157: The true meaning of health with Rachel Scheer

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Hi friends! I have a new podcast episode up today and am so happy to be chatting with Rachel Scheer.

We talk about:

Her healing story and how she become a functional medicine practitioner

Her tips for stress reduction and how stress impacts major functions in the body

The pillars of health and what it means to be healthy

Her tips for being “Healthy in Real Life”

and so much more!

157: The true meaning of health with Rachel Scheer

Rachel Scheer is a certified Functional Medicine practitioner with a degree in Nutrition Science and Dietetics from Baylor University. She is also the CEO and founder of Rachel Scheer Nutrition, a leading Functional Medicine Nutrition Practice in the United States. Facing severe gut issues that nearly led to surgery, which would have removed her entire large intestines, Rachel transformed her health through functional medicine, nutrition, and lifestyle changes. She is passionate about helping others do the same.
As an acclaimed speaker and author of “Root Cause: The Complete Guide to Functional Nutrition for Coaches,” she is the visionary behind the RSN Functional Nutrition Institute, offering comprehensive certification programs for coaches and practitioners. She is also passionate about helping other female entrepreneurs create their own success and abundance.

Connect with Rachel on her website and her Instagram.


I’ve been using Nutrisense on and off for a couple of years now. I love being able to see how my blood sugar responds to my diet and habits, and run experiments. You can try out Nutrisense here and use GINA50 for $50 off.

Join us for Fit Team! This is my online fitness community and you can try it free for 7 days.

I love love love the meals from Sakara LifeUse this link and the code XOGINAH for 20% off their meal delivery and clean boutique items. This is something I do once a month as a lil treat to myself

March 2024 Reads

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Sharing the books I read in March and if I’d recommend adding them to your collection!

Hi friends! How are ya? I hope your morning is going well! I’m catching a barre class today and looking forward to client calls this atfernoon.

(I was apprehensive to post this pic because it’s not very flattering. But, apaprently this is what my legs look like in the sun, so I’m going for it.)

For today’s post, I wanted to share the books I read in March. It was a lighter reading month for me, but still a couple of great pics! I’d love to hear what you’ve read and loved lately if you’ll share in the comments section.

March 2024 reads

$100M Leads

I’m a huge fan of Alex Hormozi. His recipes on Instagram are a little gross, but from a coaching/teaching/entrepreneur perscpetive, I love his teaching style and think he gives a ton of value in his books. Since I enjoyed $100M offers so much, I downloaded this one on Audible. It was an easy read and provided a lot of tips on growing your email list, creating content, and how to target with Facebook ads. I don’t spend much at all on Facebook ads, but it’s something I want to explore this year. 9/10

From Amazon:

This book contains the playbooks that took me from sleeping on my gym floor to owning a portfolio of companies that generate $200,000,000 per year in under a decade. Wanna know the biggest difference between those two time periods? How many leads I was getting.

The problem is – most business owners don’t know how to get leads.

I wrote this book to solve your LEADS problem.

Today, our companies generate 20,000+ new leads per day across sixteen different industries. And, they do it using the eight “never-go-hungry” playbooks inside. Once you see them, you can’t unsee them. They’re so powerful, they work without your permission.

Inside you will find…

…The easiest way to get another five customers tomorrow

…The hook-retain-reward system to transform content into leads

…The 6-part ad framework that gets more people – especially strangers – to want what you sell

…The one question that immediately turns any stranger (no matter how cold) into a hot lead

…The 7 direct referral methods responsible for 30% of my sales

…The affiliate playbook that gets hundreds of other businesses t

Hormonal SOS: lifestyle tweaks for women in their 30s

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Sharing some liestyle tweaks for my friends in their 30s. 

Hi friends! How are you? I hope that you had a wonderful weekend and that my friends who were celebrating enjoyed a happy Easter. This week, the kids head back in school, and I’m back to the routine after a fun trip to California and a festive weekend with family.

For today’s post, I wanted to chat a bit about hormone changes and simple lifestyle tweaks we can make for our hormones. I’m writing this for my friends who are in their 30s (let me know if you’d like me to do one for 40s! I’m going to be 40 this year so I’ll be there soon myself), and as always, I’m here if you have questions or if I can support you in any way.

As women transition through their 30s, hormonal fluctuations become more pronounced, impacting various aspects of health and well-being. From mood swings to disrupted sleep and fluctuating energy levels, dealing with these hormonal shifts can feel like an uphill battle. However, with strategic lifestyle adjustments, it’s possible to support hormonal balance and thrive during this transformative decade.

Here are some of my tips for women in their 30s! As always, talk with a doctor before making any fitness or nutrition changes.

Hormonal SOS: likestyle tweaks for women in their 30s

Prioritize Sleep Hygiene:

Quality sleep is paramount for hormonal health, yet it often takes a backseat in our busy lives. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a calming bedtime routine, and optimizing sleep environment can promote restorative sleep and hormonal balance. Consider incorporating relaxing activities such as reading a book, taking a warm bath with Epsom salts, relaxing in the sauna blanket, or practicing gentle yoga stretches before bed to unwind and signal to your body that it’s time to wind down.

Mindful Movement:

Regular exercise is vital for overall health, but excessive or intense workouts can stress the body and disrupt hormonal equilibrium. Embrace mindful movement practices like yoga, Pilates, or walking to support adrenal health and mitigate stress-induced hormonal imbalances.

Instead of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions every day, intersperse your routine with gentle, rejuvenating activities like nature walks, restorative yoga, or leisurely bike rides. A good rule of thumb: if you did it yesterday (and it was intense), don’t do it again today. Try to alternate intensities in your weekly routine.

Balanced Nutrition:

Fuel your body with nutrient-dense foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to support hormonal health. Prioritize whole foods, fiber-rich vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats while minimizing processed foods, refined sugars, and excessive caffeine intake. Incorporate hormone-balancing foods such as leafy greens, fatty fish, nuts and seeds, and fermented foods li

Friday Faves 3.29

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Hi friends! Happy Friday! How was the week? Ours was a whirlwind, but SO much fun.

I had our choir performance last Friday, drove Liv to Phoenix for her dance competition early Saturday morning, spent the night, the Pilot and I P drove up, I rushed home for our Sunday performance while they stayed in Phoenix for Day 2 of dance competition,

I took the shuttle from Tucson to Phoenix early Monday morning, they swooped me at the airport, we drove to Anaheim for Disney fun for a couple of days, then to San Diego for a couple of days. We’re finally back home after a super fun adventure and spring break!

It definitely felt good to sleep in our bed last night and I’m looking forward to a low-key Easter weekend with the fam. I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to!

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below.

Friday Faves 3.29

Spring Break vacation:

Some pics from the Disney and San Diego adventures:

We had our usual Goofy’s Kitchen dinner (so good and such a fun way to kick off the trip!)Read more

Motivation tips for group fitness instructors

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Motivation Tips For Group Fitness Instructors

For today’s post, I wanted to talk about motivation tips for group fitness instructors: what I’ve found to work in my years of teaching, what only works for some people, and what falls flat, no matter what. I would love to hear your thoughts and experience as group fitness participants or fellow instructors!! Whether you’re leading through a screen, like many instructors are after Rona, or in person, motivation strategies are super important. You want to transmit energy and inspire individuals and group exercise participants both effectively and authentically.

What works (almost) every time:

Use great music with a diverse playlist.

This is one of my favorite things to do! Include a mix of music in your playlists, because someone in class will love the *weird song* you picked. For example, I’ll throw in a random oldies or country song just to keep things fun, and will also try to mix up top 40s music with more alternative and instrumental styles. If you make an entire playlist based on one genre (like EDM or top 40s) one person in class will love every song, but one person will hate every song and possibly never come back.

Call out participants by their names.

I think it’s so much more meaningful this way and shows participants that you care about them.

Acknowledge their hard work and push them to take it up within a safe level.

I talk more about this here! It’s SO important to encourage participants to listen to their body, modify as needed, and be proud of them for showing up!!!

Demonstrate proper form and ways to modify or progress an exercise.

When participants have confidence in the moves and know they’re not setting themselves up for injury, it’s more motivating. 😉

Emphasizing the muscle group they’re working.

Explain why it’s important (“a strong core helps protect our low back and support everyday movements”), and helping them put their mind to muscle.

Just be quiet.

Sometimes it motivating and powerful to be quiet for a bit and let the energy and music do the talking for you.

What works sometimes, depending on the vibe and your personality:

The more “woo” side of things, like visualizations.

During a spin class, sometimes I’ll say something like, “Imagine the people you love standing on the side of the road right now holding a sign to inspire you. What does the sign say?” Or “For our sprint, we’re riding against your biggest competition. Maybe it’s someone from work, or maybe it’s someone who doesn’t even know who you are.”

Hands-on adjustments.

Some people love these and some people hate them, so it’s good to ask at the beginning of class if there are injuries or if anyone is uncomforta
