TRX Workout Plan for Beginners

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Sharing a total body TRX workout plan for beginners. As always, talk with a doctor before making any fitness changes and modify as needed!

Hi friends! How’s the day going? I hope you’re enjoying the morning so far! Resharing this updated post for my friends who may have missed it. <3

For today’s post, I’m sharing a TRX workout plan for beginners! As you guys know, I’m a huge fan of the TRX suspension trainer and it’s been a staple in my workout routine for years. What is the TRX? TRX stands for Total Body Resistance Exercise and was developed by Navy SEAL Randy Hetrick. He was deployed and wanted to create something that he could easily use for resistance training. He created the first prototype for the TRX using a jiu-jitsu belt! You can read more about his fascinating story and journey here.

TRX suspension training uses gravity for resistance, which means that you’re using your own body weight. However, your distance from the anchor point of the TRX can make an exercise easier or exponentially more challenging. You also may find that the TRX enables you to find more range of motion, support, or resistance for your workout; depending on your fitness level and body position.

The TRX is also super lightweight and portable, so it’s an awesome home workout tool or travel workout companion. 🙂 Many gyms have them, but they’re an inexpensive home gym option, too. 

Use can use the TRX system to train your entire body, and it’s easy to modify or advance, depending on your personal level. This style of training helps to improve strength and endurance, and is generally a safe and effective tool to use. Today, I’m sharing a TRX workout plan that’s designed for beginners, but keep in mind that a simple shift if your position can make this harder for my advanced friends out there.

TRX Workout Plan for Beginners

This workout is a circuit-based workout, meaning that you’ll go down the list of exercises. You’ll complete 12-15 reps of the first exercise, move onto the second, then the third, etc. until you reach the end of the circuit. You’ll rest for 60-90 seconds and complete the circuit 1-2 more times through.

What makes this a beginner workout?

Typically for beginners, I’ll start with lower weights and higher rep exercises

How to Balance Weight Lifting and Cardio

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Sharing tips on how to balance weight lifting and cardio.

Hi friends! How’s the week going so far? We’ve had a good one over here. Lots of exciting house updates are happening — it’s been fun to see some fresh changes around here.

Today, let’s talk about fitness-y things and how to combine strength training and cardio.

If you’re on a fitness journey, you’ve likely encountered the age-old debate: weight lifting vs. cardio. Each of these exercises has its unique benefits, and combining them can enhance your overall fitness. But how do you strike the right balance between these two essential components of a well-rounded fitness routine? That’s what I’m chatting about today! remember that these are just general tips. Always talk with a doctor before making any fitness changes.

How to Balance Weight Lifting and Cardio

Weight lifting and cardio are like the dynamic duo of fitness. They complement each other, working together to provide you with a holistic approach to health. Weight lifting helps build muscle, while cardio elevates your heart rate, burning calories and improving cardiovascular health.

Recommended Balance

The recommended balance between cardio and strength training can vary based on your fitness goals and personal preferences. However, a general guideline is to aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity cardio each week, combined with two or more days of strength training.

Here are some practical tips for striking the right balance:

Benefits of Combining Cardio and Strength Training

Improved General Fitness: Combining both types of exercise enhances your overall fitness. You’ll have the strength and endurance to tackle various activities in your daily life.

Better Sleep: Regular exercise, especially a combination of cardio and strength training, can improve sleep quality, helping you feel more rested and energized.

More Efficient Muscles: Cardio workouts help improve the efficiency of your cardiovascular system, while strength training increases muscle mass and strength. This synergy allows your body to work more effectively.

Reduced Risk of Injury: A balanced workout routine promotes flexibility, strength, and proper muscle engagement, reducing the risk of injuries during workouts and daily activities.

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How to get back in shape

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Sharing tips on how to get back in shape and start a fitness routine after taking a break after an extended time or injury.

Hi hi! How are you? I hope that you’re having a wonderful morning. Thank you to those of you who have entered the giveaway so far! Check out the post here. This morning, I’m taking a yoga class, and then meeting a friend for lunch in between podcast interviews.

Today, I wanted to share some strategies on how to get back in shape if you’ve taken some time off.

The truth is, sticking to a regular fitness plan can be quite a challenge. Life happens, and it’s not uncommon to find yourself taking a break from your fitness routine. Whether it’s due to a busy schedule, health issues, or just a lack of motivation, getting back in shape after a hiatus can feel like a daunting task. But the good news is, it’s never too late to restart your fitness journey, and I’m here to help you ease your way back into it.

How to Get Back In Shape

Find Your Motivation

The first step in your fitness comeback journey is finding your motivation. Ask yourself why you want to get back in shape. Is it to improve your health, regain confidence, or simply feel more energized? Knowing your ‘why’ can provide the drive you need to stay committed.Motivation often varies from person to person. Some might be inspired by a desire to shed a few pounds, while others want to increase their energy levels or reduce stress. Whatever your motivation, write it down and remind yourself of it daily. It’s your compass on this journey.

Create a Plan

Once you’ve found your motivation, it’s time to create a plan. Set clear fitness goals and establish a workout routine. Having a plan in place gives you a roadmap to follow, making it easier to stay on track.

When creating your plan, consider the following:

Goal Specificity:

Make your goals specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, instead of saying “I want to lose weight,” say “I aim to lose 10 pounds in three months.”

Balanced Workouts:

Include a mix of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and flexibility work in your fitness routine. This balanced approach ensures you’re working on various aspects of your fitness.

Progress Tracking:

Keep a fitness journal or use a tracking app to record your workouts, nutrition, and progress. Tracking your achievements can be incredibly motivating.

Pvolve review and if it’s worth it

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Sharing the details on Pvolve: what is it, is it worth it? You can use my link here to try it out for 7 days free.

Hi friends! How’s the day going so far? I have an eye doc appointment and am catching a yoga class with a friend. I’m on Day 3 of the detox (3 out of 21. Woo!) so I’m taking it easy and looking forward to a tasty vegan lunch today.

For today’s post, I wanted to chat a bit about P.volve. I’ve fallen back in love with P.volve after quite a few years, love their rebranding, and am so excited to see studios pop up over the US. My workouts have been pretty low-impact as I work on my healing process, and Pvolve has given me a challenging workout without being too intense.

If you’re curious about giving it a try, here are the details about it!

Pvolve review and if it’s worth it

Background on Pvolve

Pvolve is unlike anything I’ve ever tried.. and I’ve been around the fitness block lol. It’s the brainchild of two remarkable individuals, Stephen Pasterino and Rachel Katzman. Stephen, the fitness guru behind the method, created P.volve after years of research and experience. His aim was to provide a fitness solution that not only transforms your body but also enhances functionality and prevents injuries.

Stephen Pasterino: Stephen, the driving force behind P.volve, has a background in kinesiology and functional movement. His mission was to develop a workout that not only sculpts muscles but also improves the way your body moves.

Rachel Katzman: Rachel, co-founder and CEO, brought her business acumen to the mix. Her vision was to create an accessible and results-driven fitness program that could cater to people’s unique needs and lifestyles.

The pair were previously together, and have split ways, with Rachel maintaining full control over Pvolve. Stephen has gone off to do his own thing! While I absolutely like the format he helped create, he wasn’t my favorite as an instructor. I loved his method, but found him to be pretty low energy.

The P.volve Method

P.volve is built on the foundation of functional fitness, a concept that goes beyond the aesthetic aspects of working out. It’s about training your body to perform better in everyday life, enhancing your movement patterns, and reducing the risk of injuries. The method involves controlled, precise movements that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

Is Pilates Good for Weight Loss?

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Is Pilates good for weight loss? I’m breaking it all down in today’s post!

Hi hi! How are you? I hope you had an amazing weekend! The Pilot worked all weekend, so the girls and I met up with friends, I taught a barre class, and we went to the farmer’s market.

Today, I wanted to chat a bit about Pilates! Since I’ve been gravitating more towards low-impact workouts to reduce stress, Pilates has become a staple in my routine lately. It’s something that I’ve loved for years, and I think it can be a great way to implement strategic (and smart) core training, in addition to endurance and stabilization with your regular strength training and cardio routine.

Pilates is known for its focus on strengthening the core, improving posture, and enhancing flexibility. Unlike high-impact workouts, Pilates is a low-impact activity that engages both the mind and body. However, it’s not always the first choice for those seeking significant weight loss. Today, I’m going to dive into the question of whether Pilates is effective for weight loss and explore the indirect yet potent benefits it offers in achieving your weight or health loss goals.

*It’s also worth noting here that it’s ok if weight loss is part of your health goals, but I don’t think it should be a #1 focus. The number on the scale says SO little about overall health and body composition. This post is titled this way so that my friends who are Googling can get some solid advice. 😉 *

Is Pilates Good For Weight Loss?

Pilates can indeed contribute to weight loss, but it’s essential to understand that it’s not a quick fix for shedding pounds. Instead, Pilates provides numerous indirect benefits that can lead to sustainable and long-term health goals, which may or may not include weight loss. For weight loss to occur, there needs to be quite a few building blocks in place:

– A calorie deficit, meaning that you’re burning more than your current intake

– A happy nervous system, because you can’t lose weight in flight or fight. Stress management, mindful eating, and

– Enough fuel! SO many women are under-eating for their activity levels and goals

– Nutrients and protein intake

– Hormone function

– Digestion

– Quality sleep

and so much more. If you need help