how to stress less this holiday season

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Writing this post mostly for myself lol. 

Ah, the holiday season—a time of joy, celebration, and, let’s face it, a touch of chaos. The pressure to create the perfect festive experience can often overshadow the joy it’s meant to bring. This year, let’s embark on a journey to stress less, find grace, and truly relish the holiday season. <3

Here are some tips fo a calmer, more enjoyable November and December.

how to stress less this holiday season

1. Plan with Purpose:

The key to a stress-free holiday season often lies in thoughtful planning. Take a moment to outline your priorities. What truly matters to you? Is it quality time with loved ones, festive decorations, or perhaps delicious meals? Once you identify your priorities, plan accordingly. Simplify where you can and focus on what brings you the most joy.

2. Embrace the Art of Delegation:

You don’t have to be a holiday superhero. Delegate tasks and responsibilities to lighten your load. Whether it’s sharing cooking duties, asking for help with decorations, or assigning specific holiday errands, remember that it’s okay to lean on your support system. Embracing teamwork not only eases your burden but also strengthens connections with others.

3. Practice the Power of Saying No:

As invitations and requests pour in, remember that it’s okay to decline. Assess your commitments and prioritize self-care. Saying no isn’t a rejection of others; it’s a conscious choice to protect your well-being. By setting boundaries, you create space for the activities and people that matter most to you. You don’t have to do and attend all the things.

4. Create Buffer Time:

Building buffer time into your schedule is a game-changer. Allow room for unexpected delays, and avoid back-to-back commitments. This gives you the flexibility to navigate potential stressors with grace, ensuring you have the time and energy to enjoy each moment.

5. Show Yourself Grace:

Amidst the hustle and bustle, don’t forget the most important person—you. Be kind to yourself. Acknowledge that perfection is not the goal, and it’s okay if everything doesn’t go according to plan. Allow room for imperfections, and focus on the joy of the season rather than the pursuit of perfection.

6. Prioritize Self-Care:

Self-care is non-negotiable, especially during the holidays. Carve out time for activities that replenish your energy—whether it’s a quiet moment with a book, a walk in nature, or a cozy night in. Nourishing your well-being enables you to approach holiday festivities with a calmer, more centered mindset.

7. Create Meaningful Traditions:

Shift your focus from the material aspects of the holidays to creating meaningful traditions. Whether it’s a special family recipe, a movie night, or a heartfelt ritual, these traditions

Recent books I’ve loved

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Sharing the books I’ve read recently and if I recommend adding them to your collection. 

Hi friends! How are you? How was the weekend? I had high hopes for Halloween fun, but ended up getting sick. I had to miss P’s birthday party, which was devastating, but madre and Tom took the reins and all of the kids had a great time. Thankfully, I’m much better today and am getting an IV later this morning. This weekend, I binge watched Never Have I Ever and spent a lot of time reading in bed, which was a treat.

I haven’t had as much time to read lately. We’re officially in the holiday whirlwind, and with client test results (I looove going through them but it’s definitely a time commitment), the girls’ schedules, the Pilot’s schedule, it’s just been wild around here. Also, we’ve all been going to bed a little too late, and since I have to do my eye mask before bed, it really squashes some of my reading plans lol. I’m really trying to create more reading blocks throughout the day, and I’m so looking forward to November travel (Palm Springs and Arkansas) so I can read during all of the plane travel.

Something that has made it a bit easier to squeeze in reading time: my Kindle! I LOVE this is one fits in my purse and I’m not tempted to scroll on my phone. It’s been pretty convenient to tote this around with me!

There have been a couple of incredible books in my life lately, and I’m excited to share the details with ya.

Recent books I’ve loved

XOXO, Cody

If you’re going to read this book, I definitely recommend the Audible version so you can hear it in Cody’s voice! What a treasure of a human. I had high expectations for this one – I expected it to be highly entreating – and it didn’t disappoint. It gives you all of the laughs and warm fuzzies of an XO, Cody Peloton ride, while you get a deep dive into his story and background. It was fascinating to learn about his upbringing, his relationship with his mom, the Dancing with the Stars experience, and how he became such a huge fitness personality. 10/10

From Amazon:

Cody Rigsby has a lot of opinions: Kevin is the hottest Backstreet Boy; grape jelly is a crime against nature; if you wear flip-flops in New York City, you do not love yourself. But if there is o

Friday Faves 10.27

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Hi hi! Happy Friday and Happy Halloweekend! How are you? I hope you’re having an amazing week.

We’ve been in full-fledged birthday celebration mode.

It was the Pilot’s birthday dinner on Sunday,

(we had an amazing family dinner at Three Canyon)

his actual birthday on Tuesday,

(we had a lovely brunch and spent the day together)

and P’s birthday was yesterday. I can’t believe she’s 8!! HOW?!

Every year, I get so emotional on the kids’ birthdays. I absolutely love seeing them grow and feel like I enjoy them more and more each year, but at the same time, it really happens too darn fast. It feels like just yesterday we were dropping Liv off at Betsy’s house with  hamburger piñata and heading out for P to be born. It also makes me laugh that the first hour of contractions, I was feeling smug and like it was going to be easy, and then I was begging for an epidural to help me birth my 10 lb 13 oz baby.

She cracks me up, gives the biggest hugs, and is always keeping us on our toes. She lights up our house with joy every single day.

We’re celebrating P’s birthday with friends this weekend, and also have a Trunk or Treat, a Halloween party, and new Fit Team workouts drop on Saturday. Here we go!

Some exciting news: I’m running a promo from now until Halloween on some of my bestselling fitness programs! I wanted to give you an amazing discount to celebrate the fall season, and this way, you’ll be all set for holiday travel and at-home workouts. All

143: All about fascia and movement as medicine with Anna Rahe

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Hi friends! Hope you’re having a wonderful week!

Today, I have a new podcast episode live! This was a super fascinating conversation with the founder of GST Body, Anna Rahe. I had so much fun talking with her and learned a ton – definitely take a listen.

143: All about fascia and movement as medicine with Anna Rahe

Here’s what we talk about in today’s episode:

What is fascia – and why it might be the key to your body’s physical wellness

How fitness can be therapeutic, and how you can use motion as medicine

Why you don’t need someone else to fix your body problems, and how you can manipulate and control the outcome of your own health

A daily exercise your audience can implement right now to take control of your body’s health

and so.much.more.

Here’s a bit more about Anna and her background:

For the past 20+ years, Anna Rahe has delved deep into a liberating and empowering relationship with fascia so that as many people as possible can invest in their health, restore their vitality, and heal themselves with the proprietary tools she has created. As the founder, CEO and educator of GST Body, Anna has spoken about holistic body care through fascia around the world, partnered with top athletes, surgeons, physicians and celebrities, and been featured in various publications, from Shape to Elle, Net-a-Porter to The Wall Street Journal.

You can check out GST Body here and connect with her on Instagram here.

More resources from this episode:

I love love love the meals from Sakara LifeUse this link and the code XOGINAH for 20% off their meal delivery and clean boutique items. This is something I do once a month as a lil treat to myself and the meals are always showstoppers. You can join their fall reset now!

If any of my fellow health professional friends are looking for another way to help their clients, I highly recommend IHP. You can also use this information to heal yourself and then go one to heal others, which I think is a beautiful mission. You can absolutely join if you don’t currently work in the health or fitness industry; many IHPs don’t begin on this path. They’re friends who are passionate to learn more about health and wellness, and want to share this information with those they love. You can do this as a passion, or start an entirely new career.

You can

Hormonal health tips for women over 35

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Sharing some hormonal health tips for women over 35.

Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re enjoying the day so far! It’s a busy week over here. The PIlot’s bday was yesterday, P’s is tomorrow, and today I have some podcast interviews, lunch with a friend, and a concert tonight 🙂 I hope you’re enjoying the week!

One of the things I commonly hear with friends and clients is that after you turn 35, things aren’t quite the same. The strategies that used to work may feel like they’re no longer working, metabolism may feel like it’s broken, sleep can go haywire, and energy levels are decreased.

The good news is that there are things you can do to support your body through the stress you’re experiencing. As our bodies navigate changes over time, it becomes paramount to foster hormonal health for overall well-being.

In today’s post, I wanted to share some essential tips and strategies to support hormonal harmony and promote a vibrant, fulfilling life after 35.

Hormonal health tips for women over 35

1. Prioritize Balanced Nutrition:

Nutrition is the cornerstone of hormonal well-being. Opt for a well-rounded diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods. Embrace whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and a kaleidoscope of fruits and vegetables. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, can be particularly beneficial for hormonal balance.

2. Mindful Hydration:

Water is not just a basic necessity; it’s a fundamental supporter of hormonal health. Stay well-hydrated by aiming for at least eight glasses of water a day. Additionally, consider incorporating herbal teas with hormonal benefits into your routine, such as chamomile or peppermint.

3. Regular Exercise:

Exercise is a potent ally in maintaining hormonal equilibrium. Engage in a diverse range of activities, including cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and flexibility work. Finding activities you genuinely enjoy ensures consistency, as regular exercise aids in stress management, mood enhancement, and hormonal regulation.

4. Quality Sleep Matters:

Adequate, quality sleep is a non-negotiable factor in hormonal health. Strive for 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Establish a calming pre-sleep routine, limit screen time before bed, and create an optimal sleep environment. Quality sleep supports the production of growth hormone and helps regulate cortisol levels.

5. Manage Stress Effectively:

Stress can disrupt the delicate dance of hormonal balance. Integrate stress-management techniques into your daily routine, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mindfulness practices. Experiment with different methods to discover what resonates most with you and make it an integral part of your daily life.

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