Summer Shape Up 2023 Winners!

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Summer Shape Up 2023 Winners!

Our team is continuously impressed by our LSF community. All the women in this community worked their butts off in this challenge and we are so proud of each and every one of you! You all finished this 6-Week Challenge strong which will help to create amazing habits that will last a lifetime. Thank you for pushing yourselves and our community to be the best we can be! 

We wanted to bring back the intensity with this challenge- in our workouts, our nutrition, our weekly prizes, and most importantly, our grand prize (a free trip for two to HAWAII)!! We brought back Accountability Groups to connect members with each other & lean on each other for support during the 6 week challenge. We introduced new videos in the MOVE app, all focused on specific areas of the body to really feel that burn. We also re-introduced weekly giveaways for our #teamlsf community who remain the most loyal and supportive fitness community to exist! 

Now it’s time to shout out our SSU23 winners! These inspiring women, not only have incredible transformation photos but the most heart warming stories!


Dara B. (dara_lsf_compassionatehouse) – Total pounds lost: 8

Dara’s story:

“I was so excited for this summer shape up cause it was lining up with me jumping into some new fitness goals. I have been working out pretty consistent, but I wasn’t seeing much change anymore. I was feeling like maybe I will never reach my goals.”

“We started the challenge the day I went to camp…I thought that was gonna be hard. I did pack lots of heathy snacks, and all my LSF nutrition went with me to help temptations go away. Then stared over on the 14 day shape up meal plan to just really detox and help my body after camp. It felt so good! Then for our beach trip a couple weeks ago I looked at the meal plan, and we pack the food for the menu that week.”

“My dad is like how much longer do you have to eat like this. Cause he loves his french fries… and not the sweet potatoes one. I would say “forever” then laugh. I said this is going to continue when the challenge is over. I want this to be a lifestyle. I had my mom and grandma doing the daily 10 every night and eating the meal plans. It was so awesome cause they are both trying to lose weight. It has been so awesome making progress as a family and seeing us get stronger physically but also mentally.”

“I liked accountability groups cause it made it less overwhelming. I would set time aside each day to go through the #teamlsf cause all those smiles and ugh faces lol motived me to keep going, and che

How to Maintain Your Weight Loss Results

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How to Maintain Your Weight Loss

Can you even believe it? Our 6 week Summer Shape Up challenge is over, but girlfriend – you are JUST GETTING STARTED. Whether you are trying to maintain your weight loss or keep pushing yourself further, this is how to make it happen this fall.

Finding Your Balance

Maintaining your results doesn’t mean sticking rigidly to the same routine forever. It’s about finding the right balance between sticking to the foundational habits you’ve built during the challenge and being flexible to make adjustments that make sense for your lifestyle.

Schedule Your Workouts

It doesn’t have to be the same time every day, but schedule your MOVE workouts into your week ahead of time to ensure it’s non-negotiable part of your routine. If you need to change it, that’s ok, but reschedule it in the moment. Don’t wait to “figure it out later.” It’s too easy to let that time slide if it’s not planned.

Mix It Up…The RIGHT Way

Progress comes from repetition, but that doesn’t mean doing the same exact workout day after day. The programs in MOVE are designed to give you the best balance of training styles while still providing flexibility. Try out the new videos, take your workout outside, join Katie’s live workouts, or checkout a new class with a friend on your cardio days. Keeping it fresh can help you stay inspired and prevent any boredom from creeping in.

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All about Zone 2 cardio and how to use it in your routine

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Sharing the details about Zone 2 cardio, how to use it, and how often to implement it in your routine.

Hi hi! How are you? Happy Monday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! We had ice cream sundaes at my dads, went to a birthday party and sushi, and took the kids roller skating. I also successfully conquered the first week of school laundry pile and got some things together for this week’s launch. All of the details about my new program will be here on the blog this Wednesday!

For today’s post, I thought we’d chat a little about Zone 2 cardio. You may have heard more about Zone 2 recently, as it’s been touted as a longevity tool by popular online biohackers. I’ve always been a fan of Zone 2 for the mental benefits and more sustainable pace, so I’m sharing the details on this training tool and how to use it in your routine. (As always, talk to a doctor before making any fitness changes.)

All about Zone 2 cardio and how to use it in your routine

In the world of fitness, we often hear about high-intensity interval training (HIIT), weightlifting, and various heart-pounding workouts that promise quick results. While these methods have their merits, there’s another fitness gem that’s been quietly working its magic – Zone 2 cardio. If you’re looking for a sustainable, fat-burning, and heart-healthy approach to exercise, Zone 2 cardio might just be the game-changer you’ve been seeking.

What is Zone 2 Cardio?

Zone 2 cardio is a training method that focuses on exercising within a specific heart rate zone, typically around 60-70% of your maximum heart rate. This zone is often referred to as the “aerobic zone,” where your body efficiently uses oxygen to burn fat for fuel. Unlike higher-intensity workouts that primarily rely on carbohydrates, Zone 2 cardio taps into your body’s fat stores, making it an effective strategy for weight management and endurance building.

The Beauty of Low(er) and Slow(er):

Picture this: a steady, moderate-paced jog or a brisk walk where you can comfortably hold a conversation. That’s the essence of Zone 2 cardio. It’s about embracing a lower intensity that allows you to sustain the activity for extended periods without feeling exhausted. This approach not only boosts your cardiovascular fitness but also fosters a healthy relationship with exercise – one that you can stick with over the long haul.

Benefits of Zone 2:

Zone 2 cardio goes beyond the physical burn; it delivers a host of benefits that can transform your overall well-being.

Here’s a glimpse of some of the potential benefits:

1. Fat Burning and Weight Management: By training your body to rely on fat for energy, Zone 2 cardio can be an effective tool for shedding excess pounds and maintaining a healthy weight.

2. Enhanced Endurance: Regular sessions in Zone 2 can improve your aerobic capacity, enabling you to go the distance with ease and conquer physical challenges. If you’re training for endurance races or events, Zone 2 training can be a critical piece of your training.

3. Heart Health: Zone 2 cardio is a gentle way to potentially strengthen your heart, reduce blood pressure, and enhance circulation, all of which can contribute to a healthier cardiovascular s

How to get your Summer Body in just 6 weeks

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Get your summer body all year long with Summer Shape Up.

Summer is finally here which means my Summer Shape Up Challenge is BACK! Are you ready to confidently rock that bikini? If you are not quite where you want to be, we’ve got you covered. I have put together a foolproof plan to help you achieve your summer body goals in just six weeks. Let me show you how.

Step 1: Setting Goals: Know what you want!

The first step in your journey is setting realistic and achievable goals. Whether you want to lose a few pounds, tone your body, or simply feel stronger, outlining what you want to do will allow you to build habits to get there.

Start by visualizing your dream summer body and break it down into smaller milestones. 

Step 2: Have a Plan: A roadmap designed for YOU!

Now that you know what you want, you need to know how to get there. My 6 week Summer Shape Up challenge gives you a step by step, easy to follow and stick to plan to get results. No diets. No crazy intense gym workouts. Just 30 minutes a day at home.  

Step 3: Fuel Your Body Right

Let’s talk nutrition! The key to how you feel and lose weight is centered around what you put into your body. Our Summer Shape Up Nutrition Plan is an easy to follow ebook for 6 weeks. It includes both my Hot Body Meal Plan and my 14 Day Shape Up and is full of healthy recipes and nutritional tips to support your fitness journey. Nourishing your body with wholesome, delicious meals is a vital part of reaching your goals. With the SSU eBook, you’ll have all the tools you need to create balanced and satisfying meals that will leave you energized and ready to conquer the world.

To get the best results, our LSF Nutrition line offers clean and effective supplements designed specifically for women. From protein powders to energy boosts perfect for before your workout, we’ve got you covered. Fueling your body with the right nutrients w

5 online barre classes you must try

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Sharing 5 online barre classes you must try and are a fun component to add to your fitness routine. 

Hi friends! How are you? I hope your morning is going well and that you had a wonderful weekend! Ours was the perfect summer weekend packed with fun and friend time, and this week, the kids are at a day camp and I’m officially back to work after lots of vacation time. It’s hard to believe that I went so many years without taking a single day off from blogging or content creation. You do what you gotta do, but it’s no wonder I was so burned out. I’ve definitely gotten used to giving myself a day off here and there, and it’s made a difference in my happiness and productivity.

For today, I wanted to talk about a workout format that has stood the test of time. It’s something that I’ve loved for many years and always come back to it as a staple in my routine:


I LOVE barre workouts because they give me a little reminder of my dance days of yore, they’re incredibly challenging, yet easier on the joints. There’s minimal impact and I feel like no matter what, I always get a good workout. There are so many great online barre options, so I wanted to share five of my top fives if you’re looking to get in some barre classes at home this summer!

5 online barre classes you must try

Pure Barre

Pure Barre classes are designed to target specific muscle groups using small, isometric movements. By isolating and working these muscles to the point of fatigue, you can achieve a long, lean physique while improving your flexibility, posture, and overall body alignment.

One of the things I love most about Pure Barre is its inclusivity. Whether you’re a seasoned fitness enthusiast or a beginner, Pure Barre offers modifications and variations to meet you where you are on your fitness journey. The supportive and encouraging environment makes it a welcoming space for all fitness levels and ages.

Why I like Pure Barre:

I feel like these classes are more music-driven, and they feel like the most *classic* barre exercises to me. It includes a mix of pulses, isometric holds, and full-range movements, in addition to core burners, juicy stretches, and challenging series. With a variety of class formats, including Classic, Empower, and Reform, you can mix it up and keep your workouts fresh and exciting.

Pricing: Starts at $9.99/month (billed annually; $29.99 billed monthly) and you also get access to different formats, including Club Pilates and Yoga Six.


Barre3 is all about finding balance in every aspect of your life. With a focus on functional movements, the workouts aim to improve streng