February Reads

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Sharing the books I read in February and if I’d recommend adding them to your list. 

Hi hi! How are you doing? I hope you had a wonderful weekend. We spent a lot of it ripping out baseboards and moving furniture downstairs, but I caught a yoga class at Session and we had a lovely family dinner. Today, I have a couple of calls and am going to sneak away to work since the house is under construction.

For today’s post, I wanted to share the books I read in February! I made it through four books last month, and there was a mix of finance-related fare, in addition to SPICINESS. Here are the details if you’re looking for some new options to add to your TBR (to be read) list.

February Reads

Rich AF

I definitely recommend listening to the audio version of this, especially if you don’t mind a little sass and crass language. Vivian Tu, aka Your Rich BFF, has such a fun way of explaining basic finance priciples (investment types, budgeting, tips for saving) and is extremely motivating and encouraging along the way. It included a lot of necessary nudges to focus more on our investment and saving strategy; it’s one of my goals for the next year, especially as the Pilot transitions back to the airlines. One of my favorite quotes is that you can buy anything, but you don’t need to buy everything. It’s about making your purchases worth your while. 9/10 recommend.

From Amazon:

When Vivian Tu started working on Wall Street fresh from undergrad, all she knew was that she was making more money than she had ever seen in her life. But it wasn’t until she found a mentor of her own on the trading floor that she began to understand what wealthy people knew intuitively—the secrets to beating the proverbial financial game that has, for too long, been male, pale, and stale.

Building on the lessons she learned on Wall Street about money and the markets, Vivian now offers her best personal finance tips and tricks to readers of all ages and demographics, so that anyone can get rich, whether you grew up knowing the rules to the game or not. Vivian will be your mentor, dispensing fresh, no-BS advice o

Friday Faves 3.1

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Hi friends! Happy Friday! What are you up to this weekend? I’m looking forward to a yoga class, dinner with the fam, and having a *nothing* weekend after 4 weeks in a row of trips to Phoenix, Vegas, San Diego, and then back to Phoenix last weekend. Even though we had a blast, it will be nice to have a low-key weekend at home.

Last week’s adventure: taking Liv to see Olivia Rodrigo! This was one of her Christmas presents, and she’d been looking forward to it. (I felt bad that the four of us couldn’t go, but it was a fight for my life to get the two tickets when presale went live!) P had a daddy-daughter adventures to the bowling alley and arcade with friends.

Olivia Rodrigo was amaaaaaazing. I really like her voice – Liv is a HUGE fan- and I was blown away by the talent, production quality, and dancers. I liked it even more than Taylor Swift (don’t throw anything at me!)

We went with friends, which made the experience even more enjoyable. The rest of the week has been filled with house stuff – I can’t wait to show ya the final result – and the school/dance/work/chore/life usual craziness.

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below.

Read, watch, listen:

Listening to this podcast episode while I write this post.

Don’t forget to check out this week’s HRL episode with Udo Erasmus’ 8-step process for whole health. 

On a mission to help Mazer live foreverrrrrr.

How one small habit can change your life. 

Health + Fitness:

I put on a new CGM and it’s been fun

154: 8-step process to whole health with Udo Erasmus

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Hi friends! I’m so excited to welcome Udo Erasmus back to the show today! He’s someone who genuinely inspires me, and has so much wisdom to share, and I’m thrilled he agreed to come back to another episode. You can check out the previous episode, #152, here. 

His 8-step process that takes into consideration all of the elements of whole health, including mental health, presence and awareness, life energy, and being in harmony with nature and humanity.

The legendary Udo Erasmus is the co-founder of Udo’s Choice line, which can be found in Whole Foods and other health food stores worldwide. Udo designed the machinery for making oils with health in mind and pioneered flax oil, a billion dollar industry. However, Udo walked a difficult path tobecome the man he is today. Being a child of war, Udo’s life began with intense struggle. As an adult, he got pesticide poisoning in 1980, leaving doctors at a loss regarding treatment. Deciding to take his health into his own hands, Udo began researching, and his discoveries led him to a passion for finding the answers to life’s big questions which would hopefully one day bring him and the world peace.

Today, Udo is an acclaimed speaker and author of many books, including the best-selling Fats That Heal Fats That Kill, which has sold over 250,000 copies. He teaches at events hosted by Tony Robbins and Deepak Chopra, has keynoted an international brain health conference, and has traveled to over 30 countries to conduct thousands of live presentations, media interviews, and staff trainings impacting more than 25,000,000 lives with his message on oils, health, peace, nature, and human nature. Udo has an extensive education in biochemistry, genetics, biology, and nutrition, including a master’s degree in counseling psychology.

You can connect with him on his website and Read more

Side Crow Pose in Yoga

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Sharing tips on how to get side crow pose!  

Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re enjoying the morning so far! I’m getting in a quick workout and then getting to work here.. our floors are being replaced and that means we have to move everything downstairs. It’s a mess, but will be amazing when it’s done!

For today, let’s talk about yoga things. Yoga has been something that has felt consistently good to me for many years. I can’t believe I started practicing 20 years ago!! I’ve loved my yoga journey, especially yoga teacher training. It’s taught me a lot about patience, presence, and grace. Sometimes a yoga practice feels amazing, and other times, it feels incredibly difficult and challenging.

One of my favorite arm balances: side crow! In today’s post, I thought I’d do a lil how-to for this post if it’s something you’re working on.

Exploring different yoga poses not only diversifies your practice but also builds physical strength in various parts of your body. The Side Crow Pose, also known as Parsva Bakasana or the ‘twisted crow pose’, is a powerful arm-balancing posture that not only strengthens your upper arms, core, and wrists but also engages your lower body in a deep twist.

*Note: it’s helpful to go over this pose with a certified yoga instructor, so they can check your form and give you tips!

Side Crow Pose In Yoga

The Side Crow Pose is an advanced arm balance that involves lifting your feet off the floor and bending your elbows deeply while maintaining a deep twist.

It’s a variation of the Crow Pose, but with a more challenging twist, literally. While it can be intimidating at first, mastering the Side Crow Pose is deeply satisfying and rewarding.

Here are some tips on getting started! As always, move within a range that works for your body. Talk with a doctor before making any fitness changes.

Benefits Of Side Crow Pose

Builds upper body strength

Engages core muscles

Enhances balance and coordination

Improves focus and concentration

Stimulates digestion

How To Do Side Crow Pose: Step by Step

Step 1: Chair Pose to Twisting Torso

Start in a Chair Pose, bringing your palms together at heart center. Begin to twist your torso to the side, hooking one elbow outside the opposite knee.

Step 2: Deep Squat and Palms Placement

Sit your hips down lower into a deep squat, bringing the hands down to the floor. Place the palms shoulder-width apart, fingers spread wide. Create a deep bend in the elbows, making a “shelf” for your legs.

Read more

wearing makeup with blepharitis, dry eye, and MGD

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Sharing how I got back to wearing makeup after being diagnosed with dry eye, blepharitis and MGD, as well as my favorite brands. This is not medical advice; I’m just sharing my experience!

Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re having a wonderful morning! We’re finishing up Rodeo break (wah) so the kids are back to school and it’s back to the swing of things around here. I hope you have a great day!

For today’s post, I wanted to do a reader’s request after a comment I received last week. Ever since I posted about my eye issues, I’ve been overwhelmed by amazing messages and comments, but also saddened to hear that so many of you have found yourselves in a similar boat with sudden flares, autoimmune issues, and painful, red eyes. While I was in the depths of all of this last year, I was so frustrated and sad. I couldn’t see myself ever wearing contacts or eye makeup again. (I have no foresight whatsoever, so in my mind, what is happening now means it will be happening forever.)

I couldn’t wear makeup for many months and slowly made my way back to contacts and eye makeup. It’s taken a lot of work and healing – I’ll share more on my healing journey and everything I’ve done to decrease my histamine responses and inflammation in an upcoming post – but *knock on wood* I can finally make it through the day without constantly thinking about my eyes. Just putting that hope out there for my dry eye friends — it can and will get better. This won’t be forever. Hang in there, friends.

Please remember that I’m not a doctor and this isn’t medical advice. At the same time, many traditional eye doctors were mystified by my situation and didn’t know how to help me. I was determined to get to the root cause and improve the issue, and have done a lot of research and experiments on myself along the way. Shout out to my beloved dry eye specialist who gave me some answers and guidance! Also shout out to the beauty of functional testing, because I learned so much about how stress was affecting me, my gut imbalances, toxicities, and deficiencies.

wearing makeup with blepharitis, dry eye, and MGD

Here’s t
