[New program] Healing Code

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Sharing the details for my newest program, Healing Code, and how you can join. 

Hi friends! Happy Monday! I hope that you had a wonderful weekend. Ours was a great one – Liv had a dance competition, I taught barre, and we met up with friends for dinner last night.

Today I have some exciting news: my new program, Healing Code, is open for enrollment and I would LOVE to see you in there.

Healing Code is everything I wish I would have had when I started dealing with mysterious health issues and autoimmune symptoms.

I spent years searching for answers—exhausted, inflamed, and frustrated with the traditional medical system. I was told to “manage” my symptoms, but deep down, I knew there had to be another way.

I learned that:

– You can’t medicate your way to lasting change.

– You can’t out-supplement, out-diet, or out-exercise chronic inflammation.

– You HAVE to heal the root cause.

– When I finally uncovered the key to lasting health and vitality, everything changed. And now, I want to help YOU experience the same transformation.

I just celebrated one year symptom-free, negative Lupus markers, and have helped so many women experience similar transformations.

Some of the testimonials from current and previous clients:

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What type of cardio to do after strength training

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Hey hey hey! How’s your day going?? It’s been a wild week over here but all is well.

For today’s post, I wanted to talk about cardio dilemmas, and what type of cardio to do after weight training sessions. I feel like there’s a lot of confusion about this, and one of the things that hinders people from doing solo cardio is the fact that they don’t know what to do. It’s SO MUCH EASIER to get it done if you have a plan in place.

Are you unsure of what type of cardio to do after strength training? How much cardio do you need? What types should you do? Fitnessista breaks it all down

What Types Of Cardio Strength Training To Do After Strength Training

Why do we need cardio? How much cardio should we get in each week??

Cardio (also known as cardiovascular exercise) is not only an effective method to burn fat, build endurance, and increase speed, but it’s also obviously important for heart health and helps build muscle mass. Cardio consists of anything that keeps our heart rate elevated for a sustained amount of time. From this website: “Building cardiorespiratory endurance through regular physical activity allows your heart and lungs to work more efficiently, thereby improving your physical capacity to deal with stress and lowering your risk factors for several chronic diseases. Regular physical activity helps control obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol — with a net result of cutting your heart disease risk almost in half, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC. By providing weight control, regular exercise also cuts your risk factors for developing Type 2 diabetes and certain cancers. Additionally, building cardiorespiratory endurance benefits mental health by providing a buffer against anxiety and depression.”

There are so many cardio methods in the fitness ocean, but I like to break them down into 5 main categories:


-Tempo work

-Hill/resistance work

-HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)

-Active recovery or NEAT (Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis, or what I refer to as “unintentional exercise,” like gardening, vacuuming, walking the dogs, cleaning, etc.)

According to NASM, we need at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiorespiratory exercise, 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity, or a combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity exercise per week. The weekly recommendation for resistance training is 2 or more times a week with exercises for all the major muscle groups (minimum of 1 set of 8-12 repetitions for each muscle group). Flexibility and neuromotor exercises (balance, agility, coordination) are also recommended at least twice per week.

Why we should alternate cardio intensities:

It is SO important to not only vary the mode of exercise you do but the intensity of the workload.

The body is a smart machine and gets used to the same demands over time. For example, if you hike a strenuous trail for the first time, chances are that your heart rate will be elevated, your legs will be sore, and you’ll burn a ton of calories. If you begin to hike that same trail, every day, for weeks on end, you may find that it starts to feel easy. Your heart rate isn’t as elevated, it doesn’t feel challenging to you, and you burn fewer calories. Also, maybe you begin to feel a nagging pain in the outer part of your knees from the slight tilt of the trail to one side.

When we

Buddha Bowl Dressing Recipe

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Sharing a super easy and delicious buddha bowl dressing recipe.

Hi friends! How’s the week going?? It’s been a good one over here. I have a few appointments today and looking forward to a low-key night at home. I’ve been finishing up a round of the EquiLife detox and have been enjoying all of the fresh and colorful foods I’ve been eating.

Today, I wanted to chat a little bit about Buddha bowls and one of my go-to recipes for salad dressings. I make this almost weekly and love having it on hand.

(Sakara is what made me fall in love with Buddha bowls for lunch! Their salads always include a mix of  gluten-free grains, tons of veggies, crunchy toppings, and amazing sauces)

Buddha bowl dressing recipe

Buddha bowls are one of the most versatile and delicious meals you can make. They typically feature a balanced mix of grains, protein, vegetables, and a flavorful sauce to tie everything together. What makes them unique is their vibrant combination of colors, textures, and nutrients. These macro bowls are packed with fiber, healthy fats, and protein, making them a great plant-based option for any meal.

The key to taking your Buddha bowl recipe to the next level is the dressing. A great Buddha bowl dressing enhances the natural flavors of the ingredients, bringing them together into a perfectly balanced bite. Here’s my favorite dressing that will complement pretty much any Buhha bowl combo!

How To Make Buddha Bowls Interesting

Buddha bowls are already packed with variety, but there are a few ways to make them even more exciting! One of the best ways to elevate your grain bowls is by using a delicious Buddha bowl dressing. The right sauce can transform simple ingredients like brown rice, sweet potatoes, and black beans into a next-level meal.

Other ways to make your Buddha bowl interesting include:

Adding a crunchy topping like toasted seeds or nuts.

Using a mix of cooked and raw veggies for varied textures.

Experimenting with different grain bases, such as quinoa, farro, or brown rice.

Including a flavorful protein source like marinated tofu cooked in the air fr

Amazon Spring Fashion Faves

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Sharing some of my favorite Amazon spring fashion finds!

Hi friends! How are you? I hope that your week is off to a great start. This week, I’m getting everything ready for the launch of my new program. Newsletter subscribers will get access at the end of the week, and I’ll post the details here on the blog next Monday. I can’t wait to share with you!

In the meantime, spring is in the aiiiirirrrrr. I keep holding my breath for a cold front, but Tucson thinks it’s spring, and I’m ok with that. It’s getting me so excited for warmer days, spring break, and breaking out sandals and dresses.

Amazon has been killing it lately with cute options for spring, so I thought I’d share a roundup of my latest picks today on the blog. If you have anything you have your eye on for spring, please shout it out in the comments section.

*Affiliate links are included below. Thank you so much for supporting the blog by shopping through my links!

Amazon Spring Fashion Faves

Wedding guest

I have this in black and it’s so flattering and perfect for many occasions

This 3D floral embroidery dress

This satin flutter sleeve dress

This one-sleeve dress

Casual dresses

This crew neck dress

This flowy midi dress

This open back maxi dress

This striped ribbed dress

A Somerset lookalike in so many colors

This gorgeous printed dress

This dress looks way more expensive than it is

Gives me Zimmermann vibes

This puff-sleeve dress is so classic and cute

Amazing Free People dupe


This cute lounge set

This travel set (just ordered it)

I have this set from last year and loooove it


This cute everyday bag.

A straw crossbody

Dressy clutch

Important question: what sandals do you have your eye on for spring?

2.21 Friday Faves

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Hi friends! Happy Friday! What do you have going on this weekend? It’s Rodeo Break (it’s an AZ thing and I love it), so the kids are off school. We’re just enjoying some Tucson adventures, fun with friends, and enjoying this spring-like weather. Sending some sunshine to my freezing friends right now!

I’m doing a round of the EquiLife detox right now and feeling amazing. I was planning on starting with our community in January, but everyone else in the house got sick with a cold/virus, so I stopped after one day. I needed to shift my focus to immunity, and was able to stay healthy while I took care of everyone else.

Now that the retirement is over and things are a little more calm, it was a good opportunity to hop into it for 14 days. You can read more about my previous detox experiences here. This one focuses on high nutrients and lots of fresh, whole foods, so it’s pretty easy to stick with it. (Worth mentioning here that I skip the fasting days.)

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the commens section below.

2.21 Friday Faves

Fashion + beauty + random:

Beefsteak! This is one of our favorite local events, and the funds support veterans and military families. They have a live auction (they auctioned a Tesla this year, which was pretty cool!) and silent auction, a delicious dinner (the seafood area this year was amaaaaazing), drinks. and dancing. I always love a lil opportunity to get dressed up and party it up with the Pilot and friends.

Dress was a last-minute Dillards find:<
