The pursuit of progress: how to truly appreciate and celebrate our wins

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It's easy to get so focused on the end result, or the next 'thing', that you forget all the positive steps you've already taken. But a little recognition goes a long way – you deserve to be proud of every achievement, and acknowledge each victory, no matter the size

The pursuit of progress: how to truly appreciate and celebrate our wins

Do you ever have days, or maybe months, where the challenges you’re facing feel insurmountable? Time is passing, but you seem rooted in place, making no headway, no matter how hard you try.

The truth is we’re so used to worrying about every stumble, or infinitesimal step back that we don’t often look over our shoulders to appreciate how far we’ve come.

Last summer, alongside a group of friends, I climbed the three highest mountains in the UK in 24 hours for charity – and it struck me what a real-life metaphor this was.

Every ascension offered spectacular views, but we didn’t dare take more than a swift glance around us to appreciate the passing beauty, due to the strict timeline.

As we progressed, that view became obstructed by clouds, or the path hidden behind outcrops, weaving between the folds of Mother Nature. And from the top? Elation at having actually made it, knowing we’d come a long way, but, in a literal sense, not being able to see it. Then, moving immediately on.

When bringing together this issue, our sixth anniversary edition, naturally it felt like a time to celebrate, to reflect on how far we’ve come. But in doing so, I realised how little we do that very thing in real life. How the passage of time sweeps us along, and we’re so focused on that next step that we don’t really appreciate all the ones we took to get there in the first place.

Climbing those mountains, every step was an uphill battle. I was bringing up the rear the entire way, worried about holding everyone back. But descending? I felt like I was flying down. Yes, I fell repeatedly, but did I get back up? Yes. Did I make it to the end? Yes.

Much like in life, we need to go at our own pace. We struggle and succeed uniquely, and above all, we’ll all get there in our own time.

You’ll get there in your own time.

The pursuit of progress: how to truly appreciate and celebrate our wins

Alongside covering this theme of celebration and appreciating the moment, our issue 72 print edition includes:

Engaging features such as an inside look at 'career cushioning' and why it's trending right now, breaking age stereotypes, and the powerful effect of the five elements of wonder.

Effective hacks on re-establishing routines, recognising food allergies vs intollerances, self-care rituals, and supporting a friend through an infertility diagnosis.

Expert advice on topics such as the importance of pronouns and how

How the pursuit of wellbeing unites us all

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Whatever route we explore to achieve it, and whatever unique barriers we face, there is a unifying desire that connects us all: to nurture our wellbeing

How the pursuit of wellbeing unites us all

In my time doing this job, I’ve sat down with a lot of different people. I’ve chatted with global superstars, actors, singers, and models. But also, artists, activists, authors, campaigners, community leaders, volunteers, people going through incredibly tough times, ordinary people doing extraordinary things – and, one time, a troupe of burlesque dancers.

You’ve probably noticed this in your own life, but two things I’ve learnt are: 1. The experiences we’ve had, the people we’ve mixed with, the causes we care about, and the ways we live our lives come together to create very unique people with very unique thoughts, feelings, and ideas. And, 2. There is so much that unites us.

People talk about a ‘universal language’ – something that can be understood by every human being, no matter their background, or what language they speak. Some may point to music as an example of this. Dance is another one, and football might edge its way in there, too. But something that the era of silent films shows us is that so much can be conveyed by tapping into the very basics of the human experience: our emotions, our passion – our actions, and our reactions.

In issue 71, we look at how the pursuit of wellbeing connects us all. We assess the importance of queer spaces on p28, and highlight the need to bring Traveller mental health conversations into the mainstream on p57. On p16, we explore how the Victorian tradition of a ‘change of air’ could reset our minds and help us find a sense of peace. And, on p32, we meet an 85-year-old and a 31-year-old who moved in together as part of an innovative scheme that addresses some of the UK’s most pressing issues.

From the six pillars of work-life balance (p36) to mastering the ‘physiological sigh’ (p39), this issue is also overflowing with tips and ideas that you can take with you to make an immediate difference in your life.

How the pursuit of wellbeing unites us all

But that's not all. The issue 71 print edition includes:

Fascinating features on parasocial relationships, yoga for desk workers, the joy of reading aloud, and recognising when you're being emotionally invalidated.

Life-changing hacks on dealing with information overload, navigating unwanted diet advice, and helping kids develop healthy gaming habits.

Expert advice on topics such as how to be more open-minded, dealing with intergenerational trauma, and an exploration of OCD.

Other people are endlessly fascinating. We can gain so much from their know

The revolutionary power of getting to grips with your full range of emotions

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In need of an emotional release? It's time to explore the full spectrum of your feelings – and learn how to accept them all

The revolutionary power of getting to grips with your full range of emotions

It’s funny, really: emotions are the very essence of being human, and yet we don’t devote much time to truly contemplating them.

Most of us take feelings at face value, or shy away from those with seemingly ‘negative’ connotations, without really thinking about what they might be trying to tell us.

What is behind our frustration that we’re too afraid to voice? Why is it that our eyes mist up when a joyful moment takes us by surprise?

Emotions are complex, and multi-layered, and sometimes expressing them can come with a lot of stigma.

But when we withdraw from facing how we truly feel, we risk not recognising the signs that our needs are not being met.

This special edition is dedicated to understanding the full spectrum of our emotional experience, from the powerful ways joy can help counter burnout, to the enlightment we can get from connecting with other generations.

Many of us will have first-hand experience of wanting to hide away from so-called ‘negative’ emotions, but we want to emphasise the fact that there is no such thing!

From our columnist Michelle Elman’s personal experience with survivor’s guilt, to coping with triggering situations, and redefining our perceptions of rage, there should be no shame in whatever it is you are feeling.

The revolutionary power of getting to grips with your full range of emotions

Plus, this emotions special, our issue 70, print edition includes:

Enlightening features including a spotlight on seasonal friendships, myths about success (and how to really succeed), the truth about aphrodisiacs, and liberation from the need to be liked.

Life-changing hacks on how to handle jealousy, morning rituals to improve your sleep, and anxiety-busting weekend activities.

Expert advice on topics such as lovebombing, accepting your relationship with your body post-baby, and how to deal with resentment.

Every emotion has value, and the ability to teach us something. Recognising the full range of our moods allows us to appreciate the light and shade of life, and truly value all aspects of the human experience.

Without moments of sadness, we couldn’t grasp the infinite value of love and contentment.

So, wherever you are on the emotional scale, know it won’t last forever, and there should be no shame or secrecy. Allow yourself to feel it all.

As Yogi Berra so artfully put it: “Whatever you do, you should do
it with feeling.”

Happy reading!

Rebecca Thair

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Breaking the barriers of 'I can't' to embrace new opportunities

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Why now is the time to challenge negative core beliefs, and how finding the courage to go your own way could revolutionise your wellbeing

Breaking the barriers of 'I can't' to embrace new opportunities

We all have it, that little voice whispering in our ear that we ‘can’t’, we aren’t ‘enough’, that we’ll ‘flop’.

This might stem from a desire for self-preservation. If we don’t try, we can’t fail, right? But where does that leave us? What would life be like if we always found ourselves hovering on the edge of possibility, and never taking that first step forward?

When self-doubt weighs on our shoulders, it can hold us back from the life we’ve always wanted. We might think we have to do what everyone else is doing, we can’t rock the boat, or steer off course, or that if we try, it’ll be a wreck waiting to happen.

But you know the thing about time? It’s fleeting. So you have to ensure you’re spending yours in whatever way fulfils you most.

Issue 69 is focused on challenging those core beliefs that you ‘can’t’, to make way for radical new avenues of thinking – and exploring the exciting roads of opportunity they may take you down.

Whether that’s working through our 20 life coach-approved questions on p75 to figure out what’s most important to you, or finding your personal ‘zone of genius’ and returning to education, like in the article on p51.

Perhaps it’s about finding innovative ways to heal, like through creative pursuits on p29, or coming out at a later age and accepting your authentic self on p65.

Breaking the barriers of 'I can't' to embrace new opportunities

Additionally, in this print edition you'll find:

Empowering features including how to embrace seasonal living, how adult Lego could form the building bricks for better wellbeing, support for communication delays in kids, and how to handle the halo or horn effect.

Impactful hacks on creating your own crisis plan, managing menstrual health in the workplace, and signs you're a super-helper (and how it could be harming you) .

Expert insight on a wide range of areas including supporing someone on their sobriety journey, how to stop self-destructive behaviours, and Marisa Peer on the transformative power of embracing 'you are enough'.

We implore you to open your mind to possibilities, and find comfort in going your own way.

Your path or destination doesn’t have to resemble anyone else’s – it’s yours to explore in your own time. But, we want to put an emphasis on making the most of that time.

As journalist Sydney Harris said: “Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.”

Let’s leave ‘if only’ in the past.

Rebecca Thair

Better together: discover the power of kindness and community spirit

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Could being there for one another, as shoulders to lean on in tough times, be the secret to improving our mental wellbeing?

Better together: discover the power of kindness and community spirit

Do you know the one thing you’ll never regret? Being kind.

When times are tough, and we’re all being tested in just about every way imaginable, we can never underestimate the impact of a thoughtful gesture.

A simple, selfless act could mean more than you’ll ever know. In fact, studies have even shown that goodwill has a ripple effect, lending credence to the saying ‘No good deed is ever wasted,’ and reminding us of the power we all have to make the world a better place.

This is exemplified in the nature of community spirit – the idea of pulling together, and strength in numbers.

The stories shared in our feature on p25 of issue 68 demonstrate the huge difference you can make by looking out for each other. Be there for someone on your good days, and you’ll find a shoulder to lean on during your bad ones, too.

With this in mind, our article on how to be a great advocate on p19 is a must-read, revealing exactly what your mental health rights are, so you can stand up for yourself and others.

Plus, on p71 we share how to bridge the divide of miscommunication to help us all get on the same page, and on p55 we discover why letting go of grudges and relinquishing resentments could be key to finding freedom and peace for you.

Better together: discover the power of kindness and community spirit

Additionally, in this print edition you'll find:

Engaging features including 44 good news stories to make you smile, how to make the festivities more meaningful, and Kelsey Parker opening up about grief and giving back.

Life-changing hacks on recognising the five 'fs' of stress, steps to heal from narcissistic abuse, and dealing with anxiety around post-birth sex.

Expert insight on a variety of topics including what to do when you're having an 'off day', breaking the taboo on bowel habits, and what to do if you're feeling financially trapped.

At Happiful, we’re calling this the season of self-care, and one of the best ways to feel good about yourself is by helping others.

So, extend a kind thought, share a smile, lend a hand, a shoulder to cry on, words of advice, rallying calls of encouragement and, above all, just be there for one another.

As Winnie-the-Pooh once said, “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.”

Remember, a little kindness goes a long way.

Rebecca Thair

Better together: discover the power of kindness and community spirit

Happiful's mission
Our company was built on the belief that everyone should have access to mental health support.