension in your muscles, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. It also promotes relaxation and can help you feel more calm and centered throughout the day.

Can improve circulation:

Stretching can help improve circulation by increasing blood flow to your muscles. This can help improve energy levels and reduce fatigue.

Enhanced posture:

Regular stretching can help improve your posture by lengthening tight muscles and reducing tension in your neck, shoulders, and back. This can help reduce the risk of chronic pain and injury.

Boosts mood:

Stretching releases endorphins, which are natural mood-boosters. Starting your day with a quick stretch can help you feel more energized and positive throughout the day.

So, how can you incorporate stretching into your morning routine?

Here are a few tips:

Start small: If you’re new to stretching, start with just a few basic stretches and gradually increase the duration and intensity over time.

Be gentle: Don’t push yourself too hard when stretching. Stretch to the point of mild tension, but not pain.<