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Coffee date chat

Having a coffee date chat with some of my best blog friends.

Hi! How’s the morning going? I hope you’re having a great one so far. It’s been a little while since we’ve had a coffee or juice chat around here, so let’s grab a favorite beverage and catch up a bit today. I’d probably ask you to join me at Dedicated, because it’s my favorite local bakery right now. Everything is gluten-free and their coffee drinks are amazing!

If we were having coffee right now….

I’d want to hear what’s going on with YOU. How are the human and/or fur children? How’s life? What do you have going on right now?

We’d probably talk about spring fever and summer plans. I’m SO READY for school (and homework!) to be over for the kids. I’m ready for late-night swims, slow mornings, and enjoying more time together. As far as summer travel goes, we’re headed to Hawaii this summer (can’t wait!!!) and I have multiple price alerts set for Spain. If the airline prices drop a little, we’re IN.

I’d want to know where you’ve been shopping lately. I feel like everything has been a little blah so far this season, but so far, I’m really loving Abercrombie (surprisingly!), Amazon finds (like this dress and this set), and Farm Rio. I’m still doing the RTR Unlimited subscription and it’s a nice way to keep things fresh without buying all the things lol.

I’d tell you about my garden. When I had all of my eye issues last spring, I let everything die. I didn’t want to be outside in the soil and wind since my eyes were so irritated, so my garden became survival of the fittest. Somehow, zucchinis grew the size of my forearm, one gigantic beet survived, and our rose bushes made it! They’re all blooming now and smell amazing. The Pilot built a new garden bed, we planted some new things for spring, and I’m excited to have a garden again.

I’d ask you what workouts you’ve been into lately. I’m still loving Sculpt Society, F45, barre, hiking, and hot yoga.

I’d probably chat with you about military life. The Pilot will be retired this winter and I can’t even believe it. I shared more in this vulnerable Instagram post, but I’m not going to be sad when it’s over. So much of military life is based on anxiety and worry, and waiting. Waiting for the next assignment, waiting for deployment to be over, waiting until things calm down (<— this never happens lol). I had to learn to be happy in the moment and to stop waiting for things, which positively affected my outlook on military life, and life in general. When he retires, I’ll be sad because I know he’ll be sad and miss it. It’s a huge part of his identity. I’m so proud of him and everything he’s accomplished, but looking forward to the next chapter.

I’d want to know what you’re excited about right now, and also share some future plans with you. I’ve been hard at work behind the scenes here on the blog, and also on an EquiLife mentorship. I’ll share some more details in the next couple of weeks, but it’s been an incredible opportunity.

So tell me, friends:

– What’s going on in your life? What are you excited about right now? Do you have a garden? Any summer plans?



The post Coffee date chat appeared first on The Fitnessista.

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