Do some people really have a better shot at achieving their dreams than others? Can anyone be successful, or is it all down to luck? We’re exploring the truth about what it really takes to triumph

When you stop to think about success, what comes to mind? High-earning entrepreneurs, tech innovators, influential activists, bestselling authors? Success comes in many different forms, yet if we’re honest with ourselves, there are a lot of assumptions we make about how others become successful – and what’s holding us back from reaching the same heights.
Here, we’re putting some of the most common misconceptions about achievements under a microscope, to shine a spotlight on the true secrets of the successful.
Myth: Success means the same thing to everyone
In reality, there’s no single ‘look’ for success. Some people see success as having a big house or money in the bank. Others see it as how they impact the environment, local communities, or give back to charity. Focus on what you value most, and how you define it, and strive for that.
Myth: Only certain personality types can succeed
You don’t have to be an aggressive extrovert to be successful – introverts can succeed, too! From sports star Michael Jordan to philanthropist Bill Gates, success can happen for any and all personality types.
Myth: Following your passion is enough to succeed
Unfortunately, passion alone isn’t enough. Loving what you do can be a great starting point, but taking things to the next level requires hard work, too. You need a 360 approach that allows you growth in various areas – from improving existing skills or learning new ones, to understanding your market, and being open to feedback in order to see progress.
Myth: Success is dependent on your upbringing
Having a solid start in life can give you a big advantage. Knowing you have people to support you (financially or emotionally) makes a huge difference, giving you access to resources others may not have. Yet it’s not the only path to success. Oprah was born to a poor family, and is now worth an estimated $2.6 billion. Ed Sheeran, a big name in the music industry, dropped out of school and slept rough before making it big. Anything is possible.
Myth: You need luck to succeed
Luck can give you a boost, but sitting back and waiting for something magic to happen rarely leads to success. Make your own luck by working hard and seeking out new opportunities.
Myth: You can’t succeed without stepping on other people
You don’t have to be ruthless, put others down, or take unearned credit to succeed. Focus, determination, confidence, and building a strong network that you can rely on (and that can trust you) is key.