Premenstrual Syndrome Self-Care

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Sharing tips on premenstrual syndrome self-care and how to have happier and more balanced days leading up to your cycle.

Hi friends! How’s the day going so far? I hope you’re enjoying the morning. I’m going to take a hot yoga class and then catch up on some admin stuff around here.

Today, I wanted to dive into a topic that’s all too familiar to many of us: premenstrual syndrome (PMS). We’ll explore what it is, why it happens, and most importantly, how you can embrace self-care to make your pre-period days happier and healthier.

Premenstrual Syndrome Self-Care

As women, we know that our menstrual cycle can be both a source of empowerment and, at times, a bit of a challenge. The days leading up to our period can often feel like an emotional and physical rollercoaster. You might find yourself wondering, “Is there a way to make this time more comfortable?” The answer is a resounding yes!

PMS is incredibly common, affecting millions of women worldwide. It’s not just about a little moodiness; it can get pretty disruptive and uncomfortable. You might experience mood swings, bloating, irritability, and those delightful cravings for chocolate and chips. Trust me; you’re not alone. At the same time, it’s important to remember that while these symptoms are common, they’re not *normal.* Your body WANTS to be in balance, and there are ways to make your cycle less of an emotional and physical event.

What Is Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)?

PMS is a set of symptoms that typically occurs in the days leading up to your period. It’s like a not-so-pleasant reminder that Aunt Flo is on her way. These symptoms are linked to hormonal fluctuations, primarily involving estrogen and progesterone.

Premenstrual Syndrome Symptoms

Let’s break it down with a quick list of common PMS symptoms:

Mood swings that can make you feel all over the place: elated, melancholy, sad, crying, irritable, anxious, and moody

Tender breasts

Bloating that makes stretchy pants the only enjoyable wardrobe choice

Food cravings that lead to intense love affairs with chocolate, chips, fried foods, and ice cream

ButcherBox Product Review

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Sharing my full review of ButcherBox now that we’ve been using it for over a year. If you’d like to try it out, you can use this link for $50 off. This post isn’t sponsored; just sharing it because we love it!

Hi hi! How’s the morning going so far? I’m off to a Pilates class, have an afternoon filled with coaching calls, and then date night with the Pilot. I hope you have a wonderful day!

Today, I wanted to talk about one of my favorite things that we have delivered to the house: ButcherBox! We’ve been using ButcherBox for a long time, and it makes grocery shopping so much easier. I thought I’d break it down in today’s post if you’re curious about giving it a try!

ButcherBox Product Review

What is ButcherBox?

ButcherBox is a subscription-based meat delivery service that promises to deliver high-quality, humanely-raised meat straight to your doorstep. The service offers a variety of meats, including grass-fed beef, heritage pork, and free-range chicken. They also offer deli meat, cooked options (like the best gluten-free chicken nuggets) and wild-caught shrimp.

The first thing to note about ButcherBox is that all of their meats are ethically sourced and free from antibiotics and hormones. The company partners with small-scale farmers and suppliers who raise their animals in humane conditions and follow strict standards for animal welfare.

The ordering process is straightforward – you can choose from a selection of pre-curated boxes or create your own custom box based on personal preferences. Boxes can be delivered on a monthly or bi-monthly basis, and customers can pause, cancel, or modify their subscription at any time. We typically do the custom box, but add on specials and member deals, like tri tip, extra steaks, and holiday fare, like corned beef for St. Patrick’s Day.

Once you receive your ButcherBox, the meats are vacuum-sealed and packaged in an insulated box with dry ice to ensure freshness during transit. The meats are delivered frozen and can be stored in the freezer until ready to use.

(They have dog treats now, too! Mazer is a huge fan)

Pros and cons of ButcherBox

In terms of the quality of the meat, ButcherBox definitely delivers. The cuts are consistently high-quality, with great flavor and texture. The grass-fed beef, in particular, is noticeably leaner and has a richer taste than conventionally-raised beef. The chicken and pork are also delicious and have a great de

Natural ways to beat afternoon slumps

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Sharing some of my tips for beating afternoon slumps and making it through the day with full energy! Of course, this is not medical advice. If you struggle with low energy, talk to your doctor. If you’re ready for a boost of energy, join us for our Community Detox starting September 11. You can order your kit here with the code FITNESSISTA10 and join our private Facebook group here. 

Hi hi! How are you? How was the weekend? We had the best time in San Diego – I’ll share some pics and adventures in Friday Faves!- and are back in Tucson, ready to tackle the rest of this nice short week. I hope your morning is going well so far!

In today’s post, I wanted to chat a bit about afternoon slumps + some of my tips if you feel a dip in energy mid-afternoon. As always, if you’re feeling unusually tired or not feeling well, reach out to your health care provider.

10 natural ways to beat afternoon slumps

You’re chugging along through your day, checking off tasks and conquering challenges, when suddenly, it hits you – the dreaded afternoon slump. That familiar wave of fatigue washes over you, and your once-productive self seems to have hit a brick wall. But fear not! Before you reach for that extra cup of coffee or a sugary pick-me-up, let’s explore some natural and effective ways to beat those afternoon blues and recharge your energy levels.

1. Power Up with Protein-Packed Snacks:

When the clock strikes 3 PM, it’s easy to succumb to the temptation of sugary snacks. Instead, opt for protein-rich options like a handful of almonds, Greek yogurt, or hummus with carrot sticks. Protein helps stabilize blood sugar levels, keeping your energy steady and preventing those sharp energy crashes.

2. Hydration is Key:

Dehydration can lead to feelings of sluggishness. Keep a water bottle at your desk and sip throughout the day. Add a splash of lemon for a refreshing twist that can invigorate your senses and provide a natural boost.

3. Take a Breath of Fresh Air:

A brisk walk outside or even a few minutes of deep breathing can do wonders for your energy levels. Fresh air and movement stimulate circulation, increase oxygen intake, and help clear your mind – a perfect recipe for renewed focus and vitality.

4. Embrace the Power Nap:

A short power nap (around 20-30 minutes) can be a game-changer. It’s enough time to recharge your batteries without entering a deep sleep cycle, helping you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of your day.

5. Energize with Essential Oils:

Certain essential oils, like peppermint and citrus blends, are known for their invigorating properties. Dab a drop or two on your wrists with a carrier oil (like jojoba or cocon

Friday Faves 9.1

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Hi hi! Happy weekend! What are you up to? We’re heading to San Diego for the long weekend and looking forward to some beach time, restaurants, and shopping. I hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead!

Thank you so much for all of the heartfelt and kind comments and emails after my last podcast episode. I’m so grateful for all of you and will absolutely keep you updated along the way.

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Summer Shape Up 2023 Winners!

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Summer Shape Up 2023 Winners!

Our team is continuously impressed by our LSF community. All the women in this community worked their butts off in this challenge and we are so proud of each and every one of you! You all finished this 6-Week Challenge strong which will help to create amazing habits that will last a lifetime. Thank you for pushing yourselves and our community to be the best we can be! 

We wanted to bring back the intensity with this challenge- in our workouts, our nutrition, our weekly prizes, and most importantly, our grand prize (a free trip for two to HAWAII)!! We brought back Accountability Groups to connect members with each other & lean on each other for support during the 6 week challenge. We introduced new videos in the MOVE app, all focused on specific areas of the body to really feel that burn. We also re-introduced weekly giveaways for our #teamlsf community who remain the most loyal and supportive fitness community to exist! 

Now it’s time to shout out our SSU23 winners! These inspiring women, not only have incredible transformation photos but the most heart warming stories!


Dara B. (dara_lsf_compassionatehouse) – Total pounds lost: 8

Dara’s story:

“I was so excited for this summer shape up cause it was lining up with me jumping into some new fitness goals. I have been working out pretty consistent, but I wasn’t seeing much change anymore. I was feeling like maybe I will never reach my goals.”

“We started the challenge the day I went to camp…I thought that was gonna be hard. I did pack lots of heathy snacks, and all my LSF nutrition went with me to help temptations go away. Then stared over on the 14 day shape up meal plan to just really detox and help my body after camp. It felt so good! Then for our beach trip a couple weeks ago I looked at the meal plan, and we pack the food for the menu that week.”

“My dad is like how much longer do you have to eat like this. Cause he loves his french fries… and not the sweet potatoes one. I would say “forever” then laugh. I said this is going to continue when the challenge is over. I want this to be a lifestyle. I had my mom and grandma doing the daily 10 every night and eating the meal plans. It was so awesome cause they are both trying to lose weight. It has been so awesome making progress as a family and seeing us get stronger physically but also mentally.”

“I liked accountability groups cause it made it less overwhelming. I would set time aside each day to go through the #teamlsf cause all those smiles and ugh faces lol motived me to keep going, and che
